Sweden no

Sweden no
why do you do dis

Other urls found in this thread:


>that low

i call bullshit

Sweden I can understand but what's up with Chile? And why is India so low?

Zero (0) kids have ever been molested by a country filled with criminals. Incredible.

>Finland that high

What the fuck

pedos have a bad time in prison

India's numbers are one hundred percent bullshit. India should be redder than a brit on vacation.

>We are green
Wait, what is considered a children?

Different laws in different countries. Also might be that our police work hard to stop child abuse. Oh and don't forget all the shitskins.

>Different laws in different countries.


>Also might be that our police work hard to stop child abuse

Super nope

>Oh and don't forget all the shitskins.

There you go, now we're living in the real world.

sweden yes!

The stats are fucking inflated, if you seriously think Africa has less rapes than Sweden then kindly find the nearest gun and point it to your temple and pull the fucking trigger

There's barely any difference between Sweden and Africa these days desu.

>t.butthurt pakis

Nigger, I'm an American.

Africa is sending you their worst and y'all just let them right the fuck in.

What? Where did you get this list from?
Why does Scandinavia have the same Sex crime against children ratio as fucking Africa?

What? that's many?....weird, i never see news over this in that level.

Actually this.

I had a trip booked to Stockholm, but actually canceled it because of all the bad news I've been hearing about regarding crime against white people.

I actually rescheduled my trip and I'm going to Poland and Slovenia now, somewhere safe.

Grey = no data you fucking retards

Swedes are subhumans

I'm sure you would know, pseudo-Africa.

>crime against white people
judging by your flag you shouldn't worry

Graph is pretty misleading, its hard to determine what the rate/100k people is because it doesn't increase uniformly at all

For the sake of the argument, 152 incidents/100k people over the around 9.5m people in Sweden is 14,440 incidents in total, compared to .5 incidents/100k people over the 1.5 billion people in India is 7500 incidents in total? and the numbers could vary wildly based on what the rate actually is, the gap from 5 to 36 is the same distance apart as 36 to 152

Fucking Swedes.

Just kill them already ffs.

>poland and slovenia now
>more safe than sweden

Aren't you the biggest exporters of islamism in the world or something? Fucking moroccan.

Our pedos are satiated with Koalas

>mexico lower than america

fuckin bullshit. look up the sex offender registry of any major american city and it's at least half mexicans.

wait a minute...

>"they're not sending their best"

WTF chile? I thought you were the best country in south america

One of my friends went to Krakow and wondered why is everything so cheap.



What can I say, I have a strong sexdrive

>what are percentages

>those shitholes

Kek. Enjoy being mugged by slav subhumans

just remembered age of consent in mexico is 12

Begå självmord Muhammad

They are.

I don't think they have more gang violence than Sweden does, bruh

In Mexico the crimes are not reported. It is very common in Hispanic countries.

The countries in gray just haven't figuered out how to keep records of statistics yet.


In Australia we like our animals

shit my country it's full of left idiots who claim that everything it's a sexual offense against childs.

>be this much of a bitch
>Literally posting this from America where the dindus roam free
>Sweden has lower crime than Poland

Is this a fucking meme? Did you really just ruin a good experience for a fucking commie shithole? Man americans are really pussies

>soccer player tongues son.gif

They're very white countries still and they have high pedo rates. What gives?

>That low

Does not make sence. Also what is going on in new zeeland.

Your argument is a knee jerk reaction.

>I-it can't be that bad here, i-t's surely worse elsewhere because here is here!

You're getting baited, most likely.


>why do you do dis
Because it can be done in Sweden. If for every sex offender people saw his penis hanging on top of traffic lights, it wouldn't happen anymore.
> In order to progress our civilization, we have paradoxically degraded it - user

raping children isn't considered a crime there, simple as that.

As things are going we are going to be safer than sweeden.

Go back muhammad.

But Chile is about as bad as Sweden. It can't be worst than that.

Yeah i guessed that, stupid thread.

Ghana and Zambia are safer than the UK at the moment.


> inb4 wiki bad source
yes i know

No, our statistics are proven to be inflated due to the rampant feminism and encouragement of reporting everything as rape like unexpected kisses and consented sex that you didn't like. Turn off your fucking proxy


Call india rape capital

So this thread is stupid because you're not #1 in the world, just #1 in the countries where raping kids is a crime?
> The 1st step in fixing yourself is acknowledging you have a problem

LOL....the map shows Mexico with less sex crimes than the U.S. but the women down there get married at 14 years old

So if you legally marry a child and fuck them, that is not a sex crime?


>No, our statistics are proven to be inflated due to the rampant feminism and encouragement of reporting everything as rape like unexpected kisses and consented sex that you didn't like.

> HAHAHAH LOOK you idiots we don't have the problem specified in this stupid thread, we just have an even worse problem.

I'd take #1 in rape culture and train my girl on Krav Maga than be #1 in fake accusation feminazi liberal culture that can poison my girl while I'm unable to do anything to save her.

You don't unironically think Sweden has higher pedo rate than say, SEA countries for example, do you?

Most of the porn produced in Indonesia is child porn. Literally.

No, but I think that we can aspire to greatness ONLY if we admit we have a problem and work on solving it, not if we excuse ourselves by saying

We look UP, not down.


It's also fully illegal to hit kids period because so many of them fuck it up and beat them to death.

Good stance my friend. But don't talk smack.

> But don't talk smack.
Perhaps it came off a bit stronger than it should.

Slavic countries aren't safe, maybe compared to the Nigger and Spic Republic of America but not compared to the rest of us civilized 1st world countries.

If you marry and fuck a 14 year old while the age of consent is 12 thats not a sex crime.

>glorifying pedos
End yourself, leaf

Notch up another win for importing the religion of peace.

Fucking digusting swederoaches

>source: your ass

Fathers in Sweeden just love their children more than you do. Don't judge. It's a contributing factor to why Sweedish males are 42 times less likely to commit suicide than US males. They are red pilled about how these "crimes" are actually benificial to their daughters development.

Americans are really this out of touch with reality right? I exagerate the situation in our country all the time on Sup Forums but it is really bad, in comparision to what it has been.. You are from burgerland, any european country will be safer. Just be warry about typical tourism crimes like pickpocketing etc.

>All the Islamic countries have no crime against children

Really makes you think... maybe we're the savages after all??

Anime är populärt bland invandrare. Speciellt dem som bott i Irak när dem växte upp. Anime var deras barnporgram.

>Jag önskar att jag inte visste vad som sändes på Irakisk TV på 90talet

I do this all the time aswell. Ofcourse Sup Forums's view of Sweden is far from reality but it breeds more energy. I hate when people go full defense mode and try to claim that it's not bad.

It's because one person getting raped several times counts as one rape - whereas here every instance of rape counts.

This has been debunked several times and this is the only study that is cited because it is one of the few ones that don't normalize for this

wtf, i love mexico now

Hur vet du? Invandrare?

Mvh Malme

>mudshit countries
>green and yellow
Let me guess, mudslimes and poojeets don't even consider child diddling a criminal act. The only reason cucked countries are orange and red is because of sandnigs.