What is up with single mothers expecting to be able to find a man to support them? How can we fix this?
What is up with single mothers expecting to be able to find a man to support them? How can we fix this?
You suck dude.
You fucking got me.
Wow rude
Frig off
Why would she say that.
Allah ist groß
Stop trying to kill mothers
fuck off
crafty faggot
Thanks m8.
nigga that shit don affect me
K-Kek, is that you?
w-what? why wouldnt you?
It's fixing itself, the 'single mother can't find a man' is realmeme.jpg
Because betas have 0 standards, don't know how to get women, and will jump at the first used up slut
If a jew replies to this post OPs mom will die tonight
I deleted my post due to your kek autism.
Not sure how to fix this ...
You fucking nigger
>modern women are delusional
who would have thought?
Let's dispel with this fiction once and for all that my mother will die in her sleep tonight. She exactly does not die in her sleep tonight.
I'm not sure it's the most convincing pitch if she's looking for a man.
maybe realize that no women or childrens belong to you and stop with the cuck meme
I don't care if my mother dies in her sleep. Checkmate shitposters.
>1% battery
lel cx
varg posting
eat shit
Isnt that ben shapiro?
You can't fix it because there are cucks out there willing to settle down with them. When people are made examples of when they're a single mom at 18 people don't act like that. When it's rewarded there's no social guilt to prevent them from doing that.
I laughed thanks
A possible solution would be to discourage divorce so marriage is not so risky for men.
kill yourself fgt
Ban this nigger
Eh fuck you
fuck you
you fucking nigger
damn you hitler
Not me, I've just stopped caring desu. All you need is a good exercise and fapping routine and women will have no more power over you.