Should women be allowed to be pilots?
It was her first flight and the plane crashed lol
Should women be allowed to be pilots?
It was her first flight and the plane crashed lol
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most of piloting is auto pilot and she still crashed it, maybe it was part of the plan
Also not a screenshot from a porno, is actually her.
A cute pilot in a plane full of Brazilian soccer players, 100% chance she was stuffed
lel the plane crashed because it ran out of fuel
Fuck me dead women are useless
Wow, she was a hottie
So she was doing her makeup and forgot to turn on the auto pilot.
had the same reaction
Worse she didnt look at the fuel gauge once
When i read the headline about this i just knew it was a women ...
it doesn't matter who was flying the plane, when they had to keep circling until they ran out of fuel because the dumbass columbians wouldn't let them land
Only white men should be allowed to do anything.
i smell something fishy
were's the OTHER pilot?
she is just the co pilot
She's the motherfucking co-pilot, how could you be so fucking stu--
It's a co-pilot and not a pilot.
What does a co-pilot do ? Suck the pilot's dick and watch the scenery every now and then ?
I would say it has a lot more to do with it being a brazillian airline than her being a woman desu. Do they even have affirmative action down there?
t. pilot
>doing anything right
I heard they did. The guy called it too kate though. They told him he was 8 miles from the runway and had priority. His final response was "Jesus"
In emergency situations where the plane has no fuel, the plane can still glide. However if the engines powered the electronic control systems, then the plane may not have been able to been steered.
Even if the controls systems still worked, the pilots needed to do quick math to glide to the runway correctly. One bad calculation of the landing approach and the plane doesn't make it... I think that's what the pilot was telling her about landing vectors (velocity vector) of a planes altitudes. I think it didn't matter at the end maybe the controls just stopped working
that would make the pilots dumb, you don't wait for a clearance if the other option is death
is it even the pilots job to refuel?
isn't it the guy with the orange jacket and the light up corn and the cobs
Why do you think they call it the cockpit?
Read the article morans
>Co-pilot Sisy Arias
Not pilot.
Shortly afterwards, the plane crashed just minutes outside Colombia’s Medellin airport after being forced to delay landing and running out of fuel en route to their Copa Sudamericana final. Seventy one people on board were killed including nearly all of the team and 20 journalists. Just six people survived.
Colombian model Sisy Arias, 29, who was on her first flight as a civilian co-pilot can be seen sitting in the cockpit talking about her pride at transporting the team.
>“We are ready to offer them the best service,” she said,
I read that female GA pilots crashed at about 3 times the rate of male pilots
pretty much that, pilots are gay af, especially your's
ground crew fuels airliners, pilots give fuel orders tho
Did anyone take the crash and put danger zone over it yet ?
>Sisy Arias
dumb bitch was probly flipping the wrong switches
my first thoughts too
>men crash planes all the time
>men never get blamed as a whole
>1 woman crashes plane
Why does Sup Forums fail so badly at basic critical thinking?
>corn and the cobs
>Colombian model
all we need to know to see why it crashed
airline sacrificed safety for publicity
typical south american monkeys
>women are statistically dumber on average
>women crash more planes on average
good try leaf.
Its a art
co-pilot is maybe supposed to check the fuel gauge
She wasn't the pilot she was the first officer?
Female drivers...
Yeah, on brazilian plains the eject fuel button is right next to the landing gear button. Rooky mistake.
And? Plenty of male pilots have crashed planes too you thick Aussie cunt
the leaf is right
Damn, she was really cute.
Wouldn't they know the tank wasn't full when they were taking off?
This and also the air traffic controller was like "Oh shit! They are actually in trouble! Okay other plane with mechanical trouble I need you to move over to make way for this other gu... oh shit..."
The air traffic controller sounds like a cunt.
>The study found that females employed by major airlines had significantly higher accident rates than their male counterparts overall.
>Another study has found that the most common cause of crashes was loss of control during take offs or landings with 59% of female accidents and 36% of male accidents happening with either as a cause. Moreover, female pilots were found to crash more due to mishandling the aircraft while male pilots were found to crash more due to inattention and/or flawed decision making.
tl;dr - female pilots, when adjusted for experience/age/skill crash more often than male pilots, and are more likely to crash because they aren't able to control the aircraft, compared to male pilots who are more likely to crash due to poor decision making
can confirm
This mexican woman was the co-pilot, the pilot of the plane was a veteran. The plane went down because it was diverted and told to hold because the runway was busy and they sat up there until they ran out of fuel. Pretty fucking stupid, they should have made it clear that they were running out of fuel long before they actually did. If the control tower still told them to wait they should have put the plane down anyway.
>Brazilian airline
Did you read the arcticle?
They're a liability..
Her insta
What a qt
She was cute.
>>women crash more planes on average
Citation required
>women are statistically dumber on average
Citation required
>spout of fake facts
>hurr durr i dont need evidence just believe me
Fuck off faggot. Either give citation for your baseless claims or kill yourself.
>Should women be allowed to be pilots?
though in this case i believe it was mechanical failure.
Lol I didn't believe that could be the reason until I read the article. Still, I would definitely shift the contents of her cargo compartment if you know what I mean
Ain't got no gas in it
>the plane crashed because she was a rookie
sure, that's the reason.
Plastic surgery. Dropped
>first instinct was to scroll through to see if had any pictures with a black person so i can make a blacked joke
who else did this
i know im not crazy
Dumb bitch forgot to fill up the plane when she took off.
Dig into the story of Kara Hultgreen if you really want to get angry.
Classic Ali G skit, sadly fitting.
Id stow my tray table into her
The mechanical failures were due to loss of fuel.
It's totally pilot error.
DESU, women tend to have quicker reaction times than men, and are better at multitasking. It's why Robert Heinlein predicted that in the future only women would be allowed to be pilots. I don't think they should be prevented from doing the job if they want to.
bitch needs to clean her place up
This is wrong, the female was an intern.
So far the most likely scenario is:
>Pilot is owner of charter style airline and with tight budget
>Skipped programmed refueling
>Ignored alternate route and decaling emergency to avoid fines
>airport kept him looping around because previous plane called an emergency
>eventally report when there isnt much to do but crash
This thread made me fap to tranny Brazilian porn
First see this
Second see
Women cannot multitask. That's men you dumbass.
Thanks for correcting the record
was running out of fuel part of her masterplan?
She was a new First Officer.
The entire responsibility for that disaster lies with the Captain. He should have diverted to an alternate airport.
If it were a new male First Officer and a female Captain, I would be saying the same thing.
The fault for this lies with the Captain
and who checks fuel before takeoff?
This. Thot co-pilot did nothing wrong.
Sounds to me like the controllers on the ground caused that crash, not any female co-pilot.
The jet ran out of fuel.
maybe the shitpost from canada is because you are all girls?
Daily reminder that the first female Naval Aviator also crashed her plane
Who was talking to Air Traffic Control?
>741 months and three days left to live
I'm more inclined to think this happened because the airline is bolivian and so are the pilots.
But who knows
>Pilot requests priority.
>Copilot asks him why he doesn't declare an emergency instead.
>another plane had a fuel leak and was making an emergency landing at that time
Literally the same thing happen in 1991 to a Colombian plane in New York, the pilot asked for priority but didnt declare an emergency albeit being completely out of fuel.
The ATC convo is on youtube, translation sucks, theres a longer version untilthe plane crashes.
He was requesting a vector to final, meaning he wasn't visual with the ground/runway.
The controller at the ground was a female
Not a problem, the truth is the truth, theres plenty of examples of women fucking up you dont need to disinfo
A bit sad.
>using IQ as a judge of intelligence when the highest IQ was a woman
anyone with half a brain knows IQ isnt a good judge of intelligence.
>Intelligence is defined as general cognitive problem-solving skills. Since the days of Binet, psychologists have agreed that intelligence is much more complex than a single number and may be in fact divided into many subcategories. This is where the IQ test falls short. A Canadian study published online in the journal Neuron concluded that the IQ test is “fundamentally flawed,” seeing that its questions “grossly oversimplify the abilities of the human brain.” The report identified three indications of human intelligence: short term memory, reasoning skills, and verbal ability. None of these skills are at all accurately measured in the traditional IQ test. So what does the IQ test accurately measure? Well according to Laci Green, host of DNews, “What the IQ test did measured was how well Westerners might do in Western schools.”
im not a real girl tho just a trap.
It may not be totally her fault. They were pushed to make it without refueling to make it to destination faster by the team dispatcher ;
dispatcher for a charter flight that crashed in Colombia, killing 71 people, had clashed with Bolivian aviation officials who warned the flight was too long to make without a refuelling stop, Bolivian media reported on Thursday.
Lamia Air dispatcher Alex Quispe, who did not survive the crash, refused to change the flight plan, telling Viru Viru Airport civil aviation employee Celia Castedo, "we will make it in less time, don't worry," according to Castedo's notes on the conversation published by Bolivian newspaper El Deber.
I flew Newark to Munich in 2015, and when I saw one of the pilots was black, I had a legit panic attack. Then I heard his English accent and just told myself that they don't have affirmative action.
I don't know if they do or not, but obviously the flight went OK.
>spic crashes plane
>women shouldn't fly
>white woman crashes plane
>such bravery
Do australians think vaginas produce electrical malfunctions?
Read more baboso. Route was changed by the national aviation control for no reason. This plane was meant to crash.
For you
was she sniffing some ass before the photo was taken?