>Time traveling aliens from the future tells us that globalism is the only way
wtf I hate conservatism now
>Time traveling aliens from the future tells us that globalism is the only way
wtf I hate conservatism now
Think how far we could come without stupid borders and religious idiots though. We could stop pouring money into military and put it into science. Our medicine and space technology would advanced so fast there would be no stopping us.
think how far we could go if we got rid of fucking leftist and niggers
BS, they actually said that we shouldn't eat fish no more and that only single mums are good mums.
>Think how far we could come without stupid borders
So with one world government? Well let's think together, how long do you think it would take before one world government becomes corrupt and totally fucks everyone on Earth? I think it would take about 2 decades to make everyone one the planet poor as shit and then in a couple of centuries we'll all die, that's my vision of the world without borders. A government that holds literally all the power on the planet will never be a good thing for the planet. And as soon as you start breaking up that unlimited power, you'll get what you have now - borders.
It's a giant diaphragm.
>only in science fiction
In reality there is "no way" for globalism
Then dont have a one world government dipshit. Have individual country ones but get rid of the notion of nationalism so we can work freely together. A chinese and American scientist working together to discover a new drug. Right now they are forced to stick to their countries due to 18th century ideas about made up borders
I have seen some supreme idiocy regarding Arrival. Let me explain what happened with a couple of sentences before you make yourself look stupid.
The future could NOT be changed.
She could NOT have made a choice about having her daughter
The chink general did NOT give her the info from the future into the past
There is no past, present or future when decisions are concerned, the aliens and the linguist chick perceive ALL of time simultaneously.
>but why didn't the alien save himself from the bomb
Because there is no time in which he could have received the message, all the events are happening at the same time for him.
There is still free will, she made the choice to have her daughter, but she couldn't have changed that when she started perceiving all time simultaneously. There is no precog or time travel.
I know.
Doesn't change the message of the movie.
Go back to being a NEET bulgaria.
>get rid of nationalism
Fuck off britbong and kill yourself.
aliens can be wrong obviously
Take that movie as a serious message, so you don't get surprised, look for a rope when the day arrives.
more badly sold communism
Nationalism is the method that made science advance more, just see the second and third reich, made a literal 100 year leap on science.
I make 1k euro a month snow nigger, which is a lot here
>lol 1k
Look up relative buying power, raw numbers mean nothing. I am pretty sure I live better than you.
t. richfag
It's kinda sad a movie with such great cinematography and special effects had that horrendous plot. Well, at least the girl was a qt.
The lake home shots and the first shot of the mist/craft in Montana when they came in on the helo was amazing.
only if globalism is achieved through annexing and genocide on a scale never before seen in the history of man
>think how far we could go if we got rid of fucking leftist and niggers
Yeah I saw that Gavin McInnes video too
GG on not making enough money to travel any place other than Bulgaria.
Have fun living in a bubble, while we go on cheap vacations, drinking all your booze, and making love to all your womenz, for a fraction of our paychecks.
>chinese and american scientists won't make the globe better because the globe is where their respective nations (where their children will grow up) are
>chinese and american scientists will totally team up to the benevolent ends of some non-descript, vague idea of internationalism
we already have none-nationalist capitalism dumbshit, it doesn't create utopia. It just means chink scientists get their labs funded by european and american investors who just want to create a new JWH-cannabinoid to profit off of untermensch with no notion of the 'nation' to convince them not to turn swathes of the population into synthetic cannabis smoking zombie hobos
literally bluebeam
What do you mean? Went to Croatia and Germany this year. Gonna go to Spain in April and Russia sometime in the autumn.
Travel is cheap af.
How about stop pouring so much time and money into producing useless entertainment like movies and video games?
Also, was that about muuh women and booze supposed to annoy me? Nigga we had 8 million tourists this year, thas's more than our population, we love people spending money here. I work in tourism as well, so have fun :^)
stop destroying my narrative
Sci-Fi has been pushing that idea for years. Star Trek being one of the first. Another fucking moron on Sup Forums
Strong borders make a country safe. Weak borders make civil wars.
>18th century
>Our dying science would be so much better if we corrupted it even more
Kill yourself kikebong.
it's literally porn for lefties women who want to feel in charge and be surrounded by diverse big guys
We're too primitive for globalization. As a race, we're destructive, fueled by conflict. That's what drives us.
Globalization isn't a bad concept, in theory, but we aren't ready for it.
Even if a time travelling alien did come, trying to force it, we wouldn't unite. We'd just spend more time tearing ourselves apart trying to fight against it.
So the movie is globalist propaganda? What a shame, I love movies about aliens.
I'm constantly amazed by how supposedly smart people keep pushing this meme of global unification. It's been proven time and again, by both evolution and capitalism that competition drives innovation. What evidence is there that tearing down nations and borders would be a net benefit for human productivity and creativity?
stupid binge-drinking edgy underage faggot
The military is how alot of science got done tho
it's an emotional and not a rational position. it's just that (((they))) use that sentiment for their own gains
we need global free trade but a one world government is retarded.
I wish aliens would come down with Godly tech, and reveal to the world that they reached their utopia by killing all the less developed of their species as well as their version of liberals wanting to mass immigrate them all into civilised society.
The movie was good tho
Definitely worth a watch, just don't get blue pilled
I'm ok with globalism, but let's do it the roman way:
-Assimilate similar cultures, via strategic replacement of leadership and propaganda
- Kill and Slave barbaric cultures.
>making love to all your womenz
why is this argument? women will fuck anyone. they literaly fuck nigger refugees in your country all the fkcing time, literal somali subhumans. have you seen somali? those are people your women fuck.
Is this movie worth watching or is the leftist bullshit too much?
It is not about being caring. It's about the shekels. People are being taught by reality. You open the borders and you show them that it is not going to work. The human race doesn't learn unless it goes through pain and suffering.
The only aleins you can expect to come here are demon's out of the gate of hell at cern
Fuck off
If there is evidence, i haven't seen it, but i haven't really looked.
As it stands now, we aren't ready. No evidence needed to prove that. It's blatantly obvious.
In the future, who knows? Things change, tech advances. Singularity? Who needs human creativity and innovation if technology supersedes us?
Warfare creates innovation you stupid fucking woman cuck fuck nigger retard
Fastest innovation ever occurred during ww2 and cold war...
No war nowadays, stuff 10 years ago are still relevant today
Made me fire neurons
Pretty good desu senpai
They're right, communism will win
They should take some refugees with them.
I fucking hate the overt subliminal messages they chuck in hollywood films nowadays. Did anyone see star trek beyond? It was basically "learn to love refugees" the movie
And imagine all those welfare bums from diverse backgrounds coming to Britain
For any globalist elite reading this,
If you want globalism to succeed remove the entirety of africa and all muslims.
yeah demon refuegees from the underworld
War and the fear of war spurs on technology like nothing else
I think Americans disagree with your evaluation of Mexicans.
What you do when abbot was death process?
>become me
>was postshitting when phone was rang
>was sergi on line
>he tell me: "abbot is death process"
Apology for English of broke
Why does the left pretend that most of our advancements weren't made by white, Christian males? Wtf has Nigger DeGrasse Tyson ever contributed?
>work freely together
>white men do all of the work
>non-whites and women take all of the credit
yeah, how about no
(((Time traveling aliens)))
Alex Jones was right all along... now I'm afraid David Icke has been a WOKE ASS NIGGA all along.
>MFW Reptilians are real.
ok, but only if we can exterminate all the brown people
Was it really promoting globalism? Or was it just saying cooperation? The solution was that they work together but that doesn't mean that have to be all one nation.
is this out on torrent yet? I kind of wanna see it, but I absolutely refuse to give any money to kikeywood.