I'm writing an essay and need two redpilled examples of why we shouldn't trust our government.
Tuskegee experiments
MK Ultra
If its any incentive my teacher is a huge liberal who trusts everything CNN says and made us do an assignment on fake news.
According to the racist russian trolls at breitbart. Go post to the_donald, theyre the only ones retarded enough to believe your propaganda.
What propaganda?
Fuck female white voters. Should have known they're just as racist as their sexist white husbands.
Operation Northwoods
MK Ultra
Gulf of Tonkin Incident
Operation Paperclip.
uhhhhhh... alright.
1973 Chilean coup d'état
1953 Iranian coup d'état
US Army School of the Americas
>Operation Northwoods
>Gulf of Tonkin Incident
>Operation Paperclip.
Fuck! Thank you. These are ones I'm actually well versed on.
mk ultra operation northwood watergate um monica lewinsky um um
This. Even the worst college SJW wont be able to argue with Tuskegee. It's literally thier worst nightmare.
could you imagine if I used the "literally Hitler" argument?
Ruby Ridge, Waco.
There are many, this should not be hard.
That pic - that is exactly what Sup Forumstards sounds like. Not even that huge difference in how you word things
Sounds like the average college teacher.
It's one of the few places where you can get away with that, because it's what they did. Your retarded teacher wont be able to counter it. If he tries ask him why he is shitalking the poor negroes that were tortured by syphils.
Sure thing sweeden. Now fuck off.
If you want to really nail your professor to the wall dont use Northwoods cause we never acted on it and Tonkin is still a bit foggy. Use the 1953 Iranian coup d'état Where US backed forces overthrew a democratically elected government. This is well documented and the CIA was heavily involved. Also the School of the Americas has been training anti leftist forces for years and the tactics they are teaching them are down right brutal look up the El Mozote massacre for the types of tactics they where trained in.
I don't give a fuck if someone has a varying opinion from my own. I only care to see them come to their own informed conclusions using reason and pragmatism rather than what someone else tells them to say. It's like an actual human centipede going from ass to mouth being shit back out time and time again.
Japanese internment under democrat hero Roosevelt
This is good too.
You got a good point. I'll do my research.
I used a quote from him in my introduction about not trusting your government...
>Operation Northwoods
Outside-the-box thinking that was rejected and never implemented
>Gulf of Tonkin Incident
Honest mistake caused by a high-tension situation
>Operation Paperclip
Many great scientist were not fervent Nazis, and their contributions to many fields gave America and edge over the Soviet Union
Nice try
how they're in bed with pharmaceutical industries to keep people sick and make millions off dying people
yeah, this one is pretty obvious, I'm gonna do a section on the military and I'll incorporate that into my economic section.
I agree, for the most part that there is counter argument, but the essay is intended to make the reader hold governments (specifically American in my case) accountable for wrong doings potential or not. I'll use your Tonkin counterclaim in my essay, thank you.
Ruby Ridge