State paid my STEM degree

>State paid my STEM degree
>Expects me to pay up to 52% income tax, 280% car tax, 25% VAT, leftwing state TV licens, increasingly rising property taxes
>Got a job offer from previous internship at Lockheed
>Moving to US in September with great wealth and escaping tax hell

Why do socialists expect me to stay here and pay for all the migrants, NEETs and single moms?




Kike traitor

Well-negotiated my friend.

Being foreign-born will limit your opportunities with a defense company like Lockheed Martin.

You're a motherfucker

.. will probably do the same though, although my girlfriend wants to stay.

>tfw went partying instead of getting a good degree and now I am forced to pay 70 gorillion kr in taxes for a shit job

How did you get your green-card? is your English good in real life? ie can you understand someone with a strong accent talking fast?

>state TV license
>paying for propaganda aimed at yourself
I don't understand how state TV is a thing, and how people actually allow this.

>Oy vey goy, come back here and pay your 90% income tax the rest of your life!!

Hopefully I can get a citizenship and vote for MAGA 2 Electric bongaloo in 2020

That's what I'm talking about, my man.

Congratulations! Hope you enjoy it here.

Lockheed brought him over, nothing else matters to immigration.

Thanks Donald

Really? How much will I be limited?

Yeah fluent in English m8

>get my engineering degree in Canada for ~8000 Canadian pesos per year

>moving to US in 2 years to take American engineers job who are $100000 in debt

kek thanks professor shekelstein for turning the american eternal goy into your debt slave

It mostly comes down to clearances. You can't get some clearances to work on projects unless you are native born in the US. Be sure to talk to them about what you can expect to do and not do.

Doesn't matter if you have citizenship or not; if you're foreign-born, it limits the level of clearance you can get in the vast majority of cases.
You will need a Secret clearance for about ~75% of the jobs within the companies. You'll need a Top Secret for any senior or executive position.

As a foreign-born person, your Secret clearance can be denied for that alone.

You guys are probably going to be the last. H1B is going to be strictly limited so unless you can cure cancer or find a way to jack off with no hands I doubt many more are going to make it.

We are pretty good goys here in Denmark though.

Aren't my chances pretty good at getting clearence if I'm West europe NATO born?

That's not true. It's illegal for the government to discriminate against US citizens based on nationality of origin. He can be denied for having close relationships with foreigners though (family).

I'm paying 20k a year (But muh Uni's Ivy league tier) Also rent and sheei't us lyk 10k.

When I was a young naïve lad I wanted to move to Germany or Austria, but now that I've been there and learned about them having to pay taxes like slaves to the state, im like fuck that nigga, Imma chill right here and eat Cheetos

White man come home.

>tfw the U.S. will become a haven for high-skilled European Immigrants

Happy to have you. Don't forget to lock the door on your way out. Wouldn't want any jihadists to follow you here.

Smart Dane. Fuck the commies

Thank you. America needs more people like you. Bring the good members of your family here too.

>both of my parents are Danish
>Grandparents all live in Canada
>They all moved her to avoid paying nanny state taxes
Feels good man. Although I grew up with Danish traditions and pure Nordic blood, I still somewhat wonder what the real Denmark is like.

>CNN: Russian alt-right fascists planning to invade United States to vote for Trump in 2020!

Relevant law? I'd bet it has a national security exception, because everything I've heard says clearances are much harder for foreign born citizens.

>State paid my STEM degree
Nah, your parents, grandparents, etc paid taxes for that shit.

Good job bruh, I thought it was illegal for whites to immigrate here

>State pays for my education
>Why do they expect me to contribute back?

Why are nords such scum?

>Not helping your country's economy
Well, you wouldn't be allowed in Britain.

so you advocate for freeee gibsmedats but ditch out on your civic duties later?

congratulations youre a nigger

He'll fit in great here, then.

congrats, m8

Thank you future fellow burgers

Denmark is a small, comfy country. Perfect if you are a migrant, NEET or single mom on GIBS.

They tax the living shit out of white working men until they die though, which is what keeps everything running.

Capitalism and free market my crazy communist friendo

This is a crock of shit. You also need a secret clearance to work on board MSC (Military Sealift Command), and yet a huge number of mariners I've worked with in MSC are foreign-born citizens.

Maybe when you get to the very upper echelons of shit it starts getting important, but for just getting a job and working your way up to managing a department or something, nobody gives a fuck if you were born here or not. The government throws around Secret clearances like hotcakes. As long as you've got a clean record and don't constantly talk about wanting to overthrow the government, you'd virtually guaranteed to get one.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964.
I work for the DoD and there are plenty of foreign born citizens with clearances in my building. They mention it specifically in the annual "Equal Employment Oppurtunity" training we have to take.

Yeah, it's like homeboy never heard of Wen Ho Lee, and everyone on Sup Forums talks straight out of their ass.

Denmark bro, are you coming to Florida? I know Lockheed has a shit ton of offices there, I'm actually hoping to get into there within the next couple of years.

Protip for living in the USA. Live by the coast for 10 to 15 years and save a lot of your income working for a large company. Then move to a small midwestern city and open up a small business and be the king of comfy living as you grow old. It's what my dad did when he moved from Yugoslavia.

Texas at first, but might come join you later Rubio. Who knows.

You should apply for internship at Texas, it was dope.

I knew a Scandihoovian who moved to America to escape the taxes.

They just repossessed his house because he lost his job and couldn't make payments lmao

To some degree, this is true, but they can deny you on basis of having "close ties" to foreign nations and being a potential security risk.

The onus is then on YOU to disprove that and prove that it's based on your foreign birth, and not who your friends and family are.

If you REALLY wanna be a security cleared American, you need to get any foreign family or friends to ALSO be American citizens.

Formally renouncing your foreign citizenship when you become a US citizen also will shift the decision in your favor, as will staying in-country.

Frequent trips to Sweden, Afghanistan or China would be frowned upon for obvious reasons.

Considering Trump is considered smart because he got away with his tax write-off. I support you critique.

dude, give it up already. we all know you have no idea what you're talking about.

By that logic, Trump is also a nigger.

Well done. We need more civilized immigrants like you. Maybe we'll have room for more of you once we finish building our wall.

>because he lost his job

Low energy

If you think you just got hired for the last job you'll ever have, you're in for a surprise. Adulthood is long and hard and beset on all sides by hardship, disappointment and unexpected failures.

I'm stealing this

>Adulthood is long and hard and beset on all sides by hardship, disappointment and unexpected failures.

That depends though

I'm stealing this as well

>posts a picture of a guy who should have won the election but failed and the guy who has had multiple bankruptcies and several businesses fail, just lost a court case and had to settle for $25 million, and will likely go down as one of the worst presidents in history

i mean, you just proved my point.

Still upset about the loss CTR?

Failure is the best teacher tho....

All great men have failed along the way to greatness...

Nah, I'm over it. Trump has already walked back so many of his campaign promises (and he's not even in office yet!) that the next year and a half will be filled with delicious Sup Forums tears and heartbreak.

Really, I was over it when Hillary rigged the DNC primaries and fucked over Bernie. She got less than what she deserved.

Yeah, I totally agree. I'm just pointing out to our smug Danish friend that he shouldn't be so quick to delight in others' failures, as he has many of his own yet to come.

>Trump has already walked back so many of his campaign promises (and he's not even in office yet!)

t. CNN

So.. CNN was wrong when Trump said he wasn't going to touch gay marriage? Or when he said that Obamacare actually had some good points? Or that he appointed a Goldman Sachs and Soros ex-employee to the Secretary of Treasury? Or that Mexico isn't going to pay for the wall? And that he's probably not going to deport as many Mexicans as even Obama did?

>when he said that Obamacare actually had some good points

Not a campaign promise breached

>that he appointed a Goldman Sachs and Soros ex-employee to the Secretary of Treasury

You need to know the jews to defeat them

>Or that Mexico isn't going to pay for the wall
[Citation Needed]

>when Trump said he wasn't going to touch gay marriage

Never promised that

CTR you are low energy, this is why you lost

Just wait, kiddo. ;)

danishbro take me with youuuuuuuuuuuu!!

>Canadian Uni
>Ivy League tier
Keep telling yourself that.

Fuck off, we're full.