Trump did what he said he would do
>Democraps on suicide watch
Other urls found in this thread:
>not even president yet
>already making accomplishments as though he was
They're scared of him. They're scared of the people. I like it.
Good work, but he's got a lot more to do. I doubt you burgers are sick of winning just yet.
Yep, we need to prepare for the rise of the Alt-left
Carrier just cucked trump and america
They got a deal with a $7million tax break, and they are still moving 1300 jobs to mexico.
Every company should line up lol.
Have fun saving jobs at the price of 1000/$7million
>the company will invest more than $16 million over two years to keep its Indianapolis plant in the state
>7 million worth of tax breaks over 10 years to encourage the company to keep about 1,100 jobs
Over 10 years, the income kept in the US will amount to about 7 million, plus extra revenue/GDP from improving Carrier's infrastructure.
Likely, this will aslo lead to them hiring more US labor
If that is the cost of promoting a strong US workforce, then we're getting a pretty goddamned good deal
It is precisely the opposite of what Trump campaigned on.
He said he would tax companies that move jobs to Mexico
instead the company is literally moving out jobs AND getting a tax break. You see why this isn't impressive right?
we don;t know if they were already going to invest that 10mil. we don't know if they were going to invest 3 mil and now add 7 from the tax break.
we don't know what kind of jobs are even staying.
Additionally, every company will approach the government with plans to move, ask for a tax break, and then see what they can get, it's called doing good business. This happens all the time. The plans are not even always real, this whole thing would be nothing, except that it goes against what Trump campaigned on.
Mentality of someone getting conned but not willing to accept it.
Trump is fucking the people who voted for him
Keep sending those jobs here, Mr. Trump. Thanks!
Let's assume Carrier is a pile of shit who pays their employees $8/hr, 40hr/wk
Thats 16k/yr per employee
In one year, thats 16 million
This deal is for 10 years/ 7 mil in tax cuts
During that time, American workers under minimum wage would have made 160 million
Please, let's get every business lining up to take advantage of this
You shitskins have been bitching about this all day
You can't send tens of thousands of criminals to our country with impunity and expect for us to shoot ourselves in the foot for you
Carrier took 1000 jobs away from your shit country and it doesn't look like it's going to stop at that
god he really fucking loves rambling man, if I didn't like him so much it would probably be a bit anoying, but I'd listen to him read fucking shampoo ingredients, I love this man
yeah you'll ship out half the jobs in america to mexico!!! and it only costs you $7000 in tax break per worker to keep! Wow MAGA!
Yeah! I mean if he gives companies 7 million dollar tax breaks as the president elect imagine the tax breaks he'll give them as POTUS!
Amazing that before even getting elected he's managed to keep 1000 more manufacturing jobs in America than Obama managed to in 8 years, no indication this will be the last of it either.
Mexishits are still ass pained that they are so unwanted they got a man elected for promising to keep them away from us. good riddance.
sure but 160mil is
0.0000089% of your GDP. It just isn't that impressive
You're going to have to try harder
Carrier is investing 16 million in two years and is recieving 7 million in breaks over 10 years
Your math simply doesn't work, you're making an argument where one doesn't exist
Thanks for Correcting the Record, Trudeau.
>boo hoo le dumpf should punish rich people
>not work with them to make USA a good place to do business
>boo hoo
Okay, so now we've established that this deal was a net positive for America
Good, now we can have a rational discussion moving forward
Trump's speech at this event is brilliant. The smug bastard gives absolutely no fucks what the media thinks. He just presses on and wins. He advertises the win and gives Carrier invaluable positive press for keeping 1000 jobs in the US that were going to Mexico. Carrier's sales numbers are about to boom. Other companies will see this will want to hop on the bandwagon and get on Trump's side for all the positive press that will result. I'm not tired of winning yet....but God seems like I may get there faster than I thought I would.
if you bleed half the jobs at a place like carrier to mexico, at ever business, and give an equivalent tax break, I really don't see this as much of a net positive do you?
7mil / 10yr = 700k/yr in tax breaks
1000 jobs * 30k/yr in income = 3000k/yr in US taxpayer revenue
Where is this "equivalent tax break" you're referring to?
160 isn't "created", that's money that was already here.
7 million was given to prevent losing more money.
If a nigger goes to your house to steal your car and rape your wife, and you pay $5k cash and let him take the car so he leaves, that's not a "good deal".
Goddamnit, I meant 30000k, not 3000k.
I'm even having trouble rationalizing how good a deal this was for the US
What has Justin Castro done for your job market lately? Maybe you should focus on that, instead of being an armchair president in another country.
Im saying carrier is still sending about half the jobs to Mexico, and they are getting a tax break at $7000 for each of the 1000 jobs that stay right?
Like, sure it is better than all the jobs moving to mexico, but it isn't really that great? Would you get tired of winning if every company does this?
>have jobs scheduled to be moved for months
>keep nearly half in states because Indiana chose to give tax breaks and Trump would rip up federal contracts for parent company
>"lol. Now every company is gonna try to move because Trump will give them free tax breaks"
You are retarded
you mean 30 000 thousands? that is what 30000k means fyi
That money was soon to be lost to the US by shipping jobs off to Mexico.
This sort of thing is not unprecedented, in fact it's really common recently
That Trump is already breaking ground on fixing this issue before he even takes office is incredible
So you'd rather have the car stolen and your wife raped?
>doesnt understand compromise
yeah they shouldve just moved entirely like was the original plan. something is better than nothing but you stupid liberals see this as a zero sum game for some reason.
Sweetheart, our country is in dire straits due to corporate inversion
If we have to pay 7k/job to prevent inversion for a benefit of 35k/person, that's a clear positive
I can't even address your comment properly, because I'm not sure what your logic is
He mentioned tax breaks for companies staying in the US. This he was clear about.
where have you been. This is how companies ALWAYS ship jobs out of a state to another state or to mexico. They say they will be moving X jobs, ask for a tax break, and then like Alabama offers the tax break when connecticut doesnt so they move there, or they move to mexico.
Actually giving the tax break is called being black mailed and giving in lol.
He campaigned on doing the opposite. Someone please address this point. the EXACT opposite
getting things done
Yes, 30k/job * 1000 jobs = 30,000k or 30mil USD
I left it as 30,000k so you can directly compare 7,000k in tax breaks to 30,000k in income retained in the US
fine, but will be be raising taxes on any imports by Carrier from mexico, this is key.
No, I'd shoot instead of bargain because I'm not a coward.
>10 posts by this id
Day of the rake soon, leaf.
I'm all ready sick of all the winnings, please make it stop
>He campaigned on doing the opposite
No he didn't. He's said constantly that America is one of the highest taxed nations in the world and that needs to change, referring to business tax
exactly and trump basically during the campaign said he would 'shoot'
america could choose to not let any products from carrier mexico in. or charge $7000/per job lost as tariff.
I honestly don't think america became great by compromising like this, but maybe it is a new day.
>Actually does something he said he would
>Hahaha!!!! Stupid liberals! See! He finally did something competent!
This is now the bare minimum. You congrats on your mediocre candidate.
Except in this analogy you don't have a gun
>keeping campaign promises is bad
Look at this faggot
>says there will be so Consequences (35% tarrif) that will keep jobs here
>jk, we're just gonna give these companies 10s millions of dollars and still let them ship more than half the jobs away. No tariffs at all.
You got conned . This isn't a good deal. It's a good political move, looks good to the average uneducated American. But if you actually understand the details behind the deal, you realize it's a shit deal and will not work on a large scale to keep jobs here.
No gun my ass.
There's a million ways he could've punished them severely. You're just being an apologist cuck.
Hey wait a minute. I see a champagne bottle in the background.
I can tell you did a cursory glance of Trump's policies before spewing this horseshit.
From the get-go Trump said businesses that made efforts to stay in the US would be rewarded and those who leave would be punished
Carrier is spending 16mil in infrastructure and recieving 7mil from the government
Additionally, the revenue from the US workers retained will amount to hunderds of millions of dollars over the life of the deal.
If this is getting conned, I want some more
Working against businesses got us where we are useless regulation and high taxes forced them out by working with companies trump shows he is willing to make it friendlier to do business in the USA. Don't believe me check the markets.
damn he is good.
They had these already scheduled dickhole. Trump gets nowhere by coming in and battering companies like a thug
>the weak political have tried and failed through incentives to keep them here
Trump Saves American Factory...For A Price:
It's pretty clear he said there would be tariffs , real Consequences, not tax incentives
Looks like sparkling water.
Why upload the first 1:20:00 ??
I'm not following you
So you want Trump to impose a tariff on Carrier for keeping jobs in the US?
Where's the logic in that?
Trump campaigned on corporate tax relief. Turns out, that's all it took for Carrier. No tariff necessary.
The logic is they would be made an example out of so any company on the verge of shipping out jobs has to think twice.
I know why he got a bad deal out of this; because he promised that he would keep Carrier to the electorate.
Carrier knew they had the negotiation leverage because of this. Trump simply could not afford to let Carrier get away. Carrier subtly threatened to move, so he gave them anything they wanted to avoid being seen as a fraud.
"Art of the Deal" hahah, yeah right.
> that's all it took
then why are 1,100 jobs still leaving?
I watched videos of employees saying how grateful they are and how they didn't even vote for him and it made me feel happy inside.
They would be made an example of for daring to keep jobs in the United States?
That literally sounds like the opposite of what should happen
Lets break this down
Carrier deal:
>7mil over 10 years = 700k/yr
Let's assume the jobs that stayed are low income
>24k/employee * 1000 employees = 240,000k/yr
Over the life of the deal, that is:
>7,000K spent, 2,400,000k earned
That's a really fucking good deal
it wasn't 1000 it was 800. They keep on saying 1000 to inflate the numbers.
we won't know until things start moving. He did say he would bring back tariffs so it is more likely to happen.
This was a compromise because the plant is practically already built in Mexico so they already invested millions into it and won't just cut the losses because Trump is in charge soon.
We gotta make sure at least some of you smelly fuckers stay on your side of the border
Ok well I guess but this is gonna get costly subsidizing every industry. Carrier workers are now basically welfare queens
You realize a thousand jobs are still gone, right?
Or did Breitbart not mention that aspect?
According to the Congressional Budget Office, Obama's stimulus program cost $4.1m per job.
So $7m to save 1000 jobs is a pretty fantastic deal by comparison.
Then again Trump has been working hard and making deals for half a century, Obama had never worked a real job before in his life.
Of course not every job is the same, paying $4.1m for every new burger flipper is entirely different from manufacturing jobs, which create dozens of new jobs around them as well.
How do you figure?
Is everyone with a job a welfare queen?
My thought is that if the taxpayers have to collectively pay 7k to generate a job worth 30k, the costs will offset almost instantly
Scenario A:
>US policy favors Carrier shipping 2300 jobs to Mexico
Scenario B:
>US strikes a deal with Carrier, where they send some jobs and keep others here
Neither option is ideal, but if you don't pick option B, I'm afraid you can't be helped
Except taxes are theft by default. Government isn't inherently owed shit just because they passed a law demanding money from a company that's actually doing something to improve people's lives.
>7,000K spent, 2,400,000k earned
7,000K spent, 2,400,000k earned, 2,400,000k+ lost
That's not a good deal you fucking retard.
I bet you believe in the broken window fallacy too.
Keeping their own money is not subsidizing you faggot
keeping their own money is not welfare you nigger
Where are you getting the 2,400,000k+ lost?
Are those the jobs that are still being shipped to Mexico?
Because AFAIK they would've all been shipped off had no deal been made.
I never said it was a perfect deal, but it was a pretty fucking good deal
>US policy favors Carrier shipping 2300 jobs to Mexico
You seriously can't be this retarded.
I'm being trolled right?
>Is everyone with a job a welfare queen?
if the government is paying a company to employ you, you are a welfare queen. Next, the government will pay people to dig holes.
Isn't Trudeau right-wing?
Core issue here is, he is cutting a deal with a company, rather then bullying them into staying.
In some people's eyes this is good buisness.
In some sign of weakness.
In others sign of turning back on what he said.
Not a black/white issue, no matter how many people are conditioned to think everything is. I think it's better than alternative, and could lead to more sustainable model, but on the other hand you could just force them to fall in line, but that's borderline state-capitalism, and you guys have a hateboner for it.
>The government doesn't already subsidize businesses by providing infrastructure and incentives for community outreach
A smart government knows when subsidies are necessary and when they're not.
In this case, subsidization is a net economic positive and is the right decision
Anything further is mental gymnastics to disparage Trump
So if every company starts threatening to ship their job to another country the Trump administration will just throw millions of dollars at them?
If it saves the country money in retained wages, yes
Don't blame Trump for the system that lets companies hang their home country out to dry
not even close, but I suppose everything seems right-wing to Sweden
No way carrier people are only making 24k. Probably closer to double
Lel even Cenk the Turk just said Obama couldn't have done what Trump just did
This makes no fucking sense. Trump shouldn't have given them money at all. Trump got them to keep the jobs here in America because he threatened to take away a $6 billion from Carrier's parent company. Trump got lucky and he doesn't have that leverage over other companies especially companies that are much larger. If you think about it Trump didn't even have to give them any taxpayer money to stay. The threat of rescinding their federal contract should have been enough. That's the "Art of the Deal"I guess...
>the guy who idolizes Fidel Fucking Castro and supports gender identity politics
>right wing
The tax break wasn't to keep jobs here, dipshit.
It was to offset the cost of Carrier updating its infrastructure to retain US labor
Even with that in mind, Carrier is spending 16mil on renovations and receiving 7mil in tax breaks.
You can throw out all labor gains and this is still a good deal
>The tax break wasn't to keep jobs here, dipshit.
Exactly my point. Why the fuck would Trump just give $7 million away for nothing?
This. They're spending money in the u.s. instead of Mexico. Now companies hired to fix the place up are going to get paid. Local community benefits heavily from an investment like that. Everyone but lazy ass government bureaucrats who will be butthurt they'll have less money in budget to waste on dumb bullshit.
Remember. Taxes are theft by nature. A government doesn't have a right to other peoples or companies money .
So that a company would spend money in this country for the purpose of keeping labor gains in this country
That's far from nothing, but perhaps a little too subtle for people with a weak background in economics
Over 10 years you stupid fucking leaf. That's like 700 dollars a year. How much does leafland pay Muslims to come and cuck you?
God you are fucking stupid. Let me give you a retarded analogy so it makes sense. Let's say I'm a chicken farmer and I have a chicken coop and it's old and shitty. It will cost me $16 to fix my chicken coop. It doesn't matter if my dad gives me $7 to help pay to have my chicken coop fixed. I was already going to pay $16 to have it fixed. Dad is a complete cuck who just gave me free money for no reason.
>All gains accrued from infrastructure are immediate and do not have any lasting contribution to the economy
Your analogy is shit, because it ignores the benefit of subsidizing the repair.
If the cost of the subsidy is outweighed by the benefit, it is a positive deal
7 million over 10 years is pennies compared to the economic benefit of 350 million USD that will be retained in this country because of the subsidy
You are a child that deals in black and white and I suggest you read a fucking book
You can't give someone their own money. Hes simply taking less. This should be across the board. Then wipe out welfare and the regulatory comissionss.
realistically if you are a chicken farmer, someone is going to come and tell you that you need the $46 renovations or you aint getting chickens.