Who else unhappy that Trump won?

Who else unhappy that Trump won?

>tfw have to go back into the closet because hate crimes are going up
>People are burning gay flags a few blocks from me

Other urls found in this thread:


>things that never happened

(OP) is a faget.

Mike "take a cock, get a shock" Pence is comin for you faggo

Sounds like you're sad OP, have you considered going to therapy?

Go fuck some pussy.
You'll feel much better.

Digits confirm!

Stop being a pussy.
Wyoming fag reporting in, I voted for Trump. I'll keep muh guns and keep on wrecking that BP and teaching little faggy twinks to shoot guns.


At most, the Left Right bubbling in the country will increase.
More and more people will be going to the East and West coasts, conservatives are more likely to go back to the heartland (unless you're rich and you're whatever you're talking to's position)

Hello, fellow dutchman.

What's your opinion on USA?

What's your annual salary?

Wait til they start burning gays.
The day is coming fag

If you're gay, why would you be unhappy trump won?

He is the MOST pro-gay presidential candidate OF ALL TIME. streamable.com/zv3m
If hillary won, you'd be chucked off a roof by Muslim rapugees.

just move to San Fran before it's too late. little do they know the wall will extend all the way up to oregon

They wont, rednecks don't care anymore. I trap shoot with tons of them. Even had boy toys out there with me, they laugh and we have a good time about it. Banter truly brings people together. That and guns.

first the flag

I'm kind of a fag hater, but this.

>When you're so assblasted, you make up stories to try to make everyone look bad but no one believes it because your side has been exposed for the underhanded liars that they always were
>It's scary when conservatives burn my flag
>It's fine if everyone else burns the American flag

Fuck yourself cunt. Back into the closet like the fake piece of shit that you always were.

"We're here, we're queer, and we're literally shaking"

Spineless coward sellout hussies. I had hoped you fucks would just cry it out and be over it already but it's weeks later and you're still posting your TOXIC shit all over social media. Get over your fucking selves.

I love guns and freedom so I guess I like what USA stands for. Trump needed to win for the sanity of the world not just the USA. Believe it or not what happens in the USA does have an effect on the conversations around the world. I haven't started earning yet . I am a student.

Not same dutch poster but
I think trump is one off the better choices he has some good agument for america where as hillary only wants war witch means more refugees to europe so fuck her and geab her by the pussy
For your other question not really working but im 18 and have a paid internship wich is 300 eu per month and get 80 eu from goverment for paying college when my daddie pays it :^)

Living the dream.
