I went too fast and too far down the pizzagate rabbithole... I can never see the world in the same again... Will things ever go back to normal?
Are you a child?
What is this pizzagate thing?
Fucking normies.
You find out the Jews are forcing people to join their satanic Moloch-worshiping pedophile snuff circle with franchises in every Western nation in order to obtain occult power, and you're all traumatized from it and shit. This is practically basic bitch on Sup Forums by now.
dont look into it
A false flag operation conducted in order to distract Sup Forums from digging up real dirt on the Clinton Foundation.
Notice how /cfg/ threads suddenly disappeared? Success.
Holy shit shut the fuck up already. You fucking autists do this in every thread that doesn't involve the Clinton Foundation.
News flash retard, there are OTHER topic besides the fucking foundation.
Now go ahead and call me a shil
Right? It's like they don't know that we've known kikes were kid fucking, baby dick sucking, satantic spawns of hell for years. Did they think we were being ironic when we said gas the kikes?
Good going, goys. You literally ruined multiple innocent people's lives and businesses, all while making everyone from Alex Jones to David Seaman look like complete schizos.
Well played, gentlemen, well played indeed.
Do you know about Marc Dutroux? Johnny Gosch? you know nothing
Real dirt? As if kiddie diddling and murder isnt real enough. Fuck u. U fucking jew faggot
Good going, guys. You literally ruined multiple innocent people's lives and businesses, all while making everyone from Alex Jones to David Seaman look like complete schizos.
Well played, gentlemen, well played indeed
Clinton Foundation was outed as a bribe-for-favors operation, which is a massive violation of federal law. Guess what? Everyone suspected that's what it was anyway. Moot point now, since the cunt lost and donations to the Foundation are at zero.
That meme mine is exhausted, and the only thing left to do is prosecute fucking everyone, which won't happen until Trump gets into office anyway. The best play for him is to not say a word on the matter, because if he does, Obama will pardon the bitch.
Be patient.
I guess! Sup Forums hated the Jews for other things, Pizzagate only compounded the issue. But all these normies are all shocked and shit that our rhetoric turned out to be true. Post-election cancer still needing chemo.
It can't be that bad. Someone show me the worst you've got on Pizzagate.
t. pedo butthurt about not being able to rape little boys at Comet Ping Pong anymore without prying eyes.
Same copy pasta. That is the call of CTR.
Wow! A satanic cult rapes/tortures little kids? Who would have thought Satanists with absolute power over entire continents, able to wield armies and start wars that result in millions of deaths would be capable of such evil deeds. Truly shocking!
Hey guys its Jonney Gosch here, Im safe
>Obama will pardon the bitch.
Obama would never pardon Shillary, bc Preet Bharara would then have to investigate Obama, and it would forever besmirch the Obama """""legacy.""""" Obama is stupid, but not that stupid.
They were confirmed faggots to begin with. Happy their lives are ruined regardless of the truth of the allegations
this desu
>James Alefantis
>J'Aime L'Enfants
>i love kids
i dont even
The implications are disturbing though.
This shit has obviously been going on for thousands of years.
I suspect it's the degenerate bloodline of the people who initially defeated the neanderthals. Reports show that clan leaders ate the children of the Neanderthals as a victory thing. I suspect this disgusting tradition carried over time into these so called "elites" today.
Notice how most of them are related. It's simply a case of degenerate bloodlines. Yes admittedly many of them are clever, but high IQ people tend to have problems with their brains.
The way we solve this problem is by tackling the root of the problem: genetics.
If we can locate genotypes for psychopathy then we could realistically locate the genotypes for pedophilia or cannibalism. We could then develop methods to exterminate these genes, whether through eugenics or some other solution.
I also suspect that the whole satanist thing is just a cult they created around their sick proclivities to keep themselves sane enough to do what they like to without thinking they do it just for fun. In their half retarded minds I bet they think they're doing favors for demons to gain more power. In reality they just like doing these things, again because of their genetic abnormalities.
Doubles for truth
best leafpost of 2016
kill em all
we need to mass redpill peoples
it's the only way to clean this mess
also this no survivor theses elites need to be exterminated with no survivor
entire bloodline need to be shut
it's fucking nothing
praise kek.
No, nothing will ever be normal again. I mean unless you somehow force your brain to forget the red pills you've taken but you'd probably go insane before that happens.
However, I have a better solution for all of this: Just accept it.
Think about it, what you've found and what Sup Forums has found is simply just the surface. These things like pizzagate and so on are just the tip of the iceberg, they're just the little things, the breadcrumbs the controlling elite forgot to wipe up. Think about what lies yet beneath. If I somehow, some way found out that this cultural marxism is simply to make us obedient so we could be made into food for aliens who are behind all of this, I wouldn't even be surprised. Not one bit.
I've accepted the fact that most of what you can see and know in the world are carefully manufactured fabrications, and that there is a bigger plan for humanity. Accept it and live on. There's no point in thinking about it, because that won't change it one bit.