the last one died
the andreja question still stands
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treba priznt da so kr dobre te grafiti borbe tho
Istra and Zagorje only
a je kakšen malar tuki da nariše pepe grafite okol Roga?
na /k/ sigurn dobis šablono
By definition we're central and they're south europe. Do you think the definition will change when we annex them?
A kej tašnega?
YO kdo tle je iz črnuč, prej sm vidu enga k je neki pisu, a si še tle?
Haha bravo
now kiss
bol kej tazga
Jap, sam nism iz črnuč, sam morm v črnuče jutr
dej probi mal bl od delč špricat, da se barva ne razlije
bo še priložnosti, drugače to je v KP če koga zanima
sam za opomnik
če ne znaš vsaj na en inštrument zašpilat Na Golici nisi slovenc
regarding that feminist video
toj pr kongrescu an?
ja, tam k se kralji ulice zbirajo
How do people feel about the new first lady being Slovenian?
Mi smo enkrat imeli feministični teden na faksu
some people are pretty hyped, like older people that know here family, my grandad included. Younger people are mixed, most of the people I know like that he is elected, snowflakes at FF , media and other special snowflake colleges are against it
mamu vam jebem bolesnu šta je ovo?
I think most of the people don't care. Some like it a lot, other consider her a gold-digger.
Personally I'm very happy Trump won, regardless of whom he has for a spouse.
where the fuck did all these slovene posters crawl out of?
what is internet speed in slovenia is it like estonia which has an amazing speed world beating
>tfw prva stvar ki sm jo dobu na faksu so ble brošure od iskre v stilu "check your cis privliege"
its fine
it's end of an era for you burger
the time of the rape forests has begun
Nigger I've been on this website for 10 years now.
w-what's a rape forest?
literally melania trump
it's actually hilarious. this is probably the most relevant a slovenian has been in its history
You should've seen the previous thread
You're about to get some kranska kubasa
>he never heard or experienced a rape forest
come on over we'll show ya
>he doesn't know about the fabled rape forests
>Herman Potočnik
Based space wizard
Literally no one is here because of her.
i googled 'slovenian rape forests' but i got nithing
>he doesn't know
is he dare I say it /ourguy/
come come američki čevapiček, we'll show you
i'm not buying plane tickets to slovenia just to get my butthole sodomized
če dobim šiht si bom zrihtu par sprejov pa pustil par žabic okol mete/roga
It's an ancient pagan custom we still perform. It's simple, you take a girl to the designated rape forest after the sheepman curse end of the snowing season. Google image search kurent
>he doesnt know
Recently he took some nice positions, he'd vote for Trump against Hillary and he was critical of refugees.
Ja shit. E triangel vela?
thread theme?
he is slowly consuming the redpill
well, he's barely tasting it to be honest, but he's getting there
are you telling me Melania has been raped before in one of these forests?
>he really has no idea
feminizem in ženske v znanosti?
al eva bahovec & friends na FF?
Afaik, she still comes an(u)ally
most recently relevant ones were tina maze (skiing), anze kopitar (nhl - la kings) and probably goran dragic (nba - miami heat), and some others
excluding sports however, we dont really have relevant people out there
>forgetting based Prevc
who is slavoj 'ironic communist, but still a communist' zizek
Unfortunately yes. He is our guy and he's kind of embarrassing.
we have a different word around here
Aaaaah the good old fucking days mayne
ski jumping probably isnt relevant in america
couldnt give less of a shit about him 2bh
ja fak, dej to morm spet pogledat
women cant resist the VKK
Jaz sem tudi nekoč obiskoval 'družboslovni' faks.
Kaj kmalu ugotovil, da je samo sranje od feminizma in si raje našel službo.
Razlika je očitna. Medtem, ko je na faksu le kvazi levim feministkam dovoljeno vse, se v privat firmi (ali pa javni) tako ne dela posla.
Edino zdravilo za feminizem je, no, delo/služba, ko kaj kmalu ugotovijo, da je treba delat da preživiš.
Ene sreča pamet, druge so pa kurbe pa imajo razne sugar daddye ala sponzoruše.
Nič še ni izgubljeno fantje.
Im itching to go here with a sledgehammer and wreck this shit. Fucking HOLOHOAX memorial on the train station that kikes were taken away
Zizek always looks like he doesn't really understand how ended up where he currently is
Dude to je pokrov za neke električne stvari ki so ga pobarval. Pusti to pri miru.
Pač zapomni si ko boš nekoč bral novice, boš vedel da sem bil jaz. Posrani židi smrdlivi
>the kid who played kekec is in his 60s
>bedanc and vitranc are dead
slika je kekec
>murska sobota
if you wreck dat thing they probably couldn't afford a new one
Sam večjo oviro za pešce bojo postavili. Brez veze da se matraš s tem.
Za vse ki še niste videli
You foreign bros need to see this shit
koji kurac kdaj je blo to?
this are literally first niggers in slovenian alps
i hope the last too...
ko so uni video projecirali na cerkvena vrata lol
shit was so cash :))
Me too, but i laughed till i cried when that nigger envyed the other nigger for having a better Volkswagen Golf. Fuck your fucking golf, its a fucking bosnian šaban čefo mobil. Shitty overpriced "car"
Did Slovenia win Trump the presidency?
It's so weird seeing a black speaking slovenian.
I've never seen this before.
aja po unem za splav? video še kj sporen ni bil
yes and it gave you most fuckable first lady ever, so come visit us and spend many schekels at bled
Dont forget about the zamorček coffee (nigger coffe)
kje ga najdem?
neizgrajeni bazen zraven bonifike
Croatian thread superior:
na kateri hobifaks pa to hodiš?
Mfw when i will never fuck Tanja Žagar, but this nigger probably did
slovenia 18 electoral votes for trump
zato ker Janez burger = retard^2
koji kurac
And about Belina "whiteness" from TV Poper (1:17):
ta tv poper je dejansko smešen, bi blo pa uredu da bi mel malo manj ostankov prejšnje ideologije...
Ohio is like Slav ground zero in all the US with NY probably being second.
vzhodna stran, izven stopnišča
eh ma česa pa ni tam
Daily remind this was the worst currency in all the world rivaling Zimbabwe bucks. It was like 10,000 of these equaled 1 American dollar in its heyday.
>Can't even link it properly