/islam/ - Islam General

This thread is for the discussion of Islam, the only true religion in the world.


sunnah.com/ - The Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad
quran.com/ - Read and listen to Qur'an online.
inter-islam.org/Seerah/ - Biography of the Prophet Muhammad

>Allah loves everyone
youtube.com/watch?v=vyw13WuGpzU [Open]
>What is Islam?
youtube.com/watch?v=OsmYQl3xy_Y [Open]
>How to revert?
youtube.com/watch?v=TbmdE3oXlEQ [Open]
>From Atheism to Islam
youtube.com/watch?v=YiRsyes_q8o [Open]
>Christian to Islam
youtube.com/watch?v=iHFgcRGIrH0 [Open]

>Islam website with everything you need
>Find a mosque and revert today!

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Marhaba! Asalam Wa' Alaikum. Kill the kike, kill the pkk, kill the gülenists. Allahu Akbar. Istiyorum Israel to burn

Second for removal of kebab

Remove kebab from the premises

We are comming for you sandnigger :)

Fuck off goatfucker

fuck off kebab

Remove kebab

Deus Vult!

Also, with Flynn and Mattis in the cabinet, kebab removal got a lot more likely.


Why so much hate? May Allah cleanse hate from your souls and fiill it with light of the Islam.

>What is Islam?
islam is pork



Did you make that out of your own poop?


>Muslim world 40-50% inbreed according to Global Prevalence of consanguinity:

>Rich Arab nations speaking out about how they are all inbreed

>Brits worries that their Pakistani population could soon set itself up for genetic doom:


You can't make this shit up

Marhaba, brother. Thank you once again for enlightening this region during Ottoman empire.


Lebanese sunni family, but I reject islam. I just can't believe this shit, it's too much for me.

Goddamn meme religion, spreading 6th century arabic culture all over the world.

Fuck off. The official religion of Sup Forums is kabbalist kekeism.

How do you feel about wahabists? Will you admit they are a puritanical cancer on the world along with the house of saud?

How will Islam/Arabs ever recover?

>I am an atheist but i do live in Turkey. If muslim world do not accept that they are are literally savages and destroy wahabi and salafi traditions, they are fucked. I don't think natural selection will allow them to outlast this century. Muslim world needs to be skeptical about everything and of course illitirate monkeys will not do this. Sorry for poor englando.

Ok but what would root them out by your roach based logic?

The west? War? Pork storms?


Taqiyya gtfo

White power, bacon devoured.


If Allah exists, he hates Muslims because their countries are fucking shit, their quality of life index is fucking garbage and Muslims are desperately fleeing Islamic countries.

the illiterate warlord pedophile goat fucking pig prophet muhammad (pain and agony be upon him) was a false prophet confirmed by the fact that he had worms in his mouth when he died

Quran is literally a guide on how to fuck children

Islam is idol worship. You and Cath-cucks are the same. Apostates.

>reminder that mudshits believe in space goats, flying donkeys and that mo's mom emitted light from her minge when her lil' piglet of a boi was born