What's wrong with communism?

What's wrong with communism?


It's an idealistic idea born or opportunistic beings. And therefore, prone to corruption and elitism.

When everyone is rewarded equally, there is little reason to improve and innovate.

It is Jewish supremacy, meant to extract labor and wealth from genitles.

It's incompatible with humans

Came here to post this.

It doesn't work

In its very core, it runs contrary to human nature.

Because of that, it can never succeed.

Breadlines and gulags.

false assumption that humans will not abuse the system created for their benefit at the expense of everyone else
as long as human remains imperfect, communism is not possible, for everything imperfect creatures build carries their imperfection within which corrupts it from very beginning towards short and brutal end

Everything, mostly because it's judaism.

>ID: 7UeRh+el) 12/01/16(Thu)14:46:48 No.101072305 ▶
>File: moors-path.png (645 KB, 1377x679)
It's shit.

In communism, a government seizes your property by force and tells you to work.


Shit this stupid fuck down already.


Anime girls murder communists

pic related, and also, what said, but to expand on that, it's judaism from the wrong side of things. communism is great - if you're one of the ruling class and can keep your head physically attached to your body. if you're a goyim, then you're cattle among the herd. you're a slave.
>we pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us

Destroys culture

in capitalism, a bank owns your property and tell you to work

t. weeb

not if you are in debt to the bank, save up before you take out a 100k loan

Robots programmed to be communists would have no problem keeping things fair and running smoothly.

What do central banks giving large banks unlimited money have to do with capitalism?


What's not?

They would the moment a program starts learning and improve more than the others, or one of them gets in a need of repair.

Nice bait leaf.

-lack of way for public to restrain the government
-A leader can be elected, and end up staying in power for life.
-Dissenting opinions tend to result in people being jailed/killed in favor of those in power remaining there, resulting in major social issues never being resolved
-Should the person in power be an ideolog, major changes will take place simply because the leader thinks they know best. Were an SJW to some how lay claim to such power, then im sure we can all imagine what will happen next
-Extreme government corruption as the people of the upper class/political party scramble to become the next political leader upon the current one's death

The "ideal Communist system" puts way too much faith in the government. It might work for a little while if the first leader is absolutely obsessed with their ideals, though until the next leader comes into play either by assassinating the current one, usurping it, or simply inheriting it, their rule may absolutely destroy the 'ideal communist system,' in the effort to fight the latest invisible threat from 'x' country abroad.

Of course all of the gold and valuable resources must be taken from everyone's homes as otherwise how would the war be payed for? The populace is somehow armed in an authoritarian regime? Ha, we need weapons to arm our armies! give us all your guns, etc.

By the time anyone realizes the propaganda is bullshit, the country would have already turned into soviet russia.

As long as there's humans involved class systems and inequality will always exist. The only way I see communism or socialism working is if there are robots governments like described by Jaque Fresco in the Venus Project (must watch documentary). Other than that free markets are the way to go

>What's wrong with communism?
literally everything put its proponents like you OP are a real good bonus reason.




>Look guys we can rebrand others memes!
>We're so good at this!

2/10 I replied

What do you mean? That's the original version.