Swamp status: DRAINED


>briefly worked for Soros Fund Management
>in partnership with Soros
>former partner for Goldman Sachs for 17 years

Will you look at all the swamp draining!

Sure, Goldman Sachs lackey Mnuchin plans to further enrich the wealthy at the rest of our expense, but at least a bunch of braying douchebags got spiffy red hats out of the deal

Other urls found in this thread:


>trump employs jews
>that means hes a jew

good one retard

Give it up, you need a new proxy.

That one is burnt.

Start using Sweden.

>Stage of grief: anger

>trump picks the best people
>somehow this is a bad thing
good try retard.

Has anyone talked about Ross? He has made billions saving failing steel and coal buisinesses. Perfect for what Trump is trying to achieve

>Before the election: Soros and Goldman Sachs are THE DEVIL!
>After the election: Soros and Goldman Sachs produce the best people!

Cognitive dissonance.

>I-if I keep doubling down on identity politics i-it'll work

Copypasta we had this already fuck off.

>I've accidentally replaced my argument with a meaningless buzzword, let's see if anyone notices

Yeah, that's the spirit, that'll really keep Goldman Sachs out of the White House.

>Sup Forums when questioned about how much they hate Jews and how much they like Trump




We never hated jews

"If you drain the swamp, the swamp wins." --Trump, post election

You never liked Trump either, I bet.

>damage control


Sup Forums recently converted to Judaism though. This is a jewish board now.

>This is a jewish board now.

Don't forget neocon, pro-globalist corporate capitalist board.

I love Trump and Republicans in general.They're the only one defending Israel against the sandniggers in the middle east.

>This is a jewish board now.

This will really increase Sup Forums's chance to marry one of Trump's daughters.




"b-b-but keep your enemies closer!"



Ok sure but he's not even president yet and nothing has been done. So while you may spout off these things, it's just, like, your opinion man.

You ever notice how people go into meetings with Trump and then leave seemingly different and seeing him differently?

"wtf I love Soros now"

Unironically what Sup Forums is saying, Jesus CHRIST

>You ever notice how people go into meetings with Trump and then leave seemingly different and seeing him differently?

I guess being sexually assaulted really changes people.

I've seen Mnuchin's name on Sup Forums literally since election day as part of speculation of who he'd pick for treasury.

Well that makes it ok then!

Rest easy, Soros, Sup Forums has forgiven you.

Is there a group alive more pathetic than Trumptards? All during the primary and general I pointed out all of the numerous flip flops and AWFUL policy positions Trump had, along with the fact the mainstream media Trump claims to hate gave him 5 billion dollars worth of free media coverage. And you faggots fell for the "anti-PC" bullshit hook line and sinker.

Now enjoy war with Iran, crash of the economy, privatization of social security and medicare, and tax cuts for the rich

D-do you mean it, senpai?

if that concerned me then i wouldn't have voted for trump,because you can say the same things about him

He is not G&S anymore

>I've seen Mnuchin's name on Sup Forums literally since election day as part of speculation of who he'd pick for treasury.

Yes just like how Trump didn't pick Mike Pence as VP right?

I like how you retards are avoiding shit threads like these from being slide. Seriously stop replying to this asshurt kraut's threads.

You unironically find muscle women sexy? why should we listen to you.

Well that changes EVERYTHING.

>Goldman’s president, Gary Cohn, spent an hour schmoozing with President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday and could be up for an administration job, possibly as director of the Office of Management and Budget, people close to Cohn and the transition said. Cohn, a long-time commodities trader, is friendly with Trump’s powerful son-in-law, Jared Kushner.


Of course. Most of us conservatives love Israel.

Don't believe anything from MSM until Trump confirms it himself.

>You unironically find muscle women sexy? why should we listen to you.

REAL men have sex with women who can dominate and beat the fucking shit out of them and crush their dicks in bed.

This is a great 4D chess move from Trump. Like they say "Keep your friends close, appoint your enemies to the highest positions in Government"

They're ugly as fuck, It's like a pile of tumors if it were female.

Jesus Christ, shut up. He said he was gonna pick business leaders. That's much better than Senators that have not clue.

Why it is a problem that he worked for GS. He is not working for them anymore. He has no interest in benefiting them.

Stupid conspiracy theorists.

he was Soros protege, WAS. He knows how Soros sold out (((them))) before for $ and power. Maybe history will repeat itself


Wrong. He received $1 Billion from Soros to start Dune Capital which he still runs til this day.

yes, Sup Forumsacks are retarded ideologues. what's new?

Sure thing manlet. She's Russian. They grow them strong over there.

>not wanting her meaty legs to crush your dick as you ejaculate everywhere after a hard work out.

>h-he has ONE ENTIRE degree of separation from Soros guys, it's not like he hired the final boss himself heh heh

I don't love Israel, but they I don't think they deserve to be blown off of the map. The Muslims shitskins have zero argument. The land was never theirs to begin with. Those were originally Judeo-Christian lands, as was the entire middle east prior to Mohammad's death cult slaughtering all kafir. Muslims have no legitimate claim to the land.

Sup Forums would support it even it was Soros.

We said they're evil, not incompetent. If their incredible skill and knowledge can be put to goods, we can really make shit happen.

>filling the swamp with alligators

She looks like a mud monkey, she doesn't even look Russian. I thought russians were pale slavic piles of dogshit not shitskins.

Not even pres yet. We'll see what he does.

At least these guys can afford to not be corrupt if they so wish. They don't need the money.

>kicks faggots out of their houses
>strips down companies in bankruptcy
>Trump loyalist since the primaries

Exactly the man needed to cut education funding for sanctuary cities

so naive. Typical trumpcuck.

>filling the swamp with alligators

I don't think that's a fair comparison.

At least alligators make for nice shoes and handbags.

>rich people get/stay rich because they NEED the money

HAHAHA, if it were about "need" then they wouldn't be insanely rich in the first place.

Nothing says "I understand you, working-class America," quite like assembling the richest cabinet of gazillionaires in presidential history

>We'll see what he does.

>don't worry just because he flipped on everything doesn't mean anything. Just wait and see him rape you in 6 months user. :)))DDDD

Hey man, they'll get what they wanted and asked for. To be ruled by rich kikes.

>Sup Forums is one person

So Trumpfags love Sorors and Goldman Sachs now?

Oh look, this thread again by a kraut and shit eater.

Weak pasta.

Yes, they also love homosexuals like Mattis.

I don't think I've ever seen Sup Forums backpedal this hard.

>mud monkey

Probably the tanning she does.

Lurk more newfag.

Adjusted for inflation, George Washington is a mega millionaire.

And the Founding Fathers only wanted land owners to have political power.

Now you are trying too hard

So you agree with me, glad we're on the same page.

>And the Founding Fathers only wanted land owners to have political power.

That's not a good thing. Founding fathers were pretty shit.

>elderly badass war vet
>NEVER had a wife EVER, permanent bachelor

Rly makes you think

Can't the anti-establishment multibillionaire make America great again by appointing pro-establishment Wall Street guys without you people breathing down his neck?


Jesus fucking Christ what's wrong with her face.

Dude this thread is like the perfect shilltard bathsalt. You can see that they're crying trying their pathetic attempt at trolling with each post. FFS most of these fucker haven't even read The Art of The Deal and just espouse the same old media shit they love to regurgitate so much.

Look at the wiggling to justify bad choices for Trump's admin.

Sounds like us

I'm sensing a redemption arc told through flashbacks.

Oh, it's so beautiful.

Haha that's gotta sting

The cabinet is right next to the oven.

Literally the only cabinet pick that I don't approve of.

However, I get the feeling trump didn't have much choice in the matter. It's either play ball with the banks or die.

He's got 4-8 years to sort things out in the US. Trying to fix the fed before he's established himself in office is probably suicide. We'll see if he does anything after a few years; I doubt it, frankly, but this is what you get for working within the system.

Only a genuine revolution would be enough to oust banker control.

The swamp just got 10 feet deeper, lads.

Never really cared about Jews, personally. They're absolutely irrelevant to Canada.

>Yeah he's only telling a jew with ties to Soros to carry out executive duties.

yeah ok boi keep up with that delusion. There's no way you can justify this pick.

Fuck off syrupboy

Jews are the devil and I wish they'd all fuck off to israel and let us run our own countries, banks, and media without their interference.

Viktor Orban used to work with Soros as well. What's your point?

>The swamp just got 10 feet deeper, lads.


Why would he say something so controversial and obviously meant to harm Trump's presidency to the (((media))) if he likes what Trump is doing? This really made me think...

he left Sachs in 2002

Mnuchin is actually based, you retard.

>worked on Trump campaign, keeping it under budget and turning a profit
>produced American Sniper among other decent films
>was a finance guy that chose to work at the biggest bank in the US, like anyone of his background would

He wasn't my first, or even second pick, but why should I assume Mnuchin doesn't want to MAGA, when he has stood with Trump from day one, already delivered with his campaign?

Fuck right off.


Sup Forums is a board of peace

It is almost like Trump spent his entire life as a democrat and ran on the GOP ticket.

>worked on Trump campaign, keeping it under budget and turning a profit

Campaigns can't turn a profit but okay then

>Produced American Sniper among other decent films

How is this even related faggot?

>Was a finance guy that chose to work at the biggest bank in the US

Thats great and all but it still contradicts what Trump stood for. Face is faggot you got played

Let's be honest though, he LITERALLY did nothing wrong

>Mnuchin is actually based,

I bet you liked Timothy Geithner

My sides were not ready.


B-but muh Soros rigging

Not an argument.

He also produced Mad Max. I guess Sup Forums is SJW now.

Just let them be, OP. For people who didn't question him when he said "he's not going after Clintons" and started considering Romney as SoS - there is no saving.

This is a personality cult at this point.

Yeah, but we can still point and laugh, right?