Donald Trump -- Ineffective President

Donald Trump may have stolen the race from Hillary Clinton, thanks to a broken election system but he will not be an effective President.

-Most of America hates his guts
-He has ZERO political support
-He can't handle the lifestyle
-There is ZERO chance he will fulfill any of his campaign promises
-He has absolutely NO idea how to be president

#DumpTrump #Racist #Bigot #DonaldChump #Cracked #Funny #DavidChristopherBell

Other urls found in this thread:

Remember when Cracked said Pedophiles were simply misunderstood?

good times.


What the hell happened to that place? They used to stay totally out of politics, telling kick ass war stories/historical articles and posting articles with awesome TV and movie trivia. Their articles on video games were no less entertaining either.

It's SJW shit now.

That one was so bad I almost thought it was satire.

>thanks to a broken election system
are these people fucking retarded?

Anyone else see this "Shut up Donnie" shit the liberals are saying will be the new thanks Obama? See it all over NormieBook

>Trump won't run
>Trump won't win a single state in the primary
>Trump won't beat Jeb!
>Trump won't beat Cruz!
>Trump won't be the nominee
>Trump won't be the President

Heard it all befors

Remember when Cracked was funny? Pepperidge farm remembers.

The guy is not even fucking president yet

can they just give him a chance?

he won fair and square

or at least as fair as the rest of the competitors


>It's SJW shit now.

It's a mystery. The usual economic logic says you switch to a niche if i's profitable. But Cracked is doing worse the more SJW it becomes.

I really think the logic and economics arguments are overrated in explaining the SJW shit. There just isn't a big audience for it.

Look at Ghostbusters failing and read the Sony emails. The lead pushing for that movie was Amy Pacal, and she wanted it not because it would make money, tap a female market previously unexplored, no sensible consumer argument at all. She wanted more women in starring roles.

It's completely ideologically driven.

They will keep doing this as the walls come down around them.

I still miss cracked. Left after they gave Anita a story to write instead of just telling how the anti-feminist posts and trolls were false flags.

#DumpTrump #Racist #Bigot #DonaldChump #Cucked #Funny #FuckAmerica #ILoveJews

They've become true believers. They're not trying to appeal to a niche, they've just drank the look-aid. And a fucking lot of it.

It doesn't matter if the movie is good or makes us money, it matters that we shove propaganda in peoples faces.

>Amy Pacal

Buy seanbabys game!

From second rate Mad Magazine to hipster-Pravda: the devolution of Cracked

They simply ran out of ideas, the sjw pandering was a desperate measure that didn't work

They'll never give him a chance. Trump could rush out into oncoming traffic to save an abandoned baby and liberals would find five reasons why it makes him literally Hitler.

Its probably a lot more pleasant inside your bubble.
You should go back, and stay there.

yeah nobody goes to your shit site

>The usual economic logic says you switch to a niche if i's profitable. But Cracked is doing worse the more SJW it becomes.

It's not demand driven, it's supply driven. Many "content suppliers" won't hire people to write. Instead they offer $50 or so to underemployed young people to throw together a shitty clickbait list.

Isn't this supposed to be a comedy site?

>He has ZERO political support
that's a good thing
fuck everyone in politics tbqh
leftists need to stop shilling for the establishment

i fuck goats

Forgot to say. The natural result of this policy is their content is created entirely by SJW retards.

Get bent cracked you havent been good or relevant in years. Enjoy my non bumping post.

Fucking shit tier

They are so butthurt that they cannot joke anymore.


Remember when Cracked was funny? I miss that

I hope the wall is beautiful.

nice shill thread



beat me to it



5 reasons PRESIDENT ELECT DONALD J TRUMP helping a cat down from a nearby tree is problematic.

*farts* sage

I used to love this site. It changed overnight about a year ago. I've tried to go back every once in a while to see if they changed, but like everyone else, they doubled down. Don't they understand that if 90% of websites are doing the same thing, then you want to be in the 10% to actually make money?

I like how the truth triggers the fuck out if Sup Forums. Good work OP

Everything went to shit after Seanbaby left because they wouldn't left him say faggot. I can't even see his articles anymore since they are all on the site.

They're idealogues who believe "idealistic purity" is better than profit.

You know, like what happened to China during the Cultural Revolution before they repackaged capitalism as nationalism.

*sniffs ur fart* sage

Everything really went to shit when they started making "5 totally real things that I learned as a massive faggot" articles. They make a shitton of those and even leftists hate them.

So theoretically, I could write decent non-SJW stuff and they would publish it?

Can we make Cracked great again?

Theoretically. In practice, the editors don't like to publish things that disagree with their POV. So unless you're already well established or suck a lot of mod dick, you're never going to get published.

So they wouldn't publish 5 reasons that Blacks are inferior even if I included lots of citations?

There's a meme war coming, and they chose a side.
>The wrong side.


Mein kampf is not a reliable source, fucktard.

How peer-reviewed papers by Dr. Phillipe Rushton, Dr. Michael Levin, and Dr. Kwang Hyun Ko?

*How about

"Niggarz R Dum" is not a reliable source.

You were wrong for months suddenly think you're right... lmaffo, you retards are so cute

What would be a reliable source then if those are invalid?

More like she lost the votes.

The same thing happened with Sinfest. I read that daily for a long-ass time, the dude writing it was funny, always a bit leftist but he kept politics to comic-appropriate levels. And then one day, all the characters became radical feminists or "dudebro" strawmans. Characters with years of development and style instantly transformed into single-faceted SJWs. I remember most readers thought it was a couple weeks of satire, but as it stayed eventually everyone left.

Look it up, how Sinfest (webcomic) fell. Last I checked it's still one of the most SJW comics out there, with a tiny fraction of its former readerbase.

>Donald Trump may have stolen the race from Hillary Clinton

This is a blatant untruth. They were both playing by the same rules and had the same conditions for victory. You can criticize the system of the electoral college, but to say that Trump STOLE the election, or didn't deserve to win, is just a blatant lie.

>Most of America hates his gut
Illegals don't count as Americans. Most of America does not hate his guts, only a minority of America hates him. The same minority that constantly champions democracy even though we are a republic and even though majority rules is a democracy.

California is not most of America. They might have the largest population of Americans (and illegals) but they are all Californians. One state out of 50 state. Yeah some of those states might have small populations but they are still 1 out of 50 states same as California. They get less electors and reps in the house for being small but all states get two senators and have a governor.

People need to deal with the fact that the majority of the white majority are the majority of this country and they support Trump. To borrow from Putin, America doesn't need minorities. Minorities need America. But they can't tell us how to run our country, turn illegals into citizens, make biological men into a social construct and spiritual female, erase our borders, tear up our constitution and flag, etc. They should be executed for treason for even trying

Chart related

>However, in October 2011, Sinfest began a huge shift in theme and focus with the introduction of the Sisterhood. The comic quickly ditched almost every aspect of its old nature and turned toward a radical brand of second-wave feminism. In the current setting, society is brainwashed by a Matrix-like Patriarchy controlled by the Devil which the Sisterhood fights against, and the comic's world is connected to an alternate reality where greed, lust, and other traits fueled by the Patriarchy are the norm. The Sisterhood have become part of the main cast, while characters with little influence on the comic's new themes such as God, the Dragon, Buddha, and even Criminy are barely seen.

>most of america hates his guts

oh really? that may apply to barack obama,but not donald trump

eat shit liberals,you lost.and you'll lose again in 4 years if you dont quit crying about the election

>-He has absolutely NO idea how to be president

neither did obama and you retards still love him,i guess not knowing how to be president is acceptable when your a black democrat,but not acceptable when your a white republican

>Citing a literal comedy site
>Not even a good comedy site, a fucking Salon-tier liberal circle jerk """comedy""" site

what do you expect from people with a lump of shit in the place there brain is suppose to be

they probably just copied what there negro king barack obama said about donald trump and believe it.america is shit regardless who would of won this election,americans arent smart enough to improve there own country and who they vote for proves this

Viral marketing is forbidden. Saged and hidden.

CTR bots going hard

Eternally B T F O
Trump is your president and not the loser hillary.
Non-brainwashed Americans supported him.
You're ZERO

>-Most of America hates his guts
>-He has ZERO political support
>-He can't handle the lifestyle
>-There is ZERO chance he will fulfill any of his campaign promises
>-He has absolutely NO idea how to be president

trump is gonna be as worthless as hillary.non brainwashed americans dont relize how much of an epic failure they just elected for president.we should of just went with hillary since she'll destroy the country faster then Donald will

Republicans control everything.
He will be effective even if his policies are retarded because the senate and congress will pass em.
Let that sink in, no matter how much you cry, not matter how loud you scream, every word that comes out of Trumps mouth will be policy and will become a law.

In one month you'll have to get a real job

>implying most of america didnt like obama

they probably still think george w bush was responsible for everything that obama screwed up

Fixed it for you OP nigga, don't give those niggas clicks kang

>Editor (((Sol Brodsky)))

>saged and hidden, faggot

>broken election system

Welcome back, CTR.

>every word that comes out of trump's mouth will be policy and will become a law

he couldnt even get the republicans(his own party)to support him.the next 4 years are gonna be filled with nothing but bullshit and then donny dumbass wont get re elected because he was a shit president to begin with

i was laughing so hard the day i found out that republicans were serious in choosing donald trump as there presidental candidate,they never learned anything from that loser mitt romney

>Not respecting Trump's pronouns
>Not checking your privilege


No u

Cracked reader since 2009 reporting in. The site was my fucking favourite, loved the articles about history and some of the photoplasties, but the site started to go to shit about a year ago or so. What a shame really. I seriously miss the old cracked, I still used to check back but ever since the summer, they started to post these "10 things why Trump is literally the hitler" articles, I cringed so hard that I banged my head and stopped actively reading the site. R.I.P. cracked.

I wonder, who the fuck is behind this SJW-push at David Wong? The guy used to be pretty based until he published "X reasons why modern men are trained to hate women" and the other SJW shit that followed.

I haven't gone on cracked in over a year and I used to be a daily visitor and have even had a few articles published on there.

They long stopped being about science, history and fun facts presented in an accessible and hilarious manner.

They're fucking garbage now. Always like Wong and did think for many years he did a great job as editor but he has a lot to answer for in regards to what a fucking piece of shit it's now become.

>Linking to TV Tropes
Fuck you, now I've already moved to the Earthbound page. That website is like a trap for autism.

It was John Cheese, mostly.
I still wonder what the fuck happened. It was LITERALLY overnight, strip 4045. In an instant the entire series went to hell.

>I haven't gone on cracked in over a year and I used to be a daily visitor and have even had a few articles published on there.
David Wong should see this. What a fucking SJW-pandering shill that guy has become. I used to consider him my idol.

>shill thread
>everyone is talking about how awful the site is and that they never go there

cracked is now a waste of time and I'd say most people here already know it

What truth?

I used to read Cracked like everyday in highschool. It was like an endless supply of fun facts.

Now it is nothing but SJW bullshit. It's really a shame. I bought their book when it came out like 2 or 3 years ago. Haven't read it since I've gotten redpilled. Is it worth reading again?

>What the hell happened to that place
>Headquarters in LA

Not too difficult to see what happened.

>John Cheese
I wonder if he was always this cucked

Cracked, can you pls stop posting here


Fine just as long as we don't get dog shit SC judges

>Implying these faggots will listen

You're too good for this place, Cracked.

It's a shame and as I said he really was great at his job for a long time. I have/had a lot of respect for him but it has greatly waned over the years. I'm glad he's found success with his books but he has undone almost all his good work in the early years with what that site had become.

>Is it worth reading again?


Sorry, I misread your comment.

Their old stuff is certainly worth reading.

Here's an interesting thing to do. Go back and look at one of your favourite articles. Then go see when that contributor was last active on the site.

Say goodbye to your evening.

I remember the first time I found TV tropes. I tried my sister's Adderall that night.
When everyone woke up to have breakfast I was still adding more tabs to my browser

>on cracked when it was
>used to chat with John Cheese and David Wong
>go out into the world or working
>come back
>holy shit what happened to these guys