Fuck yes!
>Another white male
Fuckin A
Make The Military Great Again
>mattis jr. could be in this thread
The mad dog, he actually did it!
Tell us who he is, Ameribros.
Who is Mattis?
Can someone explain to me who is that guy?
This is the best can't wait to see people scream about this
Bannon and Mattis are the only two picks I like so far. I wonder what I don't know, but I love these two warriors.
He is like the reincarnation of Patton and Marcus aralius combined
He is super well read and intelligent and a ruthless brutal marine that revels in violence
You made the right choice, America.
Is Mattis /ourguy/?
This is who he is.
Three words: Warrior Monk General. Dude has made the military his entire life like some sort of Spartan.
Reincarnation of General George Patton
Life in America keeps getting better and better. Ever since Trump has been elected this Country has been starting to feel comfy again. Who else here agrees?
I mean, it is not perfect yet but we are on the road.
>You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who >slap women around for five years because >they didn't wear a veil. You know, guys like >that ain't got no manhood left anyway. So it's >a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually, >it's a lot of fun to fight. You know, it's a hell of >a hoot. It's fun to shoot some people. I'll be >right upfront with you, I like brawling.
-General Mattis
If Mattis was not obstructed by the Bush administration. ISIS would not exist.
War with Iran confirmed
MADDOG !!!!!!
>Trump is not a war monger
>literally gets a war monger to lead the army
Explain yourselves shitheads?
>Implying the boarder control isn't hyped up on MAGA and is working round the clock to keep filth out
I would love to see a bunch of boarder patrol with guns shooting illegals
It'll be real damn comfy once the snow starts falling and the fireplace is roasting. I havent really had any worries since the election.
>"drumpf will not start world war you dumb ctr/jidf/cia shill"
>puts a military guy nicknamed mad dog as secretary of defense
Trump says if we go to war we go to win and Mattis is the perfect man to do so
>the head of the war department isn't supposed to know about war
A god among men.
>mad dog mattis as SEC DEF.
>russioamerican alliance commences
>nato and UN is outmatched
>full fucking overhaul of combat training
>mandatory sgts time training
>Absolutely zero powerpoint unless youre a faggot desk jockey
>defense research into a M4-AK47 fusion weapon
>development into space operations
>basic training is vietnam tier bootcamp ×10
>ROE is completely overhauled
>A10s for every combat unit
>all green ivans is replaced with blue kraut targets
How is this good?
>fleeing from violence and poverty
That have to go back
Mattis is the best choice thus far, imho
A wise warmonger always keeps the military ready to fight. A wise leader picks a just enemy or none at all. We've been fighting smoker fights for no good damn reason.
Only reason Iran was sanctioned was to give Saudi and Qatari oil a monopoly in the region
Once the Saudi puppet, Clinton, was out of the State Dept, the whole thing came to a halt.
Yesterday's OPEC meeting where the Saudis bent over backwards and agreed to everything Iran wanted proves the tables have turned.
The US and Iran are not going to be enemies any longer just because the Saudi paymasters demand it.
Why is this a good thing? Genuine question.
>Another cucked Sven
>Daddy Trump says....
Dare i say it
Pretty good. Hope his SoS choice is as based.
Mattis isn't even a warmonger, you idiots. He has some insanely badass Patton-tier quotes but he's actually pretty moderate with regards to foreign policy: he supports a two-state solution in Palestine for instance. He opposes Iran but he's not a bloodthirsty maniac. He's genuinely one of Trump's best choices so far.
>implying secretary of defense isn't meant to be experienced in war
fuck off retard
“The first time you blow someone away is not an insignificant event. That said, there are some assholes in the world that just need to be shot.”
“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”
“There are hunters and there are victims. By your discipline, cunning, obedience and alertness, you will decide if you are a hunter or a victim.”
“I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all.”
We aren't against war, senpai. We are against starting a war with Russia and allying ourselves with Isis.
Undeniably based as fuck. One of Trump's few 'absolute madman' tier picks so far.
Official thread theme: youtube.com
He is america's modern day general patton except marines instead of army.
If you fart in his general direction and it smells bad, he'll put a bullet in your face with his left testicle, while slashing off your nose with his right testicle.
>yfw Chaos Actual is SecDef
mattis's crazily redpilled
with emphasis on crazy
NOW they care about the cartels.
I'm a cuck and I voted for Hillary: The post
Honestly living under the past few administrations has felt like being metaphorically waterboarded. Suddenly the torturer has fled the room, and we've managed to shake the towel off our face. Soon we'll be free...
I cannot wait for the press interviews with Mad Dog. The triggering will be beyond anything we've ever seen.
If the Bush and Obama administrations wouldn't have propped up Saudi Arabia and Qatar, ISIS would not exist
How will Mattis handle the situation in Syria?
And how will this affect our relations with Russia?
Sorry worst Romania but Americans have competent leaders in charge of our military, instead of the Muslim Balkan monkeys in your military who only know how to make yogurt.
mattis and flynn are both great
erik princes sister is great too
>he's Patton but better
Secretary of War when
>Flee violence and poverty
>Make new country more violent and impoverished
Thx guys.
Mattis as Secretary of Defence is the perfect embodiment of Roosevelt's 'walk softly, but carry a big stick' philosophy. A statement to the rest of the world that we want things peaceful, but if you try it any other way we'll fuck you up good and proper.
Lol this is what I mean
>b...but this guy says crazy violent shit
You're damn right he is the kind of guy I want leading the army
Don't fight unless you have to, but when you have to, go all out. Trump has the leash, and God help our enemies if he decides to let mad dog go.
>i like your >greentext very ni ce keep >it up
mattis is more along the lines of the blitzkrieg philosophy. muslims gonna die, bigly.
Mattis will strike fear into the hearts of our adversaries. He is based, dangerous, slightly unhinged, and utterly capable of absolutely fucking up your day. The man loves war above all else. What a day. What a glorious day.
you're not making a point here you're just being annoying
let's hear what a raging fag like you says when i politely ask you to point out why mattis would be a bad choice
Allies respect him, enemies fear him.
is he pro russia ?
Support Assad while taking the oil. Since Turkey is invading Syria this will cause war,Constantinople is soon ours again.
muzzies btfo
Not really.
> muslims gonna die
Dumb. This means you will be paying for nation rebuilding, bigly. Literally all you needed to do was cut the Saudis off and 99% of Islamic shit would stop. Instead you're probably going to invade Yemen and some irrelevant countries that literally dindu nuffin while the oil sheikhs get even stronger and richer.
Great choice. Mattis is truly brilliant.
He is Pro-America....and only Pro-America. The rest of the world, ye be warned.
That depends entirely on Trump's overall Grand Strategy for America's foreign policy. Most likely he'll want to normalize relations with Russia and get rid of ISIS entirely - and that means letting Assad win.
Need to get the NSA/CIA cucks in line though, they're actively working against America's interests by stirring shit up everywhere - all so that they can justify their own budgets.
>This means you will be paying for nation rebuilding, bigly.
no, we arent going rebuild shit for them.
>Literally all you needed to do was cut the Saudis off and 99% of Islamic shit would stop.
who do you think mattis is gonna fucking nuke?
>Instead you're probably going to invade Yemen and some irrelevant countries that literally dindu nuffin while the oil sheikhs get even stronger and richer.
nah man (((saudis))) are gonna get rekt
Speak softly but carry a big stick.
Mattis is the big stick.
The last several high military appointments have been highly politicized people, Rumsfeld, Panetta, Hagel and most had no military experience, they were politicians trying to manage the military, General Mattis lives, breathes, and shits Marine.
That's the difference and that's why we're excited.
You have perhaps the most qualified person being appointed to the SecDef position not some faggot career politician telling the military what to do and how to do it.
Not Patreus? Holy fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
>appoints the most notable expert in counter-insurgency as sec of defense
civil (race?) war confirmed
buckle up americans, you're in for a ride
He is one of our best and brightest warriors.
Question to burgers, is rommey still on the hot chair for soc?
I'm down with anyone who travels with Marcus Aurelius' Meditations.
mattis is going to make the holocaust meme come true.
hes moonman
I'm a Marine and someone told me a story a long time ago about how there was a lieutenant on duty on Christmas Day away from his family and General Mattis showed up and let him go home and took his duty and someone's came up and asked who the Officer of the Day was and the duty said "General Mattis" and he didn't believe it and he looked in the back room and sure enough he was in the back room on his sleep cycle. Cool story, great leader. Marines love him.
Seems like a solid lad, but isn't he getting too old?
Can't do shit when Obama won't let your agency have any money
Warriors are not war mongers.
Weak, effeminate cowards are war mongers.