>intelligence of Asians
>athleticism of blacks
Are blasians the real master race Sup Forums
Am black. Would breed her
I thought those were the ones we called indians and told to poo in the loo?
Nope, black genes are so potent any evidence of an Asian heritege is wiped out.
Half black = Black.
when you mix shit and honey, you don't get chocolatey honey, you get shit with honey
Wrong Euro cuck.
You must get off to Tyrone banging your asian gf.
>intelligence of blacks
>athleticism of asians
Are blasians the real subhuman race?
>intelligence of Asians
>athleticism of blacks
>condensed lack of empathy
pls no
>Enitlement of both
Looks like a south east gook
Asian women belong to black gods
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
They are still niggers.
That's not how genetics work.
Selective breeding can solve that problem, my pale friend
looks vietnamese to me senpai
a race with the intelligence and swarm behaviour of Asians and the athleticism and repoductiveness of blacks, and lacking humanity,empathy or a heritage... my god straya, are you planning to create a human analogue to africanized honeybees or something.. jeez
the chinks who go for blacks are always the ugliest ones lmao
This is the answer to fixing blacks with low IQ
Has anyone ever personally met a blasian who was actually intelligent and never bitched about the hardships of their ancestors or their mixed genetics?
It's funny really. I get more love from white, latina and asian chicks than I do from my own race.
I have friend like this but his dad is Asian and his mom is black.
That's because black women in particular are literally subhuman.
>dumber than an asian
>less fit than a black
Jack of all trades, master of none
You're a nigger, you'll fuck anything.
Blasians are shit tier. The asian half of the family will disown them, the niggers are too fucking stupid to ever amount to anything.
The only blasians you'll find are the vile spawn of trashy asian women who fuck niggers just to piss their parents off. No different from mulattoes really.
>Ph.D in privilege and ghetto twitter
Asians may be better at math than whites, but they are lacking in all other characteristics, like creativity and ingenuity, the ability to innovate
Blacks are not more athletic. This is a Jewish lie. They are simply more savage, like a wild animal
Race mixing does not give you the best characteristics of the parents; instead of gives a miscellaneous mixture of both. Like an average.
Blasians are shit
hell ya niggu
Yeah, I dated a girl like this. She was left wing (double not white) but normie left wing. She wasn't a tumblr type.
And to answer OP's question, no, but I still encourage the mix because they're hot as fuck.
absolutely nigger tier.
>brown with slant eyes
Isn't that just a Mongolian?
It looks like a fucking high elf.
All elves must die.
Best pairing
any asian who breeds with a black is not intelligent
underrated and true
>>intelligence of Asians
Black+anything pretty much destroys any semblance of intelligence. The fact that the non-Black parent would willingly couple and produce offspring with a subhuman negro shows there wasn't much intelligence added from their side to begin with.