How long until the left tries to normalize this?


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Pedophilia and Bestiality will be made legal in our lifetime, I'm fearful for the future of my children and doggos

There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile.

They're already trying desu. Probably a few more years before they really start to double down

I'm thinking 5 years unless we have carousel

Soon, since their leaders are already spirit-cooking pizzas

They have been trying to normalise it since the 70s.

Link? I want to see this pedo justify this lmao

They can try as they might but it will never ever happen, EVER!

Even in my country which has very high rates of child rape this sort of thing is never accepted.

If you are known to be a pedophile here and the people get to you before the police you will be tortured to death.

The vast majority of the common man will always hate pedo's and kill them with no remorse.

>this is not already an attempt at normalization


This has all been foretold by maaaaaaany different people going back a few decades now, first was gay rights, then once a solid majority of the population fully accepts all of that, then they'd move on to pedophilia. I always knew this campaign was coming, it's surreal to see it begin in earnest in late-2016.

Wont happen they need paedophiles vilified to justify snooping on peoples privacy and family life. It could also lead to an increase in straight white partnership and children.

Y'all motherfuckers need to start looking at the world though Jewish globalists eyes.

You're posting on a website that because infamous for having naked kids posted. Kill yourself, normie.

Well, some claim that being attracted to almost 18 y/o is same as babies giving you hard ons
Men started overreacting to that

This thread again.

Pedophilia isn't a crime.
However, the fear-mongering of dumb parents might fade in our lifetimes. Truth is nobody wants to fuck their ugly ass kids. Yet, they all want to believe pedophiles are lined up in playgrounds with candy on a fishing line waiting for them.

Child abuse and molestation will never be legal.

Well those people should look up the definition of pedophile.

Stay away from kids you creepy ugly freak or else...

Because you live in a nigger hellhole. Banging kids is wrong, but there is nothing wrong with jerking off to pictures and videos of children.
>i-it promotes it!
No it doesn't.

I would kick your dick into oblivion if you said that to my face. You never will though because you are a deviant.

>How long until the left tries to normalize this?

Are you sure this kind of SJW cult isn't behind PizzaGate?
Would explain how they manage to stay hidden in plain sight.
They really don't think they are doing the children harm.
The occult cult thing might be just a small part of it.

They've ran out of time. Trump's elected, the SC is about to go full conservative, and it's only a matter of time until the super-conservative Generation Z fully reaches age. They'll be lucky if they don't have their accomplishments taken away.

Pedophilia is a mental sickness that needs to be cured. Being a pedophile isn't something they choose to be.

However molesting a child is a whole different thing.

Yes there is. I mean ultimately it isn't seeing as you don't directly harm children, but it is your demand that keeps the industry going, harming children for videos. Stop being so wilfully ignorant

Bullshit. Children are scarred by it. Pedophiles only think about themselves. It is a disgusting, self evidently punishable sexuality. I seriously doubt this meme that it shall some day become legal to rape children, the left will implode before it reaches that point.

Maybe someday we will lobotomize pedophiles to fix them. That is closer to what must be done to them.

HOW LONG UNTIL WE NORMALIZE RACISM. RACISM = TRUTH. niggers are extremely racist and nobody bats an eye. the reason why shitskin subhumans get upset when a white person starts to rise up is because they fear us. they know we are superior. they are afraid of our ability to conquer. that is why they try so hard to keep us down. all non white are crabs in a bucket when it comes to interacting with whites

>tfw i will never marry a cute loli in my lifetime

Why live ;_;

He's 22. Wew..

i have nothing against pedophiles who dont act on it, that's kinda like hating on people with depression
if you act on it tho i want to see you stoned to death

What the left gain legalizing pedophilia?

As a firm believer in "an eye for an eye", a rapists punishment should be rape. A child rapist's punishment should be rape by a proportionally bigger guy, to whom the paedo appears childlike.

Did you not learn from prohibition? By keeping it illegal, you open up the door to shady backroom cp shit, which likely harms children.

Legalizing it and having reputable sources for it would kill the demand for the harmful stuff.

>normalize and legalize pedos right before flooding the western world with immigrants who take child brides

hmmmm i wonder

>thought crime

the roach gets it.

Hell yea! Kill those depressed emos!

The urge isn't a crime, but acting on the urge most definitely is/should be.

Honestly, chemical castration should be the least we do before we ever release any convicted pedophiles back into society.

all of it is harmful.

>wut do


>already 7 articles about normalizing pedophilia after the popularization of pizzagate

This is already getting too real, hear me out

>Pizzagate evidence piling up
>media tries to censor it
>only made it even popular
>google now censors "fake" news sites, it already labelled breitbart under the list
>Reddit and twitter CEO shutting down pizzagate
>now the same media who said the pizzagate is fake are trying to normalize pedophilia to prepare the oncoming truth storm

This is it lads, Buckle up.

The ones who do not act about it cannot really be trusted. Pedophiles are manipulative animals. If you are ready to hear these pedophiles who do not act on it, be prepared to inevitably meet some liars.


How is ALL of it harmful? if everyone agrees to make a film (yes, that includes asking the children), then in what way is it harmful?

What a stupid, unrealistic, macho man way of administering punishment. You are a huge badass

Soon probably

You're so stupid it I wonder whether I should reply at all.

Children are actually being raped. No they cannot consent I don't care what you say. A 7 year old girl can not give consent. They are traumatised by the experience, even if they do consent. It's asymmetrical information. They don't know what they're doing.

The prohibition affected a large majority of the population. The demand for cp would surely only rise by a small margin should it become legalised. Not everyone is a paedo, but most all people enjoyed a glass.

Yup, the timing isn't a (((coincidence))), this campaign is in reaction to pizzagate reaching critical mass and reaching the normiesphere.

Swap the name to for 'john podesta'

You mean they want to end western civilization and the white race?
But for what purpose?

I'm not being ironic I'm legitimally curious.

Call me Todd.

It was the leftists, the socialists and feminists, who demonized pedophilia and pushed up the age of marriage in the first place. Girls should be married good and young.

>Pedos are just born this way!!!! xD xD

Kill yourself this is the first step to normalisation. Pedos are not sexually attracted to kids they are just autistic mentally ill freaks and opportunists who think kids are more likely to have sex with them since their are so repulsive and hideous

It won't be normalized, It might be framed as a treatable mental health issue instead of a crime but it won't be normalized

The thing that le slippery slope people miss is that gay rights and then pedophilia don't line up because there's a huge leap regarding informed consent.

I literally fuck horses and it's 100% legal in Ohio.

rofl @ fucking pedos; you were born with the shittiest affliction


Too late. Trump already has.

Hello newfriend, it is against the rules to post underage

Thoughtcrime? How old are you? Did you forget that we are talking about pedophilia? It makes me shout with laughter that you would accuse me of thoughtcrime over that. Are you a pedophile? I am leaning towards probably, yes.

Kill yourself you creepy ugly freak. Stop with your retarded revitionsim you deranged mentally ill subhuman. Sick fuck.

NAMBLA was campaigning next to mainstream gay organisations on the 70s. Leftists were expermineting with "child love" in Eastern Europe in the 50s and 80s.

>Children are actually being raped.
Rape is always going to happen. No amount of laws or penalties will change that.

>A 7 year old girl can not give consent. They are traumatised by the experience
In that case, ban sexual acts for those under a certain age (eg. under 12).

You are stupid if you think pedophillia will just disappear by itself. Taking steps to get rid of the worst stuff and replace it with consensual material is the only way forward.

Yes, exactly, we are talking about paedophilia; the sexual attraction to children.

It's not a justification.

>For better or worse—mostly worse—we have this sexuality, and unlike with most sexualities, there is no ethical way we can fully actualize our sexual longings. Our desires and feelings, if we are to remain upright, are doomed from the outset. Indeed, whereas the majority of crimes can be bounced back from, society doesn’t extend a mulligan to molesters. I understand why, but that doesn’t make the burden any lighter to bear, particularly for those of us who have minimal or no attraction to adults. And for the pedos who are lucky enough to be able to form working relationships with adults, there are a new set of concerns: What if we have children? Will I be a threat to them? Can I ever share this fact with my spouse? Can I ever love and want her as much as I do a child?

He's basically saying "I don't choose to be attracted to children, I just am, and we need to find a solution to this"

Because that's exactly what pedophilia is, for the most part. Most pedophiles don't choose to be pedophiles, most of them just have an uncontrollable sexual attraction to children. For whatever reason, that's how their brain is set up.

Sup Forums likes to argue against gay rights saying it's a slippery slope towards pedophilia wrongly cherry picking articles like these (Which is a logical fallacy in itself), but gay rights is not a slippery slope. There's a clear distinction between sex with the same gender, and sex with a child.

I feel like wanting to fuck children is a little wrong. I know its a real fringe opinion though.

Anyone that fucks a child needs to be hanged, doesn't matter what your skin colour or sex is your nothing more than a mentally ill piece of shit that does not fit in western society.

well what the fuck are you gonna do? if they hide it there's no way to see it, how do we kill them then?

The idea that people are born with pedophilia is dangerous and needs to be discarded.

Pedophilia is a transitory fetish people pick up through porn overuse, or reinforcement. Of course, upbringing might make people more inclined to pick up the fetish, but no one is born with it.

It's like other fetishes. Some men are attracted to scat porn. All men are attracted to bodily intimacy and erogenous zones, and scat is the extreme of that. Some men are attracted to rape fantasies. All men have an inclination to be dominant, and rape is the extreme of that. Similarly, some men are pedophiles. All men are attracted to youthful features in a woman, and pedophilia is the extreme of that.

Porn plays a huge role in radicalizing certain attractions and turning them into fetishes. The best cure for pedophilia is cutting out all porn and letting the sexual tastes return to normal.

Well you even admitted that we need to seek a "cure" for it so I assume that you understand why pedophilia is something that should be treated somewhat similarly to a thoughtcrime.

But your mistake is to attempt to portray the pedophile as a martyr, you will never be able to convince many people with that argument, and the notion itself implies that you are probably a pedophile.

Does the leaf listen to pornochord?

Yeah dude, let's just make burglary legal. I mean, it's going to happen anyway, and we might as well take steps to get rid of the messy burglaries and replace it with the legal sort that we can all agree on.

On that note, let's also legalise rape too. And murder.

I remember the story of that image. It's ashame he killed himself because he deserved another 8 rounds for what he did to his son.

They've been put on the defensive by Trump. They mostly won't be pushing new progressive bullshit any time soon.

Glad to know you are against harmful acts. Perhaps you would be against Guns as well. Only harm comes from them, right?

Or you're just pushing your 'My values are right, everyone else's beliefs are wrong' ideology.

>Alcohol is capable of being mentally scarred for life

Your flag really tells its own tale, doesen't it?
You're comparing two so completely different things, that I don't even know where to start breaking your lunatic opinion apart.
I honestly we chemically castrate / execute pedo fucks like you in a forseeable future.

>children have fully developed brains and can fully comprehend consequences.
>children aren't the easiest demographic to manipulate

Were going to swing right, its happening right now as faggot youtubers try to make altright cool and pedophilia will always seen as disgusting unless I'm wrong in which case enjoy your 9 year old

If we want to win every election for the next X years we need to pysop this campaign into reality under the guise of leftists.

Explain that in prison.
Guards already do as much as they can to get these sick asses beat.
They turn a blind eye to when they are getting beat up and intentionally lead them on routes that put them in danger.

I don't care what a person thinks or is attracted to, and neither should you. It isn't anyone's business, especially the state's. I don't care for convincing anyone, I seek solutions, not agreement. And most people would agree with me that paedos (read: child molesters) should receive really heavy punishment to discourage others who have yet to commit the crime and are maybe thinking of touching some kid.

It's difficult to shut down the cp industry, but punishing thought crimes would not help one bit. Viewing the vidoes is already illegal, and that isn't a thoughtcrime, because one is directly contributing to the industry and indirectly to the harm of children. Those people should also be severely punished. They will fear punishment and the industry will die. But we can't do that without mass surveillance. It's hard to solve this problem.

where's my proofs?

I believe that there is an abstract moral web that we must cling to, yes, I am sure that you think it is old fashioned. That does not really surprise me.

Now, the point about guns shows how your argument is really flailing at this point. Contrary to what you say, I am not so sure that guns have caused only harm, though I admit that they have caused a lot of harm.

I am on the other hand completely sure that pedophilia has caused only harm to people. You are right that it must be cured, it must be cured as if it is cancer. Your disdain for my words only further implies that you are a pedophile. The holier than thou attitude is telling.

I could say that you are only trying to advance your ideology too, but I do not say it because it is a boring, nothing statement.

A 9mm between the eyes accomplishes the same thing at a fraction of the cost.

>Needs to be cured
See above.

It's basically "ya, I know it's wrong, but I'm tired of feeling bad about it." I pity the guy cause he's obsiously mentally ill reading bjs story but fucking kids is and will never be ok

We've already normalized a rapist as the president so not very long I assume

A leaf.

And people say the left doesnt make you retarded.

Guns are a tool of the people. So are knives. We don't have guns here, so people stab each other. It's almost like it's the people doing the harm with whatever tools are available to them. Who would've thunk. What were you arguing for again?

>My values are right
I wouldn't bother arguing with you if I didn't believe that to be the case.

It's all about economics. Whites have lived successful, strong, conservative lives and own a lot of property and wealth, break down their ability to accumulate or hold onto their wealth by destroying the family, community, religion the individual, and society and you make the process of confiscating their wealth much easier while degrading the individual with fallacious ideologies that make more pliable individuals.

They will build up migrants somewhat and allow them to subvert whites for a bit, ultimately with the goal in mind to break every one down evenly and have next to no middle class.

These ongoing recessions are not aberrations, there have been countless bubbles since the creation of the Federal Reserve, the purpose of which is to collapse the wealth of the people and put it into the hands of the bankers, it is a process they have repeated many times over while their agents in the media or education parrot the ideology of communism as the means to save the people from the banker's actions. The greatest tragedy is people believe the banker's fairytale of communism and are ultimately lulled into the final step of super capitalist slavery, where the state takes total control of private property ownership and relegates people to slave class all the while proclaiming it is utopia by repeating words like equality and liberation.

Trotsky and Lenin were financed by bankers, their ideologies were brought in from outside of Russia. Ultimately what resulted from the Bolshevik revolution in 1917 was the beginning of some of the worst atrocities known to mankind.

They are only scared by the trauma of forced or physical/verbal abuse or any harm
and or from those trying to "protect" using verbal abuse via fear monger exaggerations
nothing more

I bet you are real fucking proud of yourself

He used your logic to showcase alternative examples in order for you to understand how retarded your reasoning is. It's called Reductio ad absurdium. Although there is literly nothing more absurd then what you are promoting.

If you legalise a crime it doesn't stop happening, the harm from it doesn't go away. It's simply no longer called a "crime" and doesn't show up in crime stats.

Kill yourself other leaf
Ffs I hate other leafs


i saw that BEFORE i saw the author admit to being a pedophile and i already KNEW it was gonna be an article written by a piece of shit.

My opinion comes from the (rightful) belief that you don't have to be 18 years old to be able to consent to sex. I remember thinking at 13 that having sex would be awesome.

I really don't think that minors are unable to consent, especially when there is a Sex Ed. program in almost every school. Of course, I don't believe that young children are able to consent, and shouldn't be able to.

Proof of this is the variance of Ages of Consent in different countries. A lack of a single age tells us that no one really knows what age minors should begin having sex at.

For them sexual morality ends with consent so why shouldn't they try to normalize it? It's the same with polygamy and bestiality. So long as "no harm" is done then they have no good arguments against allowing it.


What a horrible anecdotal example, of course it is all about you and how you felt at the age of 13. I am not even surprised.

Remember all the faggot loving pricks who told us we were retarded when we said gay marriage is a slippery slope to paedophilia
>Canada now has bestiality
>Pedos are on the rise

Fuck sake can we stop being right, I would love to be wrong right now.

>let me cherry-pick one example and ignore everything that i can't defend against

Technically in your perspective
but the overall actuality of the situation No.
Its scientifically proven to be natural AND successful as relationship.
However the Distraction of it from the ACTUAL problem being RAPISTS/MOLESTATION- Forced and (caniballistc/satanic) murderers has people overseeing its harmlessness by definition

If Clinton had of taken office, within the next 5 years.

Now with Trump, GL with that.