Which would you choose if you only get to choose one?

Which would you choose if you only get to choose one?
>all jews die
>all muslims die

Other urls found in this thread:


I thought the bald guy was a hairy ass.

All Jews die.

Cut the head of the snake.

jews obviously

that was the intent of the picutre


Theyre the same people.

Jews. Anyone who says mudslimes is wrong.
Mudslimes are easily rooted out and exterminated.

Jews of course they're the reason we are in this mess

Jews without question. Everything else then falls into place of it's own accord.

Everybody picked Jews already so I'm gonna pick Muslims, so they all die

All jews die.
Or just me.
I'm so lonely senpai;_;

Muslims, because there are more of them so its less work, with the jews we really only need to kill the elite ones in control of governance. the normal middle class ones are usually fine.

I'm tempted to say you're new, but that picture was posted around the whole internet about a year ago. Where the fuck were you?

Neither because I'm not a stormfag

Yeah. Without the jews interfering, we could solve the muslim problem easily enough.

>I don't mind that my race is being wiped out and will endure untold misery at the hands of other races once it is a small minority

All muslims die.

They are a bigger problem.

They're responsible for the shilling for immigration and "integration". Remove them and the Muslim problem becomes much, much easier to solve.


Israeli Jews are based as fuck. I know they get a lot of flack and shit for being jews but they're pretty fucking based senpai.

Also their existence pisses of the muzzies and I gotta say, the amount of butthurt is just... Amazing.


jews are far more dangerous.

Israeli Jews based lmao

They are literally evil. Like Disney villain evil.


paleshits btfo

Remove the puppet masters

>defending your fucking land from hordes of arab zombies
Abdul.. Stop stealing your neighbours wifi.

All jews die...

is there really any other choice?

>that big list
>leaves off the biggest one:

Jews Invented Capitalism

Jews. Never ever will normies think killing Jews to be okay but eventually Muslims and Islam will fuck themselves over and get exterminated.

>their land

you are hilarious


>the swedecuck will defend this

that's the point m8

Jews, because Mudslimes will be easier to exterminate


>arab monkeys suck at fighting
Cry, then.

All Muslims, of course. It's not even a contest. All niggers or all Muslims might be a harder one.

>I'm not a stormfag
What the fuck are you going on this side of the wall? Back to plebbit with you.

Israelis are funded by USA and using weapons given to them by the USA.

Not really a fair fight is it?


>You're a good goyim, have some more muslims for Sweden


Fucking commie leaf I should take care of those.

Jews, muslims won't be a problem anymore after that.

>running around like ants being sprayed by raid
Fucking zozzle m8

>literally zero media made for the next 5 years besides mel gibson movies

sounds ok.

>being this new

Jews. Then we can build a great wall that is 100 meters tall through the Mediterranean to keep all the shitskin hordes out.

>Londonistan goes all in.
Israeli Jews didn't bring this shit, globalists did. Israel deserves to exist and they need our help, they're the modern bulwark against radical Islam.

Would you turn your back against Vlad Tepes you fucking cucks?


yes Ahmed, OUR land.
Don't forget it.

All Jews, now we can find and root out all the muzzies quite easily

All Jewish women procreate with me.

Not our fault that you keep attacking us then.
We never started a war,EVER.

t. cucked zionist

I always knew it wasn't an ass, but I've been trying to figure out what it was since the first time I saw the image. I finally saw it today (before i read your posts)

t. uses a buzzword because Im a retard with no argument

Israelie jews are literally the zionist, are you fucking Down syndrome?

The hardest question in the world.

"wahhh the US gave them weapons because it was in the US's interest to have one country in the region not controlled by sand-niggers! They should have to fight naked and one on one to make it fair!!!"



I'm white. I don't want my country flooded with Muslims, but I recognise their right to their own land. They can practice their medieval religion as much as they like in their own countries, and they shouldn't be persecuted for it.

Not a Zionist. I just firmly believe that all peoples deserve a right to self-determination and a country of their own. Just like the thirteen colonies had a right to form their own nation, you hypocrite.

The palestinian arabs have plenty of places to choose from if they don't want to live in Israel.

Didn't memritv air a mickey mouse that preached jihad a few years back?

>trying to figure out an obvious picture for over a year

muslims are just jews' pets designed to destroy western civilization.
The only right answer is jews.


>are literally the
>are you
American English, everybody!

Im with you brother. When will all these autists grow up and realize their problems are their faults and not caused by some mysterious conspiracy.

You leech on every western country and force them to give you billions and bribe your arab neighbours with hudnreds of millions in "aid" money to not turn you into rubble.

Kill yourself you satanic fucking hook nose kike.

This is about more than your self little bubble, you ignoramus. Think about the future and other people for once in your life.

Jews die and Muslims aren't a problem.



All jews.

They're all the same you filthy kike.




> Implying you have to be a failure to see that Jews are the most shadiest people on the planet
Mr. Cohen plz I'm not a nigger.

Jews, muslims are fun to kill.

I like the idea of an israeli state but there's groups of (((globalists))) who undermine the agenda of other nations. If Jews kept to themselves like other peoples/nations Idgaf


You're certainly the closest thing to it that the white race has presented. A leaf who idolizes a political system that would have taken him out back and blown his brains out in a heartbeat for being beyond useless. Go get a skill that doesn't involve licking maple syrup off of your boyfriend's dick.

Everyone says "the jews".. Not alot of military strategists here I see.. The Muslims as they are over 1 billion, the jews are so few that we barely lose any military in a war..

Dumb idiots

Jews = Sauron

Muslims = Orcs