True Capitalist Radio

Mixed reaction in the markets on OPEC deal. Donald Trump goes to Indiana & Ohio for post-election rallies (50 days until Trump is President). Media tries to save Obamacare (HHS nominee Tom Price already drafted a remake of Obamacare) . FBI now has authority to hack you remotely! Facebooks to use AI to flag "offensive videos." Tennessee (Gatlinbug) wildfires scorches 17,100 acres; 7 fatalities. Is California really considering a Calexit (owned by China)? Vladimir Putin reiterates calls for 'Mutually Beneficial' Relations with the US. And what is Turkey trying to do by declaring war on Bashar Al-Assad? Ghost goes off on Pizza Gate again and takes Twitter questions. Your calls, Twitter shoutouts and (MAYBE) Radio Graffiti.


Other urls found in this thread:

Daily reminder that ghost is a jeb!head and a nevertrumper.

Make sure to prepare your pizzagate twitter names and splices.

Don't do that man. Don't make twitter shoutouts disappear like radio graffitti. You trolls deserve it, but still.

>implying Ghost would close the source of easy money by himself
I mean seriously. That will never happen anytime soon. He might take a few days break or some shit but then be right back telling you how mad he'd be if you buy his wife's/son's/Caroline's autograph.

I won't doubt the sales won't end even without the prank oppurtunities.

Then say goodbye to Radio Graffiti. He was serious yesterday.

Pizza Underground, but ya sadly no radio graffiti today.

Who here ordering Ghost a pizza today.

is blogtalk working for anyone else? I'm being forced to use the brony stream right now

>Your calls, Twitter shoutouts and (MAYBE) Radio Graffiti.

Does anyone read the description anymore?

it's working for me

You don't want to watch horsefuckers circle jerk around Pony Ghost. Faggot.

BTR is broken again

When does Ghost ever do what he says. He constantly rants throughout entire radio graffiti.

>I will keep the show going if Trump wins

>I will sell merchandise if there is a demand

>muh new chin

who cares
RG censored by ghost is meaningless anyway

He's gonna write a book now!

Pizza for Ghost

13607 Summer Glen Dr San Antonio TX


Das raciss ghost


>Steven Craig Lunning
Really hopes this is not ghost, I really want to send him some pizza with chips.

Ghost got PTSD from the thought of "Pizza"


Nope, it's Thomas Albin. :^)

Do they do drug tests for welfare? Because they fuckin should

Jesus Christ that graph

Ghost is renting the house, all this info is in the archives a simple jewgle search away. you guys are so new like is today your first day shit old pol would have ordered him 50 pizzas by now. I'm CIA I guess everyone else in this thread is too.

Anyone can just look up a fancy house in SA and say it's ghost house, stop lying to us and stop trying to dox ghost, you can't.

this is actually a pretty nice shirt

do you think ghost designed it all himself, or does he recruit a capitalist army aspie to do it for him?

Become a walking meme goy

I Actually kinda want one, also I'm digging my id

He had karazkun make the new logo I think, probably the shirts too

What happened in Alabama?

I will spoon feed you. Look up the Sup Forums thread from ep #377 that will teach you how the address was found.

>ghost implying there's a secret pedo TCR chatroom

what did he mean by this

Now I will never get Pony Ghost merch even if Ghost makes thousands off his wife's autograph.

I know of this, still not the right location.

So? Ghost needs to stop broadcasting. His show is hot garbage and the fun little distractions have devolved into personality conflicts while he goes 'oh no don't buy these autographs at 40% off please no'

Fuck Ghost and fuck these constant threads. The sooner we can tear this shit down the better.

>getting this butthurt over twitter names making fun of (((pizzagate)))

Holy fuck Ghost. what a cuck

Ghost takes the bait, again

Damn faggots on CYtube


Order him a pizza so we can here him freak out Durning the show. 30 min or less and it's free.

Ghost is such a butthurt tinfoiler lately.

Better buy a sex doll, dress her up as Mrs. Ghost and post s picture.

Hey look no radio graffiti today. ya Ghost always does what he says faggot.

h-how long does ghost plan to continue this uppity, offended-about-pedos act?

it might get old fast, especially if he keeps following through on canceling RG

I think he's just really serious about the kid diddler thing, they way he talks I wouldn't be surprised if he was molested as a kid. Would explain the machismo and shit

Ghost is probably trying to get all the failtrolls and the BronyNetwork newfags to fuck off.

That's fine we can just troll the main show like the old days.

Tbh radio graffiti has sucked for a while, you'll get maybe one or two good calls and a load of shit splices

Wait is desu not filtered anymore senpai?

Cut the niggerspeak out, retard

So much butthurt on twitter over RG getting """"""revoked"""""".

I love it.

I didn't start using desu or senpai until Sup Forums infected me with it senpai :^)

keyword was maybe. work on that reading comprehension

Hello everyone

A true believer a Ghost disciple. How does his dick taste? How much money have you spent on the inner circle and autographs. Do you have all the Ghost merch adorning your room.

>employers shouldn't pay health insurance for their imployers
>i am a capitalist!!!

He evokes goddamn serfdom. Deranged fuck.

I'm sorry I read the descriptions user.

many employers have employee s work as independent contractors now to avoid just that. plus it is a tax write off for the employer.

I hope he plays all your shit splices. pro tip man up and actually say something funny to him.

what are you talking about? Your autism is showing.

Shame. Here we have a satisfactory free healthcare system, employers contribute to it, they don't bitch and moan and still make a profit.

Yes the healthcare in USA is very bad if you cannot prove your poor or you happen to be rich and pay more for service. If you can prove your poor you get free healthcare but even a part time job will bring your income over the limit to receive this benifit. Unless you have 3 kids to claim.

Pizzagate rant incomming press F for radio graffiti.

>Muh doctors want you to be sick meme
When in doubt blame big Pharma.

Holy shit, did ghost know about pizzagate since April?

He is getting an adrenaline rush thinking he is V, fighting Podesta & co.

Tornadoes. I had one barely a mile away from my house. I had to sit in my tub and cover myself with blankets and shit and I had a panic attack to top it all off. I fucking hate this state.

Probably. It has been confirmed he lurks Sup Forums to an extent for a while.

no he knows how to gIve vague open ended rumours.

Shit man sorry to hear that, glad you're OK

I'm not religious but God should wipe out California because they keep moving to Texas.

Austin is a hipster paradise full of Californians they are rich and that is why they have nice bars, coffee shops, and restaurants. Ghost hates San Antonio because it's full of Texas who are poor and stupid and cannot have nice things like bars and coffee shops.


San Francisco needs to be nuked to hell and back. That place is a fucking acidic jizzpit.

Ya it's full of liberals who move there from all the middle fly over States who pretend to act like a liberal they saw on TV.

Hates trollls goes into rage over pizzagate. takes Twitter shout out from trolls. I smell cans incoming.

this is weird...

I think tcr serves as a therapy for his PTSD from Vietnam.

CEO of Starbucks just stepped down. he was part of pizza underground.

>bill hicks

I'm now hungry for pizza

I'm going to take questions from Twitter about pozza gate now. goes on rant for 20 min with no Twitter questions.

Muh founding fathers.

God being evil is the true redpill.

Heil Kek!

ghost goes against poo in loos

>buddhists are cannibalists

its time to stop ghost

Hahahaha dumb fuck.

True Buddhist Radio

I saw a Buddhist monk eat with his ass and shit out his mouth. the monks who tie heavy weights to their cocks and strech them out and sing them around are cool too.

I like religious rant Ghost. this is way better then radio graffiti but not as good as ranting about autism.


I like deray gay HIV rants

I personally really enjoy hearing ghost go into crazy ass shit like this. Also atheist BTFO

Templeton = Anubis.

Day of the rope soon, capitalists.
