PLEASE help, there might be a neo-Nazi as president in Austria

Hi all, my name is Sandra and I found this site through google. I am posting this also on other political forums in the internet.

There are elections in Austria and a far right candidate has chances to win the presidency. All intelligent people know this is something that we need to make sure never happens again in Europe. There is a demo in Vienna on Saturday. Also, we want to organize other demos in other European cities. Please post this on Facebook or elsewhere. Thank you!

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kill yourself and fuck off

Eat my dick Sandra. Race war now!

Ficki ficki. I am brown so you have to have sex with me or you are a racist girl

Seid ihr die friedlichen toleraten und weltoffenen Linken?

Wirkt mir ja nicht so. Ihr seid Abschaum.

Hitler 2.0 will win

You posted in the wrong neighbourhood

Hello Sandra, my name is Abdul al Rasheem. I would very like to help you and maybe ficki ficki. Tell me where we can meet.
t. Abdul al Rasheem

Do you really think we give a fuck

>Seid ihr die friedlichen toleraten und weltoffenen Linken?
Wir wollen eine bessere und weltoffene Welt. Wir sind gegen den Neoliberalismus und für die Menschlichkeit in dieser Welt. Und wir sind gegen neo-Nazis!

>Wirkt mir ja nicht so. Ihr seid Abschaum.
Bitte? Wir sollten alle nachdenken, was in unserer Vergangenheit ist. Wir wollen die 1930er und 1940er nie wieder und Leute die ähnlich wie Nazis sprechen und argumentieren sollten wir alle verhindern wollen, für unsere Kinder und deren Kinder!

Your grand parents must be rolling in there graves...

Das ist der lahmste Blinker der Woche, Freundchen.

When Hofer wins, y'all can cite that poster as one of the reasons. You retarded SJWs didn't learn anything from Trump's win.

Be a little more subtle next time Kevin

So what? Will your muslim friendos be purged?

Zähl mal auf wieviele Osteuropäer und Kaukasier ihr Judenkommunisten gevölkermordet habt.

Verpiss dich du LARPer Schwuchtel.

I think you mean her grandma and a random russian soldier are rolling in their graves

>there might be a neo-Nazi as president in Austria

Say no more, how do I help get him elected?

>Zähl mal auf wieviele Osteuropäer und Kaukasier ihr Judenkommunisten gevölkermordet habt.
Ach das ist so ein alter Vorwurf! Nur weil wir für soziale Gerechtigkeit stehen, haben wir doch nichts mit Stalin am Hut. Wir sind gegen den Totaliarismus der Sovietunion und der DDR.

Wir sind dagegen für Arbeiternehmerrechte, starke Kommunen und menschenwürdige Löhne. Warum bist denn Du gegen eine menschliche Gesellschaft in der wir alle gemeinsam leben können und keine Hetze gegen Muslime oder Menschen anderer Herkunft gemacht wird? Hat Dir ein Muslim jemals was getan? Oder ein Eritreianer?

>coming on a (hacker named) Sup Forums board called "Politically Incorrect" to fight against """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""neo-nazis""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
>not shitposting

>Wir sind gegen den Neoliberalismus und für die Menschlichkeit
>gegen Neoliberalismus
>für die Menschlichkeit

Selbstmord für dich. Jetzt. Führerbefehl.

Yeah but it's funny cuz all germans were nazis

stop talking in german u cunts

>PLEASE help, there might be a neo-Nazi as president in Austria

I would love to help! How do we campaign for him? Is there a place where I can donate? Is there a way we can rig it to ensure he wins?

Nur weil Du in Amerika bist, heißt das nicht, dass Gesetze nicht auch für Dich gelten. Nazi-Anhänger können eingesperrt werden. Wenn Du weiter so postest, dann melde ich Dich beim Site-Administrator. Es gibt eine Funktion "Report post".

What can we do to help Hitler 2.0 become president?

ey stop it right now

Was ist los? Kannst du etwas nicht verstehen?
(((Sandra))) ist die österreichische shiller. Aber wenn Liberalkindern wie sie posten hier, das bedeutet, dass wir etwas richtig machen und sie haben Angst.

Haha, now I know you're just trolling. Nice try.

Leck mich am Arsch, du Misgeburt.

If you want peace I don't get the part where you import Arab scum. Those people you invite are either criminals or people who want to exploit our social system.

I'd you enjoy Arab dicks, why aren't you moving to a muslim country? Is the freedom of getting imprisoned for reporting that you got raped to much? Or the censorship too progressive? Or the Sharia law to feminim?

Why are you telling the lies that we get highly educated people out of those countries? If this was true this would be worse than Hitler - you would literally steal the future of those countries - not the scum rebuilds the country, the hard working worker class and the educated people does. Not that criminals who can afford 10k£ to travel to Europe.

Tell me how many refugees live in your room. And how many people of the "refugee welcome" parades took refugees for free into their apartments.

I'm afraid that the answer will be 0.

He and our president are already buddies.

Gusch, Hahnrei.

Spreng dich weg, Sandra. Dreckige Hure.

>refugees welcome


We are proud National Socialists here, how may we help you young lady?

>threatens Sup Forumsacks with lawyers
Oy vey.

unser lehrer in diversität und genderfluidität hat uns heute als hausarbeit aufgegeben einen flüchtling zu interviewen oder einer ehemaligen einwandererfamilie einen brief zu schreiben.
die abschlussprüfung in gleichheit und genossenschaft hab ich auch demnächst. hast du vielleicht tipps du giant cunt?

>There are elections in Austria and a far right candidate has chances to win the presidency.
wow how terrible

Roleplaying as normie liberal newfags aside, can someone tell me if Hofer is likely to win or not?

If posts like these arises, yes

what r u saying pls stop

Why do you want other women do be raped and Germans killed by imported 3rd world garbage as it has already provable happened and keeps happening everyday you idiotic virtue signaling social media brownie points collecting literally brain damage fucking idiot?


Hofer -166.67 (1.60)
van der Bellen +120.00 (2.20)

Rezitiere Aras Bacho.

Da bekommt dein Kommunistenprofessor sicher einen Steifen und auch der Rest des Lehrstuhls feuchte Höschen.

yes..he is in fact the favorite..what leaves me a little bit worried, because brexit and trump weren't faves by the media.
but whatever..right wing is on the rise no matter what.

Those Syrians and Iraqis and Afghans flee from war. People who say they are all criminals should look at statistics. 0.1% of Syrians have committed crimes, that is nothing. Practically all just want to get out of hellholes like Aleppo.

It is much more likely that neo-Nazi AfD supporters like you are rapists and pedophiles!

Brexit and Trump had much worse odds, we're gonna win boys

Already had an actual Nazi as president and it worked well.
Forgot about Waldheim?

>There are elections in Austria and a far right candidate has chances to win the presidency.
Oh shit kek!
I've been waiting for this like 70 years.

It's pretty much 50-50.

This must be different. People just fed up with the liberals who let the immigrants flow to the country. I think everyone feel the changes.

Speak in English bls

>flee from war
Then why did they fight with our police in the borders of Hungary? Tell me why didn't they just stood up and fight for their homeland?
Your reasons are shit. This is invasion and we don't need these people like you.

Your President is worthless and is just there as a symbol.
Why should I care if he wins or not?

Increased chances of rape means there's a small chance someone might touch their crusty dried up cavern they call a vagina.

>This thread

Never tell anyone we're related, this is embarassing.

>believing stats
>after Brexit / Trump

Ironically enough, it is the political Left that has supported these wars.

That's the case in Austria. All Zionist think tanks that lobby for the Syria war and for an EU army are SPÖ-run (Social democrat party).

Also 99% of Bilderbergers are SPÖ members (see picture).

>Those Syrians and Iraqis and Afghans >flee from war
There are no safe spaces in each of those 3 countries?

Please show me the border between Austria/Germany and one of the countries you named.

There is no border. And due this fact everyone of those financial migrants is breaking the law by entering Austria or Germany. If you break a law you are a criminal. Not 0,1%. 100%. And even if the rate of 0,1% would be true, this would be alarming. 1 out of 1000 people would be a terrorist.

>please help
You want me to help you into the oven?


>I found this site through google
A lie. Sup Forums does not appear on google-searches in Germoney,

I support Norbert hofer


Come on, not the oven! This one's for the helicopter


>voting van der bellen
>even considering it
germany deserved merkel and everything she has done to the country

Austria, we are rooting for you guys

Sieg heil!


GTFO leftfag. Hofer will BTFO VdBellend & hasten the demise of the EU

yes..and I just remembered that our media rigged the polls in another way..way beyond fucked up.
>be media on election day
>count the votes
>show 50% to 50% as a temporarely result on
big screens, despite the actual official counted votes say something like 53% for hofer and 47% for vdb
>FPÖ calls out this bullshit
>media explains their bullshit with "yes..but this is just a (((prognose))) we are already count in the (((postal votes))) and everybody knows that vdb is toooooootaaaaaaaaaallly favorite on matter what happens today

..I mean..come on..what the fuck?

Fuck off you insufferable faggot. Please kill yourself


You will be sent to the REFINERY regardless of your political stance or ideology. You exist to feed us. GIVE ME YOUR BLOOD.

t. vertical Austria

He is not even hiding it, he is not even a neo-Nazi, he is a Nazi! Why aren't they arresting him?


Fascism is the way forward for Austria to survive as even a geographic location, as sandniggers will surely find a way to ruin your nice mountains.

I have never once heard any of you left-wing faggots even criticized and demanded that Saudi-Arabia, UAE or Qatar to open their borders, despite them being far more close and far more culturally aligned to them, and least but most important THEY HAVE THE FUCKING MONEY AND SPACE AND SHIT TO HOUSE THEM!
Oh yea i forgot you hate white people and you hate yourself so much you want everyone to hate themselves as much as you.'
God forbid that we force any of those oil countries from doing anything.
It wouldn't be "progressive".

>Ach das ist so ein alter Vorwurf!
>Wir sollten alle nachdenken, was in unserer Vergangenheit ist.
No rules for me, my rules for thee

Have pride in your heritage for once, not every german in history was a nazi

source 0.1% figure pls

Yeah. If you say, Stalin "misrepresented" Communism, than I can say Hitler misrepresented Fascism.

(beside that it wasn't only Stalin the genocide-tier leader)

Srs guys, how do we get him elected, is there a patreon or something?

2/10 made me reply

>even criticized and demanded that Saudi-Arabia, UAE or Qatar to open their borders,
They should open their borders and take refugees, of course!

GTFO troll.

No my friend, thats the germans youre looking at.

Try 10%+. Thats why our prisons are full of Arabs/Muslims. Who cares about facts though, FUCK DEM NAZIS BOI.

Then we should really get him as our new chancellor. I mean an Austrian nazi as German chancellor would be the best for the world (tm).
Was also never done before so its really progressive.

While yes you´re technically right because the term came to be during the 3rd Reich... but we really were autists since forever.
That´s the real reason why Germany is the "country of thinkers and writers".
We just were really autistic for the whole time and thats what autists do best.
>Kraut space magic for the world

Just look at the firing mechanism for the fucking G11, what kind of weirdo could come up with something such over-complicated?

>You retarded SJWs didn't learn anything from Trump's win.
Yet... moar to come

>Die antisemitische Tradition der Burschenschaften gipfelte im Holocaust!

It's too late Hofer will make Austria great again. Can't wait for leftie cuckmans to get mad as fuck.

Bring dich bitte um.
Du bist ein Schande für dein Volk, deine Rasse und deine Familie.

Wir haben's in Britannien vorgemacht und bald geht's dem Rest von euch Eurohuren an den Kragen.

Heil Hofer.

hallo sandra



Sad thing you can't see this, you have to use to youtube proxy, it's very good

Gun watch it now again.
It was a long fight, it was a beautiful fight

The eternal Habsburg strikes again

So you're fucking wasting your time here to tell people this shit?
I've never seen any left-wingers get to the gulf states in droves to demand that shit? WHY AREN'T YOU DOING THAT?
inb4 you say "MUH STUDENT INCOME IS TOO LOW", don't give me that shit, there are plenty of left-wing faggots in palestine and libanon.

desu desu

>eine menschliche Gesellschaft
Said someone who really doesnt know what "humane" really IS, in the real world and not some fairy tale wonderland.
Just look at what your beatiful 7 billion people do for the most part.
Rape, murder and abortion with red hot iron rods are the most "humane" things amongst the "humane" things humans do.
The price for a human life, for most parts of this little mudball, is literally nothing.... the same as the value of said life.

So please take your humane humanity BS somewhere else. Which you wont because you´re trolling but well.... one can hope.

SA UAE and Qatar are not doing that because they're also Muslim countries, and they understand that the "refugees" are actually the fifth column of Islam, which must be in Europe in order to eventually subjugate the entire world under its rule.

PS: Do you think if I grew a beard I could pass for a refugee? I'm Latino after all.