Are high test women the cure for faggotry?

Are high test women the cure for faggotry?

>high test women

explain this meme
woman on oppic is rather lookd hi-estro

It's a cure for your Odeipus complex

High-test individuals are more attracted to thicker women.

Men with high testosterone are attracted to women with wide (child bearing) hips.

yes, you'll get big strong bois

merely memes

get a fat woman if you like, but dont complain a year into your marriage when she balloons

Ugh I wish I looked like that. Time to eat a bunch.

>Men with high testosterone are attracted to women with wide (child bearing) hips.

>High-test individuals are more attracted to thicker women.

but that's a myth tho

it was a /fit/ meme that went to far

yes, but they actually have to stop being whores that fuck only chads-----the reason why there are so many faggots

Hips width has nothing to with the amount of fat in a body. In fact, you don't see a large hips to waist ratio in fat women, they just look uniformly stumpy.
"High test women" also suggests that the woman is manly.

>26 year old woman
>oedipus complex


hight test is key word for low standards

high test makes you wanna fuck anything

you can only apreciate the true beauty of a woman after masturbating

you guys just looking excuses up for fucking fat

Indeed goy

just cause you stand in a bread line doesnt mean ham ass isnt delicious


brazil loves trannies

Ugly OLD HAGS like that will just make fags fag more.

gooks are for pedos

everyone can stand in the ham line.

it goes really fast too.

it's cheaper than bread. in fact sometimes you don't even have to stand on the ham line, they are offering.

fucking fat is fucking fat
either you're ashamed by it and stop doing it, or you embrace your reputation

>A-am I fat, Alberto?

Those are trannies? Holy shit.


I call all girls with big boobs/ass or THICC (i.e. curvy) for HIGH TEST