Are Finns actually gooks or is this just a meme?

Are Finns actually gooks or is this just a meme?

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It's a meme. Don't tell anyone though. We don't want them to come here.

Gooks are Korean

Learn your shit, whitey

It's not a meme. Don't tell anyone though. We don't want them to come here.

We are mixed but more European

Mixed? With what

They're only slightly more gookish looking than Swedes and Norwegians.



They're only slightly more mongol than the average euro, and a shell of what they once were

...Who are a minimal group in Asia


Gooks are Vietnamese. Koreans are zipperheads

100% pure Mongolian phenotype, heres a native Finn performing the national anthem

Ever been to Finland? Or just Googled?


It's a secret until we can rebuild our Ancient Finnish Kingdoms

fun fact. Finnish is the only European language that doesn't have European roots.

Scandis + Russians are desu

But they're still the whitest.
