Post red-pilled books that you had to read in school

Post red-pilled books that you had to read in school.

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Also this one.

>ayn rand


>Any book written by a Jew
>Red pilled

i liked this one

(((Ayn Rand)))

Mein Kampf. I was homeschooled.

>you had to read in school

No fucking way you had to read Ayn Rand in school. What kind of school did you go to?

yep this one

they made you read 1,000 page book?

I had to read her in junior year in high school for an advanced placement English class.

In retrospect, it seems surprising that we had to read Rand when I consider how Marxist college faculty can be.

But I grew up in Alabama which is a very right wing state, so that might have been why the schools were allowed to assign books by Rand.

It was a bit under 1000 pages, but it was still pretty long. Most of the books we had to read in high school weren't longer than 400 pages.

>tfw I actually liked it

Catch 22 was required for me in 10th. Why wouldn't this be?

Some Sup Forumsacks are building up a goodreads page if anyone's interested.

Reminder that Orwell was a socialist. He fought in a marxist militia in the Spanish Civil War and then said he should have fought with the anarchists, so he was not "redpilled".

Maybe it's just be being from across the pond, but Catch-22 seems to be much more mainstream than anything Ayn Rand. She is regarded as a bit of a joke. There is a difference between required to read and allowed to read of course, I'm sure I would have been allowed to read her books in high school and make a report on them.

You really had to read Ayn fucking Rand on school? Damn,amerifarts, adoctrination its hard.

How is she not, friend?

A Russian Jew. There's a difference.

I was referred to the school board for an hour long presentation I did about Karl Marx. But that was the 90s and Commies were still regarded with contempt.

Maybe a joke in hyper-liberal circles. She was redpilled hard by communism.

shes a kike feminist slut you shill.

Where the Red Fern Grows.

>Selling Out Your Beliefs 101 with Ayn Rand
lolbertarians, when will they learn?


He opposed communism though.

How do you conclude that?