Are the donald /ourguys/ or just a bunch of underage edgelord normies?
Are the donald /ourguys/ or just a bunch of underage edgelord normies?
More informative and sane than anything on Sup Forums to be honest.
their the cancer killing Sup Forums
Ah! Like fighting fire with fire.
They're hypocritical fags who ban people for voicing another opinion despite claiming to be against political correctness and leftist language control.
t. redditor
they have good intentions but...but not much else good to say
They're on the right path, but they're still underage redditors
They'll be true /ourguys/ when they learn more
There's a lot (A LOT) of crossover between the two userbases, and anybody who denies that is a moron or dishonest.
Having said that, there are many people here that wouldn't be welcome there, and there are many people there that wouldn't fit in here. The fact that they're still hanging around that website, despite it now being against all argument an administrator-endorsed leftist haven in the mold of Huffington Post or Gawker, says a lot, though.
I really don't think it will be long before Reddit goes the way of Digg. The administration is childish and inept.
Who let you out of your cuck shed Sven?
Fuck off rebbit
The_Donald is a Sup Forums colony. They spread to other boards extremely often. Saw someone on the walking dead reddit who was dropping hints of being a Sup Forumstard / the_donald redditor
Mad? It's the truth, you guys are a bunch of nut jobs and bored people.
anything from retarditt is pro faggotry and race mixing
they dont let ctr infect their ranks like Sup Forums does
Go back to Faggit.
Sup Forums virtue signalling ladies and gentlemen. you all browse reddit stop with this faggotry
so? their stil cancer.
bunch of bernie cucks that went over to trump, ignore anything on reddit
They're better than a lot of people, but it's still Reddit. You have the usual problems:
>Mods don't even agree with the subreddit's purpose
>Fascist Admins
>Underage everywhere
They are definitely your guys Sup Forums
They are as dumb as you for electing a conman for president
they probably helped Trump win, but it's still reddit, so it's faggy as fuck
go learn what virtue signaling is faggot and you browsing leddit doesnt mean we do
r/the donald is basically trumptards brigading reddit trying to redpill normies.
This, we should have never interacted with them in the first place.
reddit is turning into digg 2.0. The admins/owners know that and don't care because they just want the shekels.
You can't market the donald to advertisers, because its """"racist"""".
Let reddit die, the donald is loving cancer destroying it.
>t. reddit and digg old fag
They're playing their part. But in no way are they /ourguy/
Go back then. No one wants you here. Go away.
>anonymous virtue signalling
Here's your (You)
Seriously. Go back to plebbit and stay there.
We support him ironically for memes, keks, and watching the world burn.
If you seriously support him, you're literally retarded.
This. only retards think Trump will drain the swamp and change anything
Bunch of faggots that live in a giant echo chamber, reason for that being you say anything the mods don't agree with they ban you for having a different opinion. At least here you won't get your shit removed unless you post off-topic stuff or cheese pizza.
But we didn't elect Hillary.
Reddit.. will never be my friend.
>t. voat
>watching the world burn
because he didn't prevent ww3 or anything
I've met reddit browsers IRL, they're essentially Che-shirt wearing retards but with MAGA hats instead.
Truly pathetic, go home reddit
What's virtue signalling?
32nd post best post
but it's true. kys /r/the_donald
>Are the donald /ourguys/ or just a bunch of underage edgelord normies?
Both. But I have no issues with them driving the Reddit mods crazy and shitting up Reddit.
they're the closest we have to redpilled normies (including me tbqh), so while they're still bluepilled on the racial subjects, they're incredibly good as a reactionary movement against mass-immigration, SJW bullshit, MSM brainwashing and government corruption - along with Soros being a great gateway to exposing amoral Jewish globalists.
we wouldn't get anywhere as far without T_D. hell, I wouldn't be here without T_D. so, the more it helps with redpills, the better.
Fuck off
Trump supporters = redditors