Why are Canadians such big cucks?
Why are Canadians such big cucks?
Why don't your people want to go back to meh hee co?
lol fag
This is gonna keep happening. Since the US got Trump and isolationism is retarded in the 21 st century countries are looking into other trading routes. Look at how China has started talking to South American countries.
They can have them.
So? You have to go back.
They're trying to fuck us though.
Once China moves in, spics and nigs will beg for whites to come back and enslave them. White slavery is a fucking piece of cake compared to what the soulless chinks have in plan for the shitskins. I almost feel bad for them, but this is what they wanted apparently.
Fuck I hate my country
I hate your country too bud
So my friend works for the CBSA.
Apparently there are plane fulls of mexicans booking one way trips to Canada in december. Not joking.
Gunna be fun spending hundreds of millions on processing these frauds again. Good job liberals.
>canadians act like jobs are a bottomless resource
Nobody cares. We make the products here we sell them here america is the largest market in the world by far for consumption of products. They'd be full blown retards to say they won't sell here.
this post coming from a Mexican is hilarious
You're actually our best neighbor, but don't move here
Hey, Canadians: Nice to see you're joining us in out open border policy for unskilled economic refugees. What a great decision! Let me tell you, this has worked out bigly for us. People are coming in by the millions, they're bringing work, they're bringing wealth. Some, I assume, are bad people. But they are few and far between, so don't worry about them at all.
More people = more products in demand.
I don't want Mexico to walk in here freely, but it doesn't mean you aren't a fucking retard.
JUST is he really castros son?
>impoverished welfare people
>creating demand for things
Guess the leaf got cought in the Swedish breeze
We really do have to build 2 walls
Build a second wall, America. They'll just walk south once they get here
Would save alot of tax money to nuke them, or atleast Mexico.
>stays on his side of the wall unless invited over
he is truly a great example how ideal US-Mexico relations