Post re most autistic thing ya got
Post re most autistic thing ya got
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Just having a quiet romantic dinner with the waifu.
Sup Forums in all its glory.
>milk and pizza
Isnt hard on your stomach
this one is unbeatable
What a faggot. Kill him.
This is worse.
This is pretty autistic, idk if it's the most autistic image I have though. Gonna keep looking
Hahaha I can't even be angry at him. He's like a cartoon character of a radical atheist.
This might be the best one I have
Are you me
His parents do not look nearly disgusted enough with him. Should've beat him more as a kid.
I'd legit rather raise a rapist than this filth.
>This is worse.
disagreed until 1:38, fucking yikes
Sure if you're nonwh-
Whoever made this
please, tell me more
Was this your mom? Also post pictures of the other tabs
just imagine how mad someone must have been to write that autistic rant
it's glorious
Top fucking kek.
The fuck man.
That and the fact that he apparently left it up for at least 5 hours and didn't immediately delete his account out of shame.
I am SO sorry everyone you have to witness this I apologize for my countryman here. I am even ashamed to say that he has same flag as I do
Sorry everyone, just so sorry. Please, just look away. Don't open that file.
That's an impressive amount of hate and vitriol.
The fact that you didn't realize that he is posting someone else's picture makes you the biggest autist in the thread.
based dawkins
oh man
>Post re most autistic thing ya got
And what is what OP asked?
>Post re most autistic thing ya got
So I posted myself.
I've noticed a disturbingly fucking common trend of people who assume any screenshot was just taken by the person posting it, any smartphone photo was taken by the person posting it, etc. etc.
It's honestly rather demoralizing knowing so many people fail to understand even the basic concept of posting an image
Is this like an instagram/snapchat thing? are there social media sites where the majority of posted images are OC screenshots/photos taken by the person posting them?
This board
Black twitter.
But yeah. Lotta newfags about.
Well played Finland, you're alright
Actually I am not I got flu and feeling a bit weak
>bloodline ruined
Get well soon my man, have a spurdo pepe
My fucking sides are destroyed
I think I am not as autistic as you, was trying to make a joke there but no.
You know, autist taking everything seriously and acting like non-neurotypical, always serious, not understanding social coding or wordplays and that.
You did not get it.That is one sign of belonging in autism spectrum
Seems like a good time to me.
I HATE WITH A PASSION ...! .. Mental Illness ok ... I am trying to get drunk for a good while .. will get a Burger chips/fries ok .. should I be posting this too norms ..?
Sorry about the autism:(
I hate niggers ok !
I have a whole bookmark folder for videos of autists.
>Korean on vacation in the UK
>milk and pizza
Is it like a normal thing in America or is it part of the joke ?
Autismo here. Fuck the normies.
Oh wait shit, no. This is the most autistic thing I've ever heard:
No. I have never saw anyone have milk with pizza in my life.
Bizarre as fuck.
Wow, genuine aspbergers
i cringed more at the people talking at seemingly normal volumes. probably nigs. at least this guy was whispering.
"I'm stealing your waifu whiteboi."
Wat do?
There is no such thing as asperger -syndrome anymore (no, not aspberger). It is all now part of autism spectrum.
I'm not a tough guy but I'd beat the fuck out of that faggot
This is amazing, this is actual meme research, it will be anecdotal evidence in the end, but if you find enough people like this guy, you might get actual science out of it.
We need a new plague
anyone have that screenshot of some autist trying nigger humor on facebook?
the rapid succession kind, big wall of text of niggardry
call the police.
Am I you and you him, but more autistic?
if you are still there finnlandball, please show me more of these slides, i'm fascinated
Please!!! Please give the name of the guy in the pics YouTube Channel. PLEASE!!!!
Sometimes I wonder if my wife is autistic for this exact reason.
he actually did it.. the madman
You fucking autist that picture is months old at least
It's pretty normal in Canada actually. I can't believe milk and pizza are a weird combo for you guys. Milk is perfect with spicy food, and you always want the spicy pizza toppings.
But really, what a dick
>Should've beat him more as a kid.
Everyone I have met who mentioned he was beaten/slapped as a kid ranged from annoying hyperaggressive cunts to self-hating low confidence people who never achieved anything in life despite their talents
It also includes the few gay men I knew, they all had horrible relationship with their dads
that poor grandpa enjoyed killing japs at guadalcanal on his youth and now his grandson is a faggot weeb.
sorry ivan, i know there isn't anything else to do in russia, but i'm not as much on this cartoon board as you are
good one Cuba
alexander jahans
This is one of my favorites. Just imagine some kid trying to get a girl to like him. He tries to implement new lingo to seem cool and insightful. The times the girl picks up on the new terms, he gets extremely excited and maybe puts on his best fedora. When the term doesn't work, he doesn't give up; he takes note of the failure and moves on.
I doubt his plan actually worked but I hope he enjoyed himself.
Bitches don't know about my milk and spicies.
>Asked her if she watched cuck porn
>She said no
>She said yes