Greetings Sup Forumsacks. I have been banned from Reddit. Shadow banned to be precise...

Greetings Sup Forumsacks. I have been banned from Reddit. Shadow banned to be precise. I am a frequent poster on The Donald. I feel like my input on this great forum will be of great benefit to you all. So may I join your great society? -signed Gokuspaz1994

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off, nigger, we're full.

Is your benis feminine?

didn't you know this was a Hillary group

racist Trump Bigot GTFO

this is not what we are
and this is not okay

Only O- blood is white.

Here ya go, champ!

Upboated my fine gentlesir. Do you want to discuss what a tittilating gentlesir Milo is?

go back faggot

Fuck off we are fulll redditnigger.
You can crash on Sup Forums thou.




How did you do that meme sorcery

Would swaglord sticky a trump post?


very nice


mod gods

Is swaglord a household name I should know?







Wew lad. Howdy mods.

Underrated post

Welcome, just dont be a fag


Fyad fagoo. You got banned for being a shit.

Lurk more faggot

you can make a new account if your shadow banned, im full on banned , IP and browser banned :(


Too be completely honest, no one can stop you from coming here, but you basically just proved your not fit to be a /politician, or generally anything here, unless you like anime or have some hobby.

Fucking canada.


ckek'd and kek'd


No...the proper place for redditfugees is Voat.

This is not for you. We have a wall.

is he /ourmod/?

beminine benor is welcome

You must get rid of your name first
You must lurk without posting until you are assimilated into the boardculture




I want to see this more


a man a plan

ban that fag

because it only takes from its kind, and is purveyor of gibs for erryone?
doesn't it kinda make O- the cuck type?

>they are bring shitposts
>they are bringing niggardry
>they are bringing faggotry
We need to build a fucking wall to keep these reddit niggers out.

This reddit meme is pretty good bait huh?
