Prove to me that Hitler was justified in his treatment of the Jews

Red Pill me with everything you got.

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But what treatment of the Jews do you mean exactly?

First you have to understand why the Jews have been almost systematically kicked out of every state they've ever lived in and the way Jewish culture operates inside of said states.

Hitler should have just rounded them all up and stuck them in Madagascar.

Read The Culture of Critique. Judaism is inherently opposed to all outsiders of the special chosen. We sow the seeds and plow the fields while the Jew sits.

Everyone that knows a thing or two about nutrition knows that Sebastian.

t. Markus

>Red Pill me with everything you got.

Read the fucking rules reddit nigger



Hitler tried his damndist to save the Jews from their filth and disease even though they were helpless undesirables.

There is no reasoning or excusing genocide. Disliking a person is not a reason. Just kick them all the fuck out.

Watch this at the timestamp provided:

Never learned this in school. Everything is adding up.

Why wasn't this explicitly mentioned during the rise of Nazis?

Prove to me the Jews were justified in their treatment of the Philistines.

Prove to me he treated them poorly.

He wasn't. He made them martyrs and the reason they have a special privilege status and are inured from every negative thing they do .

There ain't no business like shoah business.

It happened 20 years before the rise of Nazis. Not sure if it was completely related just more ammo for Pro-Fuckjudes

>Prove to me that Hitler was justified in his treatment of the Jews
try reading the torah.

>"Why is this event that could almost completely justify Nazi Germany's seething hatred of Jews after they tried to overthrow their government in the name of Russia, whom they had fought with just a couple years prior, in a time of weakness after a crippling war, be conveniently left out of my (((History))) class. There is just no logical conclusion, they must be evil."

I never learned it either. They can't teach you the horrors of the holohoax if you already hate the jews to start with

You missed out. I got beat over the head with it so hard and disproportionately. I would probably still be on the fence about it if I had been fed a plausible version of history.

Hitler's reasoning, or so i've read, was that Jewish elite were responsible for the collapse of german civilization after WW1, and Hitler disliked Germans starving on the streets whilst bankers and elite inside the society thrived.

His entire platform was built on restoring the German people to their former self through dismantling the elite powers that be, reinstating their own standard of currency, among a lot of other things.

I'm not saying he was justified in his treatment, but the reason why he personally targeted Jewish people.

And that's true. The Jews tried to Jew Germany back down to ashes with their Jew money games, and they were pissed the fuck off when Hjalmar Schact shut them down and made Germany Great Again.

Naturally, the Jews can't stand for that. Same as how the first thing """(((al qaeda)))""" did after destroying the prosperous and peaceful country known as Libya was to install a Rothschild Jew central bank. Who knew ISIS terrorists were Jew banking experts?