Why is america so backwards

I've read like 40% of you still believe creationism over evolution. fucking dumb cunts

And thats 40% of the white 58%

where did you read that aus?

also i think evolution could be bullshit in the way we understand it. the idea that no creatures exist between us and chimps (exculing niggers) is pretty dumb, why are species often radically different despite being the closent in terms of genus?

You're not allowed to call me stupid because I don't believe in creationism. So there.

>evolution can happen at anytime, unmeasurable
>we've been here for thousands of years
>other creatures with no natural rivals "EVOLVING in less than 100
>Living fossils

see the problems
also picture of typical athietards


>Doesn't explain how the Universe started
>calls others dumb

europe and australia atheist as shit tho

You just need some electroshock treatment.
I recommend 750 volts. and a full spoonful of Jesus in ya life every 4 hours

Not when Europe becomes a caliphate

You want proof of god & creationism?

God put all the terrible, horrible, awful animals in Africa and Australia, and then made the worst people on earth live there.

He truly is a Just God.

Cool based Americans

I want you to think about something. Think about the intelligence of the Average American(tm). Now realize that half of American's are dumber than that.

>doesn't believe the Bible is the literal word of God

enjoy burning in Hell for all eternity, moron

You fucking Christcucks make me laugh and cringe at the same time

ok, if jesus says that the pope affects heaven because whatever the pope says becomes the law of heaven, doesnt that mean the current pope is fucking up heaven, with his gay marriage refugee muslim loving shit?

kys leaf

OUT! OUT! OUT! Right now
Leaf, your president is the son of Castro, you need Jesus in your life

>posting on a board created by an American using internet technology also created by an American using electricity also created by an American

yeeeaaah the bible belt is kind of an issue and its not even because they're all christians...

Have you ever heard about the law of biogenesis? real science debunks science so falsely called. Only dumb cunts that want to get fucked in the ass or be their own gods choose to believe such a stupid lie.

an australian invented wi-fi though

That's why God struck them with delusion and they are destroying their own country and fucking their own people.

Is that why it's always disconnecting? Tell that faggot to start over from scratch.

Volvete a escuela y aprende a hablar bien ingles ya!

Keep being your own god and see how that plays out in the end.

No, that's you being a moron and not being able to get it to work as it should.

Also you guys are so fucking dumb that you elected a conman for president

wut? Talking about topics you know nothing about makes you a fool.

>Calls the Christians backwards

Not calling backwards on
>interracial marriage
>media pushing these things as good

See the further the world goes away from God's light the more chaos that it causes

Tip your fedora somewhere else like Tumblr

evolution is a complete lie only believed by libtards and kike scientists. you can tell they've never had children because they think monkeys just jump out of human vaginas like it's a barrel.

says the person who supports a man who grabs pussy


>God wrote the Bible
>The Bible hasn't been tampered with over years to distort His word

Does Jesus not support interracial marriages?

This is the problem with today's Christianity. You don't practice what you preach and distort the word of the Lord to push your own agenda.

Would you rather have the woman who hates Christian values, is a criminal, and lies?

Plus you know she would choose very liberal leftist view secretaries for the white house.

The more conservatives we have there, the better for us Christians.

Try harder on your bait next time.

fuck your shit priests who takes advantages of kids

the ones in between (like neanderthals) died. Because we either directly killed them or found ways to eat while they starved.

>See the further the world goes away from God's light the more chaos that it causes

>he's unironically a Christfag

Damn, I thought we were all playing pretend here.

Being a christian and being on Sup Forums is some truly cognitive dissonance shit..

Aaaaaaaaaand there's the Plebbit in you.
>Sage goes in all fields.

>Plus you know she would choose very liberal leftist view secretaries for the white house.

So what? You say this like it's a bad thing.

>The more conservatives we have there, the better for us Christians.
>for us Christians.

>on Sup Forums

I still have a hard time believing this.. and I bet you're the first user to tell someone to kill themselves, too.

>neo american (((christians)))

We did not turned from Apes to Human in some weird Jew magic

not even a homogeneous nation

Why would a theory regarding the diversity of life on earth explain the origin of the universe?

btw who CAN explain the origin of the universe? God is not an explanation. Some things are beyond human knowledge, deal with it. We may not even have the capability to understand some things.

Monotheism was invented by the Jews. Darwin came from an Anglican family.