For me it was when Dilbert man showed us that reason is the exception, not the rule.
When did you realize Sup Forums was an echo chamber?
Other urls found in this thread:
do you even know what an echo chamber is?
Like, the second I first clicked on it?
>no moderation for your political affiliation
>echo chamber
Right-wing viewpoints just happen to win out in the free market of ideas. You could say reality has a conservative bias.
I was never stupid enough to think Sup Forums wasn't an echo chamber
It is an echo chamber for the most part, but because dissent is permitted, you'll see it often enough
I've criticized trump for months
It's also worse during election season, everybody in the country becomes a shill
Except the past 8 years. And the past 20 in Europe
Eh, almost every place on the internet is an echo chamber. At least we don't ban people for dissenting opinions, which would make us a safe space. Echo chambers are all show. You can still post whatever you want here.
Word I've only been here for a year and it did become very uniform as we got close to election
Until recently most people were getting their political commentary from News channels.
After inauguration everybody stops giving a shit and leaves until some sort of happening occurs
The only troubling trend is the acceptance of reddit as a legitimate peer to Sup Forums, that's new
I also think the average poster this election is markedly more retarded than usual
Also nobody lurks anymore, they post their shitty opinion without shame
Right, and the fact that the vast majority of the internet happens to lean less to the right than this place is because the jews craft it to be so, maliciously banning everyone who holds a conservative point of view
Truth is, this is one of the (luckily) few places where you're granted the unrestricted ability to be a dickwad towards others, in fact, that is one of the major appeals of Sup Forums in general. And there isn't a thing much more dickwad-y than the whole nazi shtick so naturally that's celebrated here.
>The only troubling trend is the acceptance of reddit as a legitimate peer to Sup Forums, that's new
That was just a necessary evil to help spread Sup Forums propaganda. Things should return to normal soon.
somewhat related
>implying the redditors flooding here see it as utility
Reddit is unironically accepted here on some level and it's disgusting
Get in here and meme tf out and chill
Get in here and vmeme tf out and chill
when people have the luxury to live outside of reality it's usually because they live inside a habitat. That habitat is called civilization and when it is not maintained holes form in the walls which reality can seep through. Eventually the whole thing will fall apart if neglected.
Yeah, if you're a faggot.
>For me it was when Dilbert man showed us that reason is the exception, not the rule.
the only people who accept reddit here are redditors.
The same kind of people on your friends lists for steam or in real life who will ridicule you for not using reddit.
When it first became a board you dunce.
What's weird is how the echochamber has evolved along the lines of populism over the years.
I remember when you were all screaming how the market would determine everything like good little globalists, and I was the only one talking about how globalisation was bad.
Nobody censors you on tumblr. Like mostly anywhere else on the internet (and also everywhere in real life), there's a tiny little bit of rules of conduct which basically just say, don't be a blatant ass. Other than that you're free to be as right-wing as you want. You just won't make many friends.
And what's "no downvotes" even supposed to mean. For Sup Forums, instead of flashy little arrows it's image macros and name calling. Unless you want to insinuate that the arrows or thumbs down or whatever tumblr uses are just too hard to take or something.
What little experience I have with reddit, there's also a "controversial" rating for posts so those with a lot of negative ratings are very visible too. Of course every subreddit has it's own moderates which different ideas of free speech attached so honestly that is just flat out a shit site
>Hugbox, echochamber, safe space
Shut thr fuck up with these gay ass terms faggots. show me one website that isn't either of those
We also have leftypol, we are not an echo chamber, we are probably the site on the internet with more freedom of speech.
You might get a lot of replies, but 9 times out of 10 the replies are just to call the user a cuck, kike, shill, or any combination of the three. The echo chamber is maintained not by the mods, but by the community.
>trying to make us play by the enemy's rules
Yeah no, fuck off if you don't like it here. No further discussion is required.
An echo chamber implies a space that regurgitates falsehoods in an attempt to foster "community".
Sup Forums is the opposite of that shit for brains,
Back up your shit with facts, you're golden, back up your shit with anecdotal evidence or how you felt, you're fucked.
Go back to NeoGAF.
The chamber was big enough to win the election so I don't care if it is or isn't.
>it's an op-got-bullied-on-Sup Forums-and-now-complains-its-an-echo-chamber episode
Immediately but I didn't care because it's such a funny board. I was also amazed to see how many foreigners speak our language fluently.
>logic is someone else's rules, not ours xD
Just end it autist.
>has differing opinion
>shut up no further discussion required
way to prove him right
The majority of Sup Forums gets to decide what Sup Forums is and that overrides whatever you have to say about it
Go be an impotent faggot somewhere else
>when Dilbert man
You stupid bitch, you stupid fucking bitch. I can't believe how dumb you are. Jesus christ, I can't believe how fucking dumb you are. You're the dumbest motherfucke
Anyone who has a brain will realise what Molymeme would answer to that, and you should too.
Taking shitposts literally is really stupid, look at the real replies the "cuck" comments are just like an upvote.
The good part about anonymous image board without point whoring is that you can always fix the echo chamber. Pendulum swings event at Sup Forums and here it swings all ways in each thread.