Give me one good reason that workers shouldn't make 15 bucks starting wage. Keep in mind that inflation is only caused by decrease in production, or increase in currency. No new currency needs to come into production for mega corps to pay the working class the wage they deserve. Also keep in mind that WORKERS ARE YOUR COMMUNITY.
Give me one good reason that workers shouldn't make 15 bucks starting wage...
If you don't already make at least $15 an hour your job is going to be lost to automation in the next 5-10 years.
I don't care if the minimum wage gets raised to $15 an hour. All that means is the automation timeframe moves from 5-10 years to 1-2 years.
Because it won't help anyone until you reduce the work force. Minimum wage can be anything, but when you have a stupidly high surplus of cheap (illegals) labour like the USA, that's where everyone gets Jewed.
You people arent going to have jobs anymore soon enough. Say bye bye to your jobs you pathetic queers. :)
>give me one good reason why we shouldn't drastically reduce profit margins
>$15 an hour your job is going to be lost to automation in the next 5-10 years
Care to show some evidence for that? Don't forget, you need to provide evidence that manufacturing is magical and that there is no cost to energy or materials. I mean, humans are developed for free by parents, and then are willing to work for a few dollars an hour. Can you develop and manufacture a billion machines with sufficient dexterity and flexibility to replace them? And do it for no reason, since you already have billions of humans to do the work?
Because money doesn't work like that
>you need to provide evidence that manufacturing is magical and that there is no cost to energy or materials
That doesn't make any sense. I think you're trying to say that because manufacturing requires both energy and materials, which cost money, they also won't have a problem spending money on labor? That's a ridiculous conclusion to draw, but think about it this way - the cost of both energy and materials is reliant on their supply relative to their demand. If a better and more abundant material is found, that material will be used and the input cost of manufacturing will decrease.
Labor works in the same way. Supply relative to demand. But if a new form of labor can be implemented which costs less money, is more reliable, and more plentiful, every manufacturing firm will leap at the chance to implement it. 3D printers, nano-manufacturing techs, and self-repairing materials all void the work of human laborers.
> I mean, humans are developed for free by parents
Well it's glaringly obvious you've never conceived a child. The average cost of bringing a human being from infancy to adulthood is $245,000.
> Can you develop and manufacture a billion machines with sufficient dexterity and flexibility to replace them?
These machines already exist, but no, their numbers are not in the billions. Yet. Soon, however, they will be, and given the fact that the cost of renewable energy sources is plummeting, manufacturing and powering these machines will take much less time than 18 years to raise a child to adulthood, and cost less than nearly a quarter of a million USD.
>And do it for no reason, since you already have billions of humans to do the work?
The reason is profit margins. People have already been laid off en masse. More will follow.
Because blue states have more debt
Care to explain your point?
Money has a different value depending on where you go in the country.
Some parts of the country $15/hr way too much. They have cheap housing, cost of living, etc... and businesses couldn't afford it. Make $15 mandatory in these places and you'd see massive unemployment and migration of a new poor underclass to the cities.
Because owners of businesses would never hire kids for summer. Unrealistic requirements of experience and skills are a problem for all the people willing to get a job in countries where the minimum wage is set too high.
If their work was worth $15 per hour, they would make $15 per hour. Unemployment is at less than 5%.
There will still be plenty of service jobs, simply because these people are so cheap. And it's nice to be comforted by one of your own.
because only libs and shitskins make min wage and I don't want them "earning" any more money.
Give me one good reason that workers shouldn't make 100 bucks starting wage
That's also a function of consumer confidence. If the business were in a position to pay that much, it would mean having steady enough turnover due to an active economy. But again, surplus many workers ruin that.
Don't even try to take the moral high ground you Marxist piece of shit.
Because you are not owed anything. We need to get rid of the minimum wage and let the market dictate wages. Mandatory higher wages means fewer employees, inflation, and shittier working conditions.
Labour is like everything else, the more it costs the less people buy
Excellent education, burgers.
The $15 will have to be paid by someone - the company. There is no magic powder that guarantees more wages can be paid just because a law for minimum wage was passed. So if there are money shortages, and you are legally required to pay $15/hr, then jobs must go.
Markets require some regulation in order to remain as free as possible, otherwise one or two players make themselves oligarchs and take over. It takes a constitution to preserve liberty in your freedoms, why do you think anarchy in the corporate world would be any different?
Capitalism is the best system there is, obviously, because money generally means "how much society owes you for your labors". The problem is that the system can and will be abused. Preventing abuse of the system, without overconstricting the system, is the struggle and it's not made easier by idiots that think a "hands off anarchic market" is the same as a "free market"
>Raise minimum wage to 15$
>Have to fire at least half of your work force to make equal amount of money
Try thinking about it in a business owner's perspective.
>Pay workers more
>Business has to increase prices exponentially to pay workers more
>Prices JUMP 150% on ALL goods and services
>Workers still cant afford living on minimum wage
>Small businesses CLOSE because can't afford to pay workers.
>Jobless Rate Skyrockets
>Inflation causes Markets to react Billions LOST
>Welcome to the 2nd Depression
Give me one good reason why they shouldn't make $16 dollars an hour
Because minimum wage shouldn't exist, we should be allowed to pay the niggers who don't do shit at work 2 dollars an hour so that they 5 people who do all the work can get paid 20+
I'm fine with it as long as workers don't complain when they are replaced by a cheap machine
If I am paying somebody 15 bucks an hour for a shit tier job I am going to expect experience, education and profesionalism.
basically, the people who are clamoring for 15$ wages need not apply. 80% of pic related are losing their jobs
Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hours will raise the unemployment rate, along with causing an increase in costs, which will lead to higher prices for goods and services.
Also, "keep in mind" that every time the minimum wage goes up, the percentage of unemployed teens rises, this is partially due to higher qualified/ over qualified older adults taking these jobs, since hiring a teen with no experience wouldn't be worth the cost for lots of businesses.
Workers should make $1000 per hour minimum. If we took away those fatcat bonuses we could afford it... Maaaan.
Tall whitey in the back, the dumpster for the rest of them.
>Give me one good reason that workers shouldn't make 15 bucks starting wage.
If you swallow, it's reasonable.
Any thoughts on the devaluation war we have been having with Chinya and indYa.
It'll fuck over the local economy of poorer regions leading to higher intensification in urban centers lowering living conditions etc.
If anything the minimum wage should be set by the Mayors office, and checked by the government. But that runs the risk of allowing collusion for political support.
If your work is not worth 15 dollars an hour, you'd be fired the moment such a law were passed. Simple as that.
having a national min wage thats set at the same rate across this huge country is retarded. we should have a min wage based off a cost of living index in each county.
an increase in input cost of production (wages) will decrease production. And even by your shitty rules of 'inflation only occurs when:', this meets it.
Try again op you economically illiterate faggot