
Post your thoughts on abortion.

needed in society

Its a non-issue.
Thats about all.
Peace out.

I post this all the time but nobody ever has a good argument.

The scientific definition of life is a distinct organism that is in the state of development. The unborn from the moment of conception is a distinct human organism that is growing so that makes it a human. A lot of people will disregard this in favor of a purely philosophical definition of life or "personhood" but I don't think this is justified. Thinking and feeling are actions that humans can perform but to say those are what makes us human commits the fallacy of confusing cause and effect. You have to be a human before you can act like one, so you would have be a human before you can think or feel like one.

Suppose in the future with advanced technology we could figure out a way to temporarily shut down our brains. I don't think we would be able to call ourselves inhuman while our brains were shut down and for this reason the ability to think or feel should not be what defines us. The problem with this naturalistic approach where you assign value and rights based on the intelligence or awareness of the creature is that I think a good argument could be made that dolphins and whales are more intelligent and aware then a newborn baby. To the naturalist this could mean the dolphin and whale are more "human" than the newborn baby and more deserving of protection. I think we could agree that would be a silly belief because we all recognize on at least some level that there is a sort of "humanness" to humanity that goes beyond the capabilities of the brain or level of development.

>condoning murder
opinion discarded

Keeps the niggers in check, I don't really care if Jews advocate it.

i wish i had been one

Babies are ugly, kill them all you softies.

Whoa, dude, I didn't come here to feel.

Kills niggers 5X more than whites so I'm 100% behind it

Doing so because of unexpected and life threatening complications from being pregnant is justifiable.

Doing so because you weren't protected well enough is inexcusable. It's a method to absolve from consequences of poor decision making, ultimately enabling it and making it a get out of jail free card, much like gibs. Playing with human life and ending its development because it's inconvenient is selfish, and evil

"life isn't sacrosanct."
this is particularly easy to say when the US has the death penalty.

even if you consider that the baby isn't a criminal, abortion is an easy fudge to getting rid of an undesired person before they have to come into the world and suffer.

>condoning niggers

letting more niggers into earth to placate your conscience is worse than evil, it's liberalism.

Its killing a baby no matter what way you want to sugar coat it, but the world is over populated and its a necessary evil

I got a girl pregnant after dating for a few weeks and we ended up aborting. It was the biggest mistake of my life. It's a terrible crime and a sin and I cannot stress enough what a terrible mistake it was. It's completely fucked up my life.


Abortion is objectively murder.

The race issue is completely separate as an issue.

necessary to keep the poorfag population from exploding.

Just call it what it really is: murder. I'm all for freedom of choice, but you shouldn't bullshit about terms or so on. Have the doctor make it very clear that you're killing a child if you go through with the procedure. Last I checked people don't say "Great news, we're having a fetus!". People use terms like "fetus", "it's just a clump of cells", and so on to distance themselves from the fact that they're killing a child.

not to be all swj-y but for a lot of women this is no easy choice. yeah some do it as birth control and that's kinda crummy but would you want to be raised by a woman who is using abortion as birth control?

also what about children who are going to be born defective and will never have a "normal" life? i would want to be aborted myself if i was gonna be born mangled or deformed.

or what about the cases where the mom and / or child might die from birth complications?

yes "murdering babies" sounds horrible but for many of women the choice haunts them their whole lives even if it's justifiable. try putting yourself in their shoes.

and it's gonna be done anway. "drugs" and prostitution will be done too. at least if it's semi regulated and there is some proper compassion shown it will make life easier for fellow human souls

You're an unsuccessful abortion. :/

>b-b-but muh niggers
Abortion is wrong
Your racism doesn't change that

If you think all blacks should die then do it yourself instead of bitching out and getting the state to do it you fucking EU faggot

>Abortion is wrong

>getting the state to do it
The state doesn't do it, the state funds it. big difference.

If I could get pregnant I would definitely like to have a safe option for termimating it.

It kills off the niggers and retards. It also prevents the women who are irresponsible sluts from reproducing. For these reasons I am all for it.

>this is particularly easy to say when the US has the death penalty.

not comparable. a person being executed has been judged in a court of law by his peers and received due process. killing an innocent baby is completely different. even the U.S constitution recognises this -- no right (including life) can be taken away with due process of law.

>even if you consider that the baby isn't a criminal

That's kind of the point. In no other way is society okay with killing innocent human life. We're not allowed to kill born people that may become criminals later on in life so it makes no sense to say that we should be allowed to kill unborn people because they may become criminals. A reason for killing is not just if it can't be applied equally to all human life, born and unborn.

wahhhh why aren't there more niggers to compete for resources with me


because killing innocent human beings is wrong. that's a core principle of civilization -- the idea that you don't have to live your life with the fear of imminent violence because the taking of a life is considered the highest crime, punishable in some cases with death.

i think there will be a time when society will need to have a say in every birth that happens. having another human to support is a burden on our resources

I'm conflicted.

Its murder, pure and simple. And murder of the most defenceless innocent creature you could get.

And its sanctioned by feminazis which is another reason why its a bad thing.

However, stats show that most of the abortees are ethnic minorities, so are we just removing future criminals from society super early? That's the only positive I can think of.

Because someone's life is more important than you being inconvenienced.

>The state doesn't do it, the state funds it.
Literally no difference.

I got a girl pregnant after a few weeks of dating. She didn't get an abortion.

Now I'm 23 years old stuck in a god awful factory making some stupid bullshit for cars and tractors. Even worse, the girl was a piece of shit. The only reason she didn't take me for everything was because I struck first and proved her a shit mom. I've got custody and she "pays me child support." She didn't ruin my life but because of her it's forever changed. Not particularly for the better either.

You should only have kids if you are completely ready and have the means to raise them. If you don't, you're giving that child less than you could. Your moral signaling is ridiculous.

It should only be legal for white people so whites go extinct.

>B-but muh morality
This is Sup Forums. We have open calls for genocide here on a regular basis. If you still have any empathy left or any semblance of short sighted soft-headed altruism, lurk moar.

it should only be an option available to rape victims who get preggors and expecting mothers whos' lives are threatened by the baby should it be brought to full term.

not as some whoopsie got a little jizz in there mistake fixer upper

>. In no other way is society okay with killing innocent human life
The death penalty is a de-facto acceptance that you'll take innocent human life through process errors, but judge it an acceptable trade off for deterrence or removing the risk of a killer killing again.

foetuses have yet to live their life.
nobody needs to fear being aborted, by the time they have the faculties to even vaguely conceive of it they're long past that window.

who decides what's important?

The issues are completely separate. I don't think non-whites should even live in white society to begin with. The question of whether more non-whites are killed is irrelevant to the question of whether abortion is right or wrong.

Another way to put it is that whites would be above the replacement level if abortion was illegal. Blacks and browns are regardless.

Women who have abortions forfeit their right to life.

Only in case of rape.

>whites would be above the replacement level if abortion was illegal.
on the assumption that women wouldn't just coathanger it or down vodka.

>Another way to put it is that whites would be above the replacement level if abortion was illegal

I honestly doubt this.

It's like murder but even more evil. Should be completely illegal except when the mother's life is threatened.

Every performed abortion should be investigated by a federal board of doctors to ensure it was performed only to save the life of the mother and there was no other option.

>B-but muh convenience
If you don't want to get someone pregnant, pull out.
It's that simple.
If you're too retarded to do that then kys

>who decides what's important?
Rational people.
People who aren't autistic.

>foetuses have yet to live their life.
>nobody needs to fear being aborted, by the time they have the faculties to even vaguely conceive of it they're long past that window.

Fetuses are living their lives. They are fully functioning human beings with full human DNA in a fully natural state of human development. You can start redefining "life" to things like "consciousness" and "personhood" and what not, but at that point you're just making up excuses based on your own arbitrary whim for the sake of convenience.

repeal the 8th yada yada ya

Innocent human beings don't get sentenced to death. If an innocent person were wrongly sentenced to death that would not be an error of morality, but an error in fact. This is ultimately a red herring because with abortion there is no question of innocence or guilt. The unborn are in fact innocent, and it is always wrong to kill innocent human life.

Ethnically wrong, but the socio-economical benefits (less niggers, less welfare, less crimes, less kids growing up in abusive households where their parents hate them) are undeniable.

Funny pic but:

Abortion does not go far enough. Infanticide should be allowed in cases of severe defects that were undetectable during pregnancy.

>Rational people.
>People who aren't autistic.
Then why is abortion legal if those are the people making the decision?

>You can start redefining "life" to things like "consciousness" and "personhood" and what not, but at that point you're just making up excuses based on your own arbitrary whim for the sake of convenience.
As humanity has done for generations.
"Thou shalt not kill.... unless he's committed one of the various crimes for which death is the penalty... and unless you have a token trial"
fucken lel.

Like FUBU, it should be for niggers, only.

This is why you no longer have an empire

>If you're too retarded to do that then kys
Problem is a lot of people who are too retarded to do that don't kill themselves, and pump out retarded babies instead. You actually think that the retarded fetuses of retarded parents that will grow up to be retarded adults deserve to live?

It removes consequence and responsibility from intercourse. And our society has shown it was not ready for this responibility. But since the technology exists I can think of cases where it is somewhat justifiable. Otherwise its use should be discouraged or punished

>If an innocent person were wrongly sentenced to death that would not be an error of morality, but an error in fact.
The distinction is irrelevant. Actual innocence is the only innocence that matters for the purposes of morality. If you kill someone who is actually innocent while the evidence suggests otherwise, you're still a murderer.

(Furthermore, people get to decide what should be punishable by death - "Arson in royal dockyards and all that" and "Womb Squatting" can easily be made such a thing - it de-facto is.)

You can't weigh secondary consequences of non-abortion against the morality of the practice. If it's ethically wrong, then it's wrong. The question of less niggers, less welfare, less crimes, etc., are secondary issues that need to be resolved by other means -- abortion only slightly betters these things, they don't solve them at a fundamental level.

The way to solve welfare, crime, etc., is largely to re-strengthen the institution of marriage and the idea of fatherhood, not to murder babies.

>It removes consequence and responsibility
And therefore stops irresponsible people from reproducing. It's natural selection for people who are more responsible.


I have a huge problem with anyone who would murder their children

pro choice 100%

you refuse to touch the lever in trolley problems, don't you Squidward?

>As humanity has done for generations.

Which is why we've developed a system of institutionalized morality and freedoms through thousands of years of Western philosophy. There's an extremely strong case to be made AGAINST the death penalty (it is illegal in most Western countries, America is an exception). The argument to be made for abortion is extremely weak and lacks consistency.

Gas everyone that supports abortion.

>Swede arguing against killing niggers.

There are various inherent trade-offs when it comes to institutionalizing morality. Consistency in such circumstances is next to impossible and an ad-hoc approach based on results arises. Consistency would ultimately be undesirable as absurd situations arose from applying principles too rigidly in the name of consistency over pragmatism.

>implying Hitler wouldn't kill the children who would have been aborted
t. Cuck who wants more gypsies and shitskins in his country

Kek be praised.

I agree with not having one until you are fully ready. I feel abortion is good for the situations where it's a known fact nobody's life will be enhanced having another life in this world. But the downside to abortion is where people would normally rise to the challenge and make something of themselves, they now have an opt out because, "it's too hard."

All about how a person was raised.
If they are not ready and want to abort, I say let them. But it's going to effect their life forever.

Maybe he's onto something.

>Let the niglets be born and grow into full blown nogs
>Raise them to be killing machines (standard nigger parentage)
>Gladiatorial chimpouts in stadiums.

This is how i feel about abortion now at 25 yrs old after being redpilled just over a year ago.

My ex gf and I had an abortion at age 18. Biggest regret of my life. At the time i was fairly lefty and truly believed we were doing the right thing.

My life would be shit right now if we had the kid, she was psycho and would have married and divorced me by now and i might not even have got to see the kid much. However, that doesn't justify taking the life of the unborn child. We were irresponsible and should have had to deal with the consequences.

If i could go back in time and do things differently i would even though my life would be brendan fraser tier

It's wrong. I'm currently developing some pasta to argue against it when these threads pop up.

Btw you'll be interested to know that Canada has no laws against abortion. It can be done at any point during the pregnancy, though most hospitals refuse after 20 weeks. Another neat fact is that most Canadian physicians are against abortion.

I never talked about an absolute consistency. That's the reason even negative rights aren't considered absolute, even in America. The problem with legitimizing abortion is that there is no longer any principal hurdles to arbitrarily redefining life in any possible way. You could make a strong argument that Down's Syndrome kids aren't human and can be killed, etc.

If life remains sacrosanct, or at least protected under conditions of innocence and due process of law, the possibility of a government or society going usurpatious or tyrannical, for example, diminishes.

And honestly, the arguments for abortion are just plain stupid. There's not even an attempt at justifying it beyond mere convenience, not even an attempt at remaining even superficially consistent on a philosophical or moral level.

Op here.
S U B T O P I C:
Thoughts on Roe V. Wade?

Also, to the beta manlets talking about "not being ready" you guys simply have it all backwards. Having a child has, historically, been the prime wealth-driving factor in a man's life. Married men with children earn almost twice as much as unmarried men with no children.

Not being ready is the most beta excuse to have an abortion

>The problem with legitimizing abortion is that there is no longer any principal hurdles to arbitrarily redefining life in any possible way.
There never was.
>You could make a strong argument that Down's Syndrome kids aren't human and can be killed, etc.
Not once they're born and clearly not suffering. (If they seem to be suffering, the question of euthanasia comes up, but that's already been brought up by the mentally-well-but-physically-destroyed.)

>the possibility of a government or society going usurpatious or tyrannical, for example, diminishes.
Not remotely. They just jail you indefinitely instead of trying to kill you.
Even without the death penalty in practice the UK security services have killed people who got in the way and plotted coups against prime ministers.

>There's not even an attempt at justifying it beyond mere convenience
This is the point where you redefine the idea of keeping the USA majority-white instead of blacker than darkest africa as "mere convenience" because it's "mere convenience" for society to remain civilized beyond Age-of-Empires bronze age level.

It was wrongfully decided. The decision was unconstitutional and the SCOTUS practiced reckless judicial overreach. The opinion put forth by the court was extremely weak. Scalia's dissent went absolutely brilliant as well. The Constitution does not mention abortion and no such "right" can in any way be inferred from it. It is properly left up to the states and the democratic process. Abortion was illegal in every single state when the amendments invoked in Roe v. Wade were ratified.

Definitely, I could never raise or love a spastic

>Roe V. Wade
Prefer a motorboat myself.

I believe that abortion is morally wrong. No, it isn't like getting your teeth cleaned, or getting a hair appointment. You're terminating an otherwise viable pregnancy.

That said, I believe that there may be abortions that are necessary, but I disagree with a good 95% of all abortions.

i think banning abortion will start to end degeneracy.

But one could also make the argument that there will be rise in anal intercourse and birth control methods

>Then why is abortion legal if those are the people making the decision?
It isn't in decent countries.

>does a person deserve to live?


I agree with the mindset of this. I really do.

Delving deeper you're killing the fetus because of the sins of the father.

Abortion is illegal in Brazil. I don't think I need to say much else.

>Not once they're born and clearly not suffering.

I can arbitrarily state that life can only be protected if you have 46 chromosomes or any IQ above 90. if there is no principle hindrance to arbitrarily defining when life is worthy of protection, and if life isn't sacrosanct by virtue of being a human life.

>This is the point where you redefine the idea of keeping the USA majority-white

The race issue is a completely separate issue as far as the philosophical issue is concerned.

let pedos adopt kids that are going to be aborted
molested > murdered

I'm totally fine with it. Fetus is not a human and even if it were - I don't give a fuck.

This is easy to say, but unfortunately, punishing the baby for the sins of its father is wrong. The baby has no culpability in its existence and regardless of the circumstances, murdering a baby is still wrong.

The only case in which I see that abortion can be properly justified is if the mother's LIFE is at serious risk.

lel ok thanks

I dunno man, I think it ought to be illegal and people need to start taking responsibility for their actions

don't care

You biggest mistake was not using condom, make sure you will never repeat it

I don't care either way but I say ilegalize it so I can hear sjws and feminist bitch. I am near hypernatremia already from the election of Trump but taking away abortion will kill me from all the salt collected.

Interesting input, sir. I'm happy to know that a person in Sweden is involved in U.S. Politics.

>rewarding rapist genes

98% effective

So what happens when there's the 2 percent chance of conception, even though you protected yourself.

I'm not for it, but I don't care enough to vote on it. I would never have a relationship someone who has had or wants to an abortion.

It's immoral. It's not her body because the baby is obviously not her body. It's called "killing your own baby". There is no reason to use some bullshit euphemism: "choice" or "abortion".

How can a whore get the option to kill her baby and the father doesn't have any say, yet he is expected to pay for 18 years for "HER BODY".

Also, it's a crime if you hurt the mother and unborn child....BUT when the whore mother kills it..hey, that's A-OK!

Can't have it both ways.

>It's immoral. It's not her body because the baby is obviously not her body. It's called "killing your own baby". There is no reason to use some bullshit euphemism: "choice" or "abortion".


Your child. Your child will never be.

I have a baby son and he is the joy of my life. He brings so much purpose and satisfaction to my life. My wife and I love him and would give our lives to protect him.

i see nothing wrong with it.

How are Americans so split on this?

I feel like America is the only bastion of conservative thought left in the world.

Sweden doesn't even have an abortion debate. Anyone against it is considered an insane nutjob.

Do you guys think that when after they shoot the grappling hook gun in the girls butt and snatch out the fedus, do you think it looks at you and says "...w-where mama?"

on one hand it kills baby's and i hate it, on the other hand it's the #1 killer of niggers so it makes me happy