The Silent Crusade

>After more than three decades as a Scientologist, Leah Remini tells PEOPLE she is now finding comfort in Catholicism – and is embracing it for all the ways she feels it differs from Scientology.

>But the actress – who just released her tell-all book, Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology – says her exploration of Catholicism is also a return to her roots, explaining that she was baptized Catholic and learned about the religion from her Sicilian grandmother.

First the Church saves Katie Holmes and Suri Cruse now another has been brought back from evil.

Where were you when you realized that The One Holy and Apostolic Church was waiting a quite war to save Hollywood from a crypto satanic cult?

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>with this faggot pope

give me Pius XIII and ill convert, i want ideological war, not power of love bullshit

She wouldn't have gone through any of that if she was just raised Protestant instead

Not surprising. People like that have a need for such things. If Scientology hadn't been so abusive, she would have stayed there forever (1 billion years?).
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

>Where were you when you realized that The One Holy and Apostolic Church was waiting a quite war to save Hollywood from a crypto satanic cult?

I know this all along not being a complete moron to convert to a "religion" founded by a particularly untalented sci-fi writer.

Is she even white? I don't care what a stupid nigger thinks about anything

Try reading the bible, you won't be Catholic for long

Be happy knowing the Pope has not and will never speak anything heretical ex cathedra.

Everything questionable and down right infuriating said by Pope Francis has either been a) twisted by the media b) his personal opinion that can be and has been critized by many Bishops and Cardinals.

In the 2000 year of existence the Church has survived much much worse than Pope Francis. (Truth be told while his tone and presentation is soft his theology his that radically different from his predecessors.)

Remember The Pope is the successor of Peter and head of the Church but we don't hold true to the church because of one man. The Church and it's truth are greater than that. Think of it like this. Priest are routinely moved to different parishes ever few years. This is done for multiple reasons one being that the Church is not the Preist. You don't choose a church because you like the pastor but becaue instead because it is true.

>the Bible

You mean the book compiled by the Catholic Church? :^)

t. Catholic convert from Southern Baptist

>compiled by the Catholic Church

You converted from one shitty denomination to another; congrats

t. "lapsed" Catholic

Then what's your point?

she lokks like a porr man's jessica alba

So go make one? His Holiness is doing things pretty well according to the job description.

Pope =/= warlord

>t. Catholic convert from Southern Baptist
Blimey, an improvement, but not much.

No point, just shitting on Papist sheep wherever I can

>You don't choose a church because you like the pastor but becaue instead because it is true
this is why i quit catechism
Father Tom is cool, but the whole joseph cucked by a supernatural being thing was just too much irony

t. never seen alba without makeup

>but the whole joseph cucked by a supernatural being thing was just too much irony
This is the trouble with American "churches." They produce retards who don't understand what an avatara is, thanks to shitty translations of the Bible.

She's a Jew, ya dip. Never trust a Jew.

Wow. From one cult to another.

Ah. Well shitpost away.

lol my people invented the term
nice try though

>lol my people invented the term
So? Doesn't mean they understand it. Your people (I'm guessing Indians) have previously invented plumbing, too, but forgotten what it means like a 40k techpriest.

anyway, so since Mary believed the guy that she fucked behind her husband's back when he told her he's an avatar of vishnu-- er, YAWEH--, it's okay that joseph is a cuck?

I used to believe in an alien named Xenu. NowI believe in the invisible sky fairy.

No, you pillock. Mary being a virgin was a later mistranslation. It should just read as "young girl", so Joseph is the father of Christ's form, but that form is an avatara for God (yea, Vishnu works too).

It's plenty more retarded to believe that Joseph and Mary weren't shacking up.

But that's wrong. Show me the exact words in the oringal Koine Greek and Aramaic books that were mistranslated from virgin to young girl.

hey now, i prefer Sup Forumslock

I should point out, though, that
>that form is an avatara for God
is complete nonsense fantasy drivel

I think we can agree on that

>Koine or Aramaic
Try Hebrew.
עלמה is the word which can go either way they used. If it was going to be virgin for sure, it should have been בְּתוּלָה.
Just one of those mistranslations which got out of hand, like saying Jews are the "Chosen People" in the KJV.

>hey now, i prefer Sup Forumslock
Fair 'nuff.
>is complete nonsense fantasy drivel
Why? Like, if you're not a believer, then you don't have a horse in this race. But for the devout, it's related to the function of the soul vs the vessel.

>the soul vs the vessel
there's that drivel we talked about

>tfw you realise scientology is the truest red pill

Whatevs, brah. I'm not here to proselytise. Just debating theology.

There is no such thing as the soul.

In your belief. But that's neither here nor there in this discussion.

bitch has such a weak mind she needs to jump from religion to religion

next stop=jude

Half italian, half jew

OK two mistakes.

First Four the Gospels depending on the book were written in either Aramaic or Koine Greek. You already at a non starter. Doing something other than copy and paste.

The KJV is shit version to use against anyone. That was translated from the Vulgate among other translations with a Political purpose in mind ie King James wanted to appease the heavily Anglican Parliament. That's why as whole the KJV is recognized as horrible a because it was intentionally translated to fit a narrative.

We're are you even getting this new age narrative from? The virgin birth was one of the few universally believed Christian doctrines since the beginning. You wouldn't find any disagreements about that till the Enlightenment at the earliest.

>First Four the Gospels depending on the book were written in either Aramaic or Koine Greek.
Yes, but there's more than just the Gospels. There's Isiah to consider, as that's the context of Mathew 1:22.
Then there's the Koine word παρθένος, which still can mean a young woman. Same with Aramaic (which i can't paste here).
>The virgin birth was one of the few universally believed Christian doctrines since the beginning.
Not according to some of the pre-Catholic writings like those recently found in Jordan.
Dogmatic adherence to this notion really doesn't seem necessary anyway. Not to mention, it messes with the genealogy, as Jesus was a descendant of David via Joseph.

It just takes some people longer to stop being edgy faggots than others.

Side effects usually include:
>A deeper understanding of the importance of community
>Realizing that a homogeneous culture is important for the cohesion and health of said community
>Realizing that religion is a perfectly valid building block for a stable cohesive society