Homeless hate thread

>at central station
>homeless guy with beard and filthy cape/rug comes over to me and tabs me on the shoulder
>"m8 u got me sum change fo a good ol' homeless person?"
>he reeks worse than a public toilet
>as my eyes start to water from the stench I ask him how much he wants
>he did not expect that question and hesitates "uuuuuuhm i-i dunno. Whatever you see fit"
>I put my hand in my jacket pocket and start shaking it so that the coins start chiming loudly
>hobo joe notices this and becomes uneasy
>"Whatever I see fit, hm?" As I chime louder and louder with the coins
>"Ye man. Whatever u see fit"
>look him dead in the eye and whisper gently "In tht case: nothing."
>I relish in the sudden wave of dispair after his hopes lay there shattered in front of me and walk off to my train

Fucking beggers. The gubment takes half my paycheck away to fund gibs for rapefugees and people in need and they still have the audacity to touch me in public and beg me for coins.

How is the homeless situation in your country Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Most of them have serious psychological problems and/or are mentally ill, stop hating on those who literally have nothing

>I relish in the sudden wave of dispair after his hopes lay there shattered in front of me and walk off to my train

That's just unnecessarily cruel

>literally have nothing
Still too much

Fuck off satan.

Fucking Krauts.

>bothered by homeless
>ok with Ahmed fucking his wife

get fucked germ

wow that was cruel even for some evil white male

90% of the homeless are white men

fuck off OP

That's really nice of you, Satan.

where is his begis?

Almost no homeless people where i live, saw a homeless guy a few years ago in a major city

Never visit San Francisco, LA, New Orleans or Chicago in that case.

I saw a homeless "veteran" on the corner of the two busiest streets today. It was cold and raining and he looked like the saddest cunt possible. Not even trying to make eye contact with people stopping at the light. His sign said something along the lines of "Homeless veteran. Anything helps. God bless."

What gets me is how they always seem to be able to make signs. Where do they get the markers from? The signs always look really good too. But minor autism aside, there is a veteran's outreach center a few blocks down the road. Hell, he could take a bus if he had a buck. They'd gladly give him a warm place to stay and warm food. My mom is a veteran and she's gotten stuff from them before. They even tossed in a flannel shirt for me, which is legit the warmest thing I have.

My point is there are plenty of places willing to help people like this if they look for it. Welfare is a thing after all. If you're really desperate enough to the point where you're going to lose your house and you somehow don't have a support network of friends or family or church or whatever, the government can and will help you. Failing that, there are private businesses or whatever you want to call them also willing and able to help. I honestly think people like the guy I saw today is homeless on purpose, as retarded as it sounds, or because he's a junkie. There's a reason he's homeless and it's probably his fault. So I don't feel much pity for people like that.

Yeeeaaahhh I have no problem with homeless people. Who the fuck would WANT to be homeless?

There's no fun in that. Usually they just had bad luck in life with health, family, and a series of bad luck.

I think the government should actually take care of the homeless

Don't cut yourself on those edges

Yeah, the homeless are your problem, but refugees are fine. You didn't get to go to Gymnasium did you?


Get in here and meme tf out and chill
i hate homeless

Those places don't give you money for crack, user. That's the difference. It's along the lines of when I bought a side of smoked salmon, huge, from a native girl downtown, she wanted money "to buy food".

Leave them alone.
Be happy it's not you.
They are obviously weaker then you ever will be.
Leave them alone

>go to library
>it smells like piss
>mentally ill hobo keeps mumbling to himself audibly
>check the bathrooms
>water and piss all over floor
why the fuck are they so inconsiderate

Portland is the worst

No shit I live there

Had a old bloke sleeping at the local church old invited him to sleep on a spare mattress next day told him to use the shower (smelly af) gave him new clothes new cane and set him up for two weeks at local hostel, helped out getting him a government house and now lives there on welfare with another old bloke so mate either you help your fellow man or stop bragging how you deflecting homeless people you daft cunt

That's exactly why I don't believe in giving them money. He was right across the street from a McDonalds (USA!) and down the street from restaurants, grocery stores and, gas stations. All of which have varying degrees of quality and priced food. If I'm going to help someone like that, I'm going to ask him what he wants from the store and buy it for him instead of giving him cash.

I've seen pictures of homeless "care packages" which I think are a nice idea but cbf actually making one because lol poor college student

How are those homeless camps working? That new law change shit? Or are the cops still pussifed and scared to do anything?

You're a good person, god bless you user.

How degenerate pick on the weakest

However I do meet young homeless people and think its daft to be young and able and not work, I'm a mason during the week and clean hotel rooms in weekend and working there is the easiest job o ever had so no excuses for young blokes hanging about in the street lazy cunts

felt like i just read a NTR mango, not a nice post

Dude...that's fucking cold....dude

theres a hobo living in a piece of forest up my street
the piece is of shit is dirty as fu
all the place full of plastic bottles and garbage
fuck him
and fuck all homeless
most of them are so for a reason

>inb4 edgy as fuck

Thanks mate kek has given you his blessing

The rain mostly cleared up all that camping bullshit up we will see how next summer go's most are huddled under bridges or squatting. Of course there are the boat bums that live our on the river

In my country beggars have started almost overnight. We neverbsae anything like this 3 years ago, now they are everywhere. However they are not legitimate, they are just scamming tourists.

Not that long back the police rounded up everyone begging in the CBD, nabbed 17 people. Only two of them did not have a home, the remainder all had homes.

I fucking hate beggars. They are scum. They need to be rounded up by councils and executed. Fucking despise the cunts.

Kek approves!

Back when I was in college I used to let homeless people crash on my couch. That experience redpilled the fuck out of me. In order to become homeless you have to burn every single bridge you have ever built in your entire life. You literally have to be such a piece of shit that your own family won't even take you in because they stopped caring if you die in the gutter. These people 100% deserve their shitty lives, and anyone who thinks differently has never lived with one of them.

tramps can be annoying - we have some old irish guy who yells at everyone who passes him - but this is just cruel


Did this particular homeless man live in the campus library, debate your professor, review your dissertation l, and die a few months later?

I was married to a woman who did the same thing but that didn't redpill me on women.
Are you sure your not upset for sexual reasons?

Homeless people are great!
You can pay them to go cause trouble, they will do anything for money.
I have three of them doing my bidding

Yeah Hillary found this out didn't she. Paying them to agitate at Trump rallies. Good point Sven. Even more reason to hate them though.

I wouldn't mind taking a hot young homeless chick home and fucking her for a hot shower and a meal. And treating her like scum. Its just no such thing exists unfortunately. It's all just brown guys in their teens and early 20s pretending to be homeless where I am.

Unlike your third world hole we habe plenty of institutions and free healthcare for people in need with such disorders. They could get all that treatment they need by simply walking through a door yet they decide to rot in the gutter, begging for coins.

I got no simpathy for people who refuse to seek free top shelf help. There is a reason our income taxes are sky high here and that's to a grant extend because of all the public services we provide for people and now also rapefugees in need. Whoever suffers hunger or sleeps outside in germany is doing so because of sheer lazyness.

Shriveled up under layers of dried smegma and pubes.

That's very honorable. Not even kidding mate. However here in Germany everybody (and I mean everybody, even non-citizens) can get all those things you provided and more + a shit ton of gibs money if they have kids. So I fail to see how you could compare us with you in that regard. Keep helping though.

Weak by choice. Deserve nothing less.

Idk man. I pity homeless people in less social countrys such as yours because they truly have no light at the end of the tunnel whereas here you have a state funded usher who will guide you through that tunnel and even hold the lamp. German homeless are the lowest scum there is.

Had I know I'd trigger so many white knights I would nof have posted that green text.

I am yet to hear some serious statements in regards to the homeless situation in your country Sup Forums.

Thanks mate I help old people left behind with our (((system))) but refuse to give alms to those young and able enough to find work may kek bless us

Yeah man fuck them window washers in manukau


what are you talking about

99% of the beggars are arabs or gypsies here

This should be par for the course, if he was a Romanian gypsy.

If he was German, you're trash.

I would like to kick every young begger in the balls and chase him to the next job center. It's really a shame to see so much wasted potential.
Old people I leave alone bit I still fail to muster any sympathy for anybody who doesn't make use of our great public services. It's one of the few great administrative things here in Germoney. Knowing that whatever happens it is impossible for you to starve to death here if you know the drill.


Why would you hate your countrymen who have nothing?
Hate the fucking Muslims that are taking your tax dollars, raping your women and destroying your entire fucking society maybe?

You seem like a good man - one that is devoted to growing the economy. I'd hire you to work at my hedge fund.

Why can't I hate both?
Just because they're German doesn't give them a free pass out of degeneracy.
Both are despicable in their own way and I would not like to frequent with either.

f he sas a gipsy i would have fainted from the smell.

Why is it worse if he's German? That's even worse! How can you be a citizen and not use your own countrys cutting edge help which wont cost you a dime? Seeing this is really infuriating

>top-down penis from bottom-down view

>Who the fuck would WANT to be homeless?
Literally 100% of the homeless we have in Germany.

France should contain these people somehow since they can fuck the country's image.

Haha, same

It's very easy to judge us for hating homeless when your country lets them rot.

We have public services that would literally wipe their asses with money and still some choose to be homeless.
Tell me somefhing more degenerate.

If by contain you mean sinking them in the seine river with rocks and plastic bags I wholeheartedly agree

>Hey sir, spare some change?


>I said can you spare some change? Been going through a rough time. Anything helps.

>I uh I-I don't have anything, s-sorry

>Oh that's ok, I understand, we're all going through a rough time. Hey, are you alright?

>Heh-heh, yeah

>Alright, well you have a good day sir

>Why is it worse if he's German?
Because he's probably mentally ill and you should take care of your countrymen, ill or not. Gypsies however are organized criminals who do not fucking belong there.

>not even beating the shit out of him

fucking cuck

There are so many disgusting homeless niggers near my campus. I can't wait for them all to freeze again this winter. Based Ohio.

I think I read somewhere the vast majority of beggers aren't homeless, and the majority of homeless don't beg.

Most beggars have places to stay, but they blew all their dole money on crack.

And I will admit, drug addiction is a bitch. A lot of thes guys feel stuck, but you have to harden your heart and not bail them out, like they have been so many time before.

The old nugget of advice thats common knowledge is, if a beggar asks for money, offer to by them food directly. A lot of the time they'd just bugger off then and there. If they say they need a place to stay, point them in the direction of a homeless hostel. Scammers will try and tell you that they need 20 bucks for the hostels, but a hostel will never turn away someone for not having money. They usually sort out finances after the fact. That's how it is in my country anyway.

I buy the big issue when I can. That's usually the only surefire way to help out genuinely homeless people on the street.

>m8 u got me sum change fo a good ol' homeless person?"
Homeless Bongs live in Germany?


>be me, move to big city hipster neighborhood
>be liberal faggot
>be around homeless and low lives ghetto degenerates
>get into first fight w/ homeless long beach crip that's in my city for some reason

Im not a liberal anymore.

>working shitty gas station job
>homeless guy named Jerry hangs around sometimes
>weird but he's alright
>show up to work one day and talking to him while still inside my truck
>asks me for any loose change which is weird because he never asks for money
>tell him to hold out his hands
>i use the ashtray in my truck for loose change
>dump the whole thing in his hands which was probably like $20

Fuck you OP

This, genuinely wondering.

I know mate gibsmedat mentality or laziness? I see young blokes with signs saying they need money for "food" or "medicine" once i saw this obsese guy begging for food surrounded by empty macas bags haha these fucking people absolutely mental

If you ever find yourself wanting to give something to a homeless person, find out if they are nice people first, most of them are ASSHOLES.

>be me
>going to buy a camera
>get intercepted by a homeless beggar
>gib money pls
>uhmm I don't know
>aww come on man just some money
>try to get away but he blocks my path
>I'm not rich but I still give him a bill, about 10 dollars (I could really use that money right now actually)
>just leaves and dosen't say thank you

Only later did I realize that he was the same homeless bum that tried to bum me of my last ciggarette once and called me an asshole when I didn't give it to him, even though I tried to explain I don't have alot to give/share... he wouldn't listen, just turned his back on me when he realized he had nothing to gain from me, I treated him very politely and even bothered to stop and talk to him when most would ignore him..

So yeah, most of them are selfish assholes and there is most likely a good reason they are homeless.

Shit out here the beggers beg for cannabis.


Holy shit I just realized that panhandling in Sweden could probably turn me into a millionaire. You are all such betas.

Smoking cigarettes is almost as degenerate as being homeless

I've stopped now since a while ago.

Real money is in Norway

You fucking piece of shit

I never give homeless people money because it just perpetuates their homelessness, but you seem to have forgotten that they're real people with feelings who need our help (read: not our gibs) to get back on their feet

I hope the next time you scratch your balls you find a lump.

If I ever saw that guy again, I will probably stalk him and then murder him.

Just saying

have YOU been to any of those places or are you one of those people that 'hurr durr I read about it so i kno"?
It's not so bad in SF, correct me if I'm wrong though


>stalk him and then murder him.

Your English is mistaken Sven. I think you meant to say "give him more money and then let him fuck my wife."

Cringe banter

But for the grace of gd go i. So if i see a white homeless person i usually give em a bit

t. dog fucker.

San Fransisco is pretty bad, atleast it was around 2008 when I visited.

Nothing bad, just heroin junkies loitering about and some crazy persons, one guy even said he could jump into different dimensions and then demonstrated it infront of the tram queue. Pretty funny

Repeating memes does not a five-star post make. Get the fuck off my Sup Forums, newfag.

lurk more

Figures a leaf would know what it should look like

I bet I've been here longer than you ;^)

I bet not, I've been here since 2012, I'm basically a old fag. I was making memes before your GRANDAD was born ;)

Luke 16:19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day:
20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,
21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.
27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:
28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

cruel and unsimpathetic
your vision is clouded by mysantrophy

Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

gypsy beggars got good annual earnings actually. way better than minimun wages

>comparing modern-day social state and welfare facilities to made up fables from 3000 BC
>British """" intellectuals""""

Why the fuck are you cunts defending the homeless? Hitler would've had them killed.

And rightfully so - most of these fucks are beyond saving.

I never give homeless change, they either get fruit, bread, and/or water

bretty good, every winter it's fewer of them