What is the alt-right

reporter here. doing an article on you guys. heard this was sort of reddit's right hand man in the meme war for the alt-right. is this true? how do you guys define the alt-right? are you all literally autists? tell me you're political hopes, dreams and ambitions.

>are you all literally autists?
There you go OP, the article of your lifetime. Go win that Pulitzer!

Definition of alt right:

Nationalist conservatives who indulge in meme culture

My hope is for white people to rise up from their state of malaise and see that they are being robbed by their own political elite and millions upon millions of shitskins descending upon us. My hope is that we drive them all out.

you want to know about the meme war?

was winning the white house part of your plan? because you got your wish. what will you do now?

but seriously, what's next for you guys? europe? drankng the swamp?

its alternatives to the traditional conservative movement, that has proved ineffectual in fighting the progressive forces of the left(aka marxists)

how do you feel about our weed man wanting to bring in syrian's

also how do you feel about him paying them 1k a month plus 2-4 hundred per child monthly and giving them a house?

also how do you feel about the media taking the best of these syrians a throwing propaganda around?

>Im enraged

reporter here. doing an article on you guys. heard this was sort of reddit's right hand man in the meme war for the alt-right. is this true? how do you guys define the alt-right? are you all literally autists? tell me you're political hopes, dreams and ambitions.

White nationalists who are tired of seeing their countries turning non white.

And I'm Saint George.

The alt-right is a label fabricated by the media because they can't stand the idea of everyone with a similar idea not fitting into a neat little category.

The alt-right isn't a real thing.

>No capitalization

Fuck off.

hey. you alright?

actually not b8 m8

Sounds like we have a fucking LARPer here boys.

Winning the white house is only a baby step, a small victory. We have to win the hearts and minds of whites which is going to be a difficult task as they are indoctrinated through our mass education system into Cultural Marxism.

We're trying to get Drumpf elected as president of space now

Weedman is a useful idiot. Syrians are mostly Muslims. They are a virus being deliberately injected on our society in order to advance the Marxist agenda of our elite.

what if we drop the t?
It can be just al-right, trying to keep it edgy for the young folk, think that would work?

>using capitals in greentext

No you

media term because it got stupid to the point main stream news were making KKK pepes to fit their narrative.

book sellers and youtube whores who were the alt-right then moulded themselves to fit the image the media wanted.

Then say all this alt-right thing is some bullshit. Pol is natsoc.

We support communism and extreme cuckoldry fetishism.

>reporter here
>my written English fucking sucks

This actually makes it more believable. What a fucking world.

> reddit's right hand
You're not even trying are you?

its a joke sheep follow and /pol desenvows

meme war for alt ...u can go suck a dick we backed a candidate

>Reddit's right hand man

Got that the wrong way around there, bud.

/pol is always right

why do all larpers always start with the same intros
no fucking decent reporter would straight off present himself as one.
t. someone who pretends to be a reporter for freeshit

>fitting digits

White nationalist
No cucking. Especially on the JQ.

There ya go pal.