because we need to do something against this raid from these reddit faggots. MAKE Sup Forums GREAT AGAIN
Bump this forever
because we need to do something against this raid from these reddit faggots. MAKE Sup Forums GREAT AGAIN
Bump this forever
Other urls found in this thread:
>reduce it to literal cannibalism
Are you blaming them for the siege of Leningrad, Attila?
Which commie/socialist regime did the most damage to itself?
Bump, fuck the left
>not posting the correct one
Only a dead communist is a good communist.
We will paint our streets with communist blood.
Keep going we need to get these commies off our board
Who is in bottom mid left?
Kim jong il
No seriously, it was some fucked up red-primitivism where everyone was just forced into villages and to work in the fields only, didn't matter if you were a city dweller or whatever the fuck you did.
Mind slipped, I meant bottom mid right
It's not reddit
Idi Amin
Idi Amin, eater of his enemies, crusher of economies, bearer of many STDs:
Is that fear I sense?
You are weak and you will lose!
>Supporting the ideology that caused millions of your countrymen to starve to death
Top cuck
Why do communist tend to be skinny beta males, fat ugly women, or people in positions of power?
Revolutionary Commander Timmy of Reddit's 25th cuck division here to end this thread.
Communism has never been tried! It was always state capitalism!
Cuba shows how good socialism works! Compare it to its capitalist neighbours!
"The Soviet union was actually state capitalism, that's why it failed" - "Socialism brought the first human to the universe!"
Why are 90% of the gommies "queer"? Are they all faggots?
Pashol nahui proxyfag
Poor trigger discipline, no surprise i guess
It is not even a real gun
Why did you bother saving the meme the original creator fucked up?
It's supposed to pretend to be the ideology and rationalize it to show how stupid it is (see my pic related). Look at the Ancap memes referencing the NAP... Look at my picture. Yours does not do this.
You should have posted the rest of it too, it only gets better
>Most of them run off and he stands his ground against them left
3MB sizelimit m8
You guys seem triggered. What's the matter? Did the commie meanies violate your safe space?
Just playing a fun game of kick the retard.
and like clockwork, here you are.
What's the context of this
>m-muh safespace
I just fucking hate commies that's all. Why do you even care?
Isn't there a cuckmunism general for you to circlejerk?
Leftypol literally censors the word "IQ"
They are so afraid of having their terrible arguments destroyed that they had to resort to censoring data to preserve their echochamber. Thank god I grew out of that nonsense.
>the only good red is ____
I forget how it goes?
That one spanish nationalist is on his way to a nationalist rally and then some antifas come up and notice his sweater.
a dead red
The only good read is a dead red
>just don't call it a safespace
I fucking hate first world commies posting from the comfort of the USA or Canada or some Western European country talking about how communism/socialism is great when they've never experienced a breadline. Better dead than red!
fuck leftists
Youre the one that should be scared of communism
Communists are weak minded defective leeches and should be removed.
Toп бэйт, мэйт
I think you mistake fear for hatred.
You reds seem triggered. What's the matter? Did the capitalist meanies violate your safe space?
what a hero
knives are fucking terrifying
I think a group of like 50 people against you is more terrifying, but that guy really had balls of steel thb.
Too bad he got like 40 years or so in prison tho.