Brit/pol/ - British Politics General: Rik Edition


>Philip Hammond kills off Nicola Sturgeon's plan for special Scotland Brexit deal

>UK would consider paying the EU for 'access to single market', says Brexit Secretary David Davis

>UK 'could pay for single market access'

>Net migration stays near record high

>Bid to put British kids BEFORE illegal migrants in school places wrecked by hand-wringers

>EU could collapse BEFORE Brexit: Merkel and Tusk 'will destroy bloc as underdogs rise up'

>Activists Oppose Anti-Terror Bill: ‘It Might Target Minorities’

>Increasing Number of Migrants Smuggled In Freight Trains

>David Davis suggests UK would consider paying for single market access

>David Davis puts the cat among the pigeons at Brexit questions

>Labour's Dan Jarvis says 'all parties' must ditch tactical politics

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw to inteligent to vote Tory

To all you cunts who said Kelly Brook was fat in the last thread

Goodnight sweet prince.

Imperial Leather.




xth for are Joe Owens

>British TV used to be the finest in the world, now it's totally imploded.

How could he not see that his left-wing subversive humour was leading the way to politically correct censorship?

Comfyness is at critically low levels right now.

Why? It's the perfect comfy with the cold setting in now and the heating on.
If only we had snow.

It is quite ironic. It reminds me of people nowadays who complain and and rage about social justice yet continue to support the people and movements that cause social justice in the first place.

A classic sign of the total and utter decay and collapse of the society we live in. Delayed gratification is dead

Read the hitchensblog mate.
Winter is the ultimate comfy.

Why is Karen so cute lads?

>Eating your advent calendar
What's the fucking point? Just buy Chocolate.


What is single market access and why would the UK want to pay for it?

If you've got a washing machine in your kitchen you need to get the fuck out of this thread.

Kids have been doing this since Adam was a lad, fuck me.

Fat cunts

Just a way of keeping us in the EU without actually saying they are

What are your calendars made if that people are eating them? Are they not just made out of paper like here?

I know, today's news is just grim though.

>image.jpg telling anyone to stop posting


>Country whose people are so poor they're eating calendars calling anyone an idiot

Basically tries to make trading across EU countries the same as trading inside your own country

Ends up being a mountain of rules that only UK are stupid enough to follow

t. I work for a "European" company but we only work with UK, Ireland, Switzerland or any other continent except Europe

Just the free trade agreement all counties in the EU have.

However, the 'common market' always came with the stipulation you needed free movement of people and part of the ECHR etc. which is why some people are getting anally blasted a bit but they really mean we trade freely with Europe no strings attacked and just pay a fee instead.

Can't tell if that's an attempt at Yank "banter" or just genuine Yank stupidity.


>but they really mean we trade freely with Europe no strings attacked and just pay a fee instead
>Implying the EU will let that slide

Merkel and EU honchos have been clear on this enough times; freedom of movement is a non-negotiable pillar of the EU, if they let us out of it then other countries will start to demand it for themselves

Fucking disgraceful, reminds me of 7:25 onwards

Yanks really need to stop posting in Brit/pol/

How do we get rid of this trash?

If it's free trade why are yall paying for it?
This is an American site, I'll post where I please. Go make your own site, faggot.

I lovs Rick

> Implying the EU follows any code or rules.

What like when they said Turkey would be 30 years away from joining but really we all know by 2020 they'll be starting negotiations.

How do we think tonights QT is going to go lads? It's in a Leave area and at least half of the panel are kind of based but knowing the BBC they will stuff the audience with Remain cucks

Replace mammalian life with plants

It's run by a Jap and based on a Jap website.

Because the EU is retarded and it the only market agreement where being in it means you have to join a political union. So in order to stay out of the politics we may have to pay a fee.

The concept is that being in the single market saves you money

By leaving it, we are apparently making a bad economic choice

So we'd pay now to save in the long term

Its all BS

why are chinese girls so soulless?

theres soooo many videos of chinese girl gangs bullying lone girls.

So what are the alternatives?

>at least half of the panel are kind of based
In what way? Laurie Penny and Ruth Davidson are garbage and the token Leavers are a Carswell type and a (((Businessman))) who only wants us to get out because it'll be profitable for him

This pro-Leave = Automatically based meme must end, it's gotten us into a right mess

an today

Fat fucks, I was always too lazy and forgetful to open mine on the day.

Because the best girls don`t exist.

Penny will get BTFO like normal.

Communism and a country where people are about as valuable as ants

We fascist now?

this CHRISTMAS and I be /Pol !


Ruth went all in on Leave since the vote came in.
For once there are more Leavers than Remainers.

Might have just eaten a tiny bit of slightly undercooked chicken lads. Am I going to be spewing my guts up in a bit or?

Imagine how low it'll be for 90s and 00s

BASED Liberal Democrats tbqh.

Are you shitting me?

It's a chocalate christmas countdown calendar with little doors in and it's full of chocolate.

You eat a piece each day but everyone just opens all the doors on the 3rd day an eats everything.

The Fact is Leftsy cunts will ruin it .. an in the Media now they get away with this shit on prime tv lads ! Shocking .. we banned but they be nawty twats an its repeated ..??


A genuine insult to Dionaea

>Lib Cucks will die in your lifetime

Ohhh, you mean the big houses with windows and candy.
I used to open every day with my mom and there would also be a note inside.
Why are people old enough to be on Twitter still doing that?

I'll take the tripfaggotry bait.
Ruth Davidson may be a dyke but she's the only hope to get SNP out of Scotland and secure the United Kingdom.

She has more charisma than Sturgeon she is fairly fresh on the scene which gives her tremendous stamina and she is the underdog, which is what scots love to vote for some retarded reason

I've seen you reply before to posts like this with shitty one liners
>Implying you need to vote for anyone.
Yes you do, the lesser of two evils in a situation involving the SNP is important.
If Ruth can get noticed, become a household name in Scotland the Scottish conservatives have a real chance at winning a future general election, if not the the next one the one after that.


reinstating monarchies

the plants, the plants!

listen m8 I have a LEFTIST TROLL group following me here but Mods ban them ..lel
Just dont feed them ok

Why did he make this?

You'd think he'd be against modern abstract art shite like this

So is this the sort of vapid bollocks you watch after the daily Only Fools marathon's finished on UK Gold? Christ mate


low quals b8 ..SJW ok

> Want some candy

It's a good thing that smoking destroyed his voice because he sounded like a right ponce before

He died too soon to tell really, so much of his work is unfinished you can never quite tell what he believed in

Xmas stuff soon on ok lads weeeeeee

i voted leave to get rid of the pakis and there still here its a DISGRACE, tories dont know what there doin!!!!!!vote UKIP OK

More monarchy.

Privy council soon lad.

Got the last of the Cowboy Bebop OST CDs I was waiting for in the post today lads. Each one's a work of art from start to finish.

First for 56k modems.


It already is actually, they've seasonally rebranded to Christmas Gold or something, I watched a few Only Fools and The Office Christmas special at the weekend

Could old Charlie actually increase the power of the monarchy if he wanted?

Hey guys I can see a plane about to crash into the World Trade Center

Posted from Internet Explorer

Like fuck, the republicans are going to be on him like flies on shite without him doing anything provocative to begin with, if he went anywhere near the issue his head would roll

On the plus side we'd never have pic related as king telling Britain how bigoted they are for voting Leave in his Christmas Speech

Bloody Jews.


The real folkkkk blues, ほうんとの......

That's not a good thing.

Go to /brit/ you cunt

I honestly had no idea there was a black guy on the apprentice this year. I thought they were making do with the call centre manager.

Bowden posting was literally going to be the new baneposting. We were going to colonise Sup Forums with it's perfection.

But you had to use it for your own trip faggy ends didn't you? You hoped to associate yourself with it in the early stages so that the rapidly expanding glory would reflect on you and your trip identity. You thought you could make yourself a Sup Forums hero, not just on Global Sup Forums, but across all boards.

Well you were wrong YKTD. You rushed it, you milked it. You didn't let it develop naturally. Now when people think of Bowden they think of you.

One of the finest memes that ever existed has been destroyed, aborted.

You want to think hard about what you've done lad.

Hang on a second lads. Where the fuck is Millennial Woes? He hasn't tweeted or uploaded a video in over 5 days and his facebook page appears to be gone.

d-did they get him?

YKTD, The Meme Killer

You have no consistency, you can't belittle me over memes and then concede that I have power over whether a meme lives or dies in the same post, pal

why did you cucks even decide to allow niggers onto your island?

just visited london and it's way worse than I could have ever imagined

This YKTD plant thing is pretty cringey

We keep them all in London so actual human beans don't have to put up with them

the fucking press put out a doxxing request on meh soo ah've been leeyin loow just now
