Krauts, how does it feel that the only men with testosterone in your land are these Turks?


Ihr werdet übernommen, was macht ihr denn?

tl;dr for superior English: Turks seem to be getting bolder and bolder with this 'boxing club' of roaches knowing they will take over your land. I hate Germans.

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That's what you get for flipping Christianity off for being too strict and allowing muzzies with open legs.

You reap what you sow.

You are correct. Tolerance is weak against intolerance. Islam is a strong horse in Germany, because of its belief, where the Germans exist inside a moral and cultural vacuum.

On behalf of all german basement dwellers with imaginary testosterone left, I'd like to apoologize for living in such a pussyfied nation.

honestly, what the fuck are you guys going to do? The fighting age male population is going to be minority krauts within a decade.

>amerisharts thinking the us is uncucked

Less cucked than you, sverige

We're fucked, basically. I believe that 'Germany' stopped existing in 1945...all that "look how they became a world power again" is wrong, we are just puppets for the US/jews or whatever conspiracy you like.
Merkel is kind of proof for that. Yes, people vote for her, but that's just how germans were made to be over the past 70 years - afraid to be german.

germany is shithole because germans are shit people

turks are ignorant and stupid too but i bet in a war you would find more turks to fight for germany than germs top kek :DDDD

are you a Kraut?

Was denn soll dein Plan sein? Are you going to emigrate to USA? I feel like we should create a fund for German refugees to come to America.

i love this guys, i hope they will fuck my gf


I'd be happy living on a deserted island, Castaway-style, just to get away from all the nonsense that's going on.
Also the fallout from World War 3 will be catastrophic, so it's best to get far away from civilization and hope for a short nuclear winter.

lol, the look like beaners


their boss was shot they gonna die too

Fuck yeah, turks gonna make germany great again.


it's not just a youtube video, they run a boxing club and attract disaffected turks so they can radicalize and train them.

I was told that every biker gang in Germany pays the russian mob so they are allowed to do business. The russian mob wants to stay on the sideline because Germany is a paradise to launder money big time. So no need for media attention.
Not sure if it is true for the rest of Europe.

Yeah, the russians are absolute mad cunts.

tell me more, quelle on that please.

they are, but at least they have balls. and their country.

You know, you could view it from another angle.

These gangs fight each other. You have Hells Angels scum (who even kill each other within their own club) killing Bandidos. Bandidos killing Hells Angels. And all the other gang have to choose one side or getting killed themselves.

So it's like Syria. Countless sandnigger groups kill each other and Russia profits. The only exception is that most civilians never experience any harm by these idiots.

sure, but as demographics shift and the turks outnumber the krauts, you'll have pourover into regular life.

Ethnic russians are a minority in moscow

>tell me more, quelle on that please.

Source is a friend who is pretty succesful in the security business. But his focus is not on guarding some clubs or brothels, his focus is on security in high risk environments. For example Afghanistan, Iraq or Libya. But he is well connected with the other 'security' businesses here in Germany. So my source is a former IDF soldier with combat experience who hires ex military with combat experience to protect some politicians/business men all over the world.

I know I'll get a lot of hate for saying this, but I genuinely don't mind that western Europe is a sacrificial lamb, as if western Europe turns Islamic the rest of the world will open their eyes to the power of Islam, and prevent any Islamic takeover in countries like my own.

I honestly feel the same way. It's over for many of these countries anyway, the demographic facts are overwhelming and only literal RWDS are going to fix it and that is not going to happen.

It will take way more time to outnumber us. Especially when these migrants realise that having kids is expensive as fuck here. Social benefits are going to be cut drastically because we Germans have a 'stingy' mindset. If we can't afford something we won't buy it. Total opposite to the mindset of the US with their credit card debts or living paycheck to paycheck.

Give us a few years and you'll see most of them will be send back, return home on their own or move to another country.
The 'refugee welcome' mindset will shift drastically as soon as people start to lose wealth/money. We won't run into new debts if we can solve the problem by sending them back. Believe me, our wheelchair jew is going to put pressure on Merkel.

Yeah. This is what I thought for years.
"Oh look at Sweden and France. They fucked up big time and now have major migrant problems. Worse than ours. We won't be that stupid."

And in 2011 Merkel herself said that we have a migrant problem and integration failed in Germany. Guess what happened a few years later?

its another episode of american talking demographics

Honestly if RWDS happen that will speed up the ticking demographic time bomb that will turn western Europe Islamic, as the public will be in absolute horror as a
skinheads kill people in roving gangs while tattood with swastikas, etc. This would push the public to be pro immigration in reparations for genocide.
The only way western Europe can save it self is increasing its birthrate to match the Muslims.

Don't give up on us yet, brother.

La Reconquista vuelve

The thing is that those "testosterone bombers" are just talk.

In Germany we have the winged word of "Türkisches 1:1" (turkish one vs one). It`s actually never 1:1, but rather 1:5.

This tells you that turkish guys are cowards. All of them. They have always a big mouth, but they dont deliver. It`s just talk.

nice is that picture a selfie, finngolian?

It's different as there was open immigration between EU nations, so what happens in France affects Germany, UK, etc and viceversa.
Countries like NZ and USA are on the otherside of the world and across the ocean, so we observe what's going on in western Europe from a safe distance.

WEAK come back

It's time for you to be BLACKED.

there is less than
chance that it is

America was a colony, friend.

Although I think our eventual extinction in the new world is tragic, the death of Europe itself is so much worse.

And many of them are now on their way to prison for that fag-video:

that's true, but in absolute numbers we are numerous. Our 200 million can rebound much faster than, say, the 9 million of Sweden.

haha ohne scheiss, lemme read this real quick

Funny how fast one forget how it looks when german people start to chimp out.

Yeah they are

holy shit, how many of these fucks are there?

>Einsätze gab es in Hessen, Bayern, Baden-Württemberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Niedersachsen und Hamburg, wie das hessische Landeskriminalamt in Wiesbaden und die Staatsanwaltschaft Darmstadt mitteilten. Insgesamt waren demnach bundesweit mehr als 1000 Polizeikräfte, darunter auch Spezialeinheiten, beteiligt.

They were spread all over. 1000 police with special units included?

This here is the perfect example of importing 3rd world people, you import third world problems

>Mutmaßliche Bahoz-Angehörige hatten Anfang August in Saarbrücken zwei Mitglieder der Osmanen attackiert und verletzt. Daraufhin explodierte in der Stadt nachts eine Handgranate vor einem Café, das zuvor von Bahoz-Rockern besucht worden war.

translation; turks and kurds are extending their enmity within Germany itself, throwing hand grenades and shooting eachother.

disgusting fake posers

Never underestimate german engineering, catfood

they are masterfully engineering the downfall of Europe

They were the fastest growing gang. I guess it is harder to join Reddit than their gang.
I guess the plan was to unite with the HA at the end.


Just wait

Ottoman empire will reconquer balkan and Austria, russia take ee and germany will get their clay from pre ww1 back

what are you waiting for?

are they done for as this razzia?

>reconquer Austria


>are they done for as this razzia?
I don't think so.
But it will be harder for them to recruit and organize now.
Our government is probably preparing the big hit, collected some evidence, put pressure on them and now wait until they screw up.
It would not suprise me if these idiots still use the same cell phones, visit the same places, talk to the same people like they used to. Police is just collecting evidence.

It is not only the Osmanen. I'm pretty sure they are also investigate the kurds gang and the HA.

FFS how true is this quote?

>Especially when these migrants realise that having kids is expensive as fuck here
it's expensive for you because you pay for your (inb4 Germans don't breed anymore) and Abu's kids

>true patrician german vinemaker reporting in

for the urban centers it is true, that Germans are cucked, but city folk in general is, but as always in rural regions the true free spirit of Germany still lives on.

Most of the former industry centers of West Germany are cucked and filled with immigrants, especially Northrhine-Westphalia.

In my village everything is just fine and my old k98 is waiting for Kanacken