I'm a fully red pilled Croatian male

I'm a fully red pilled Croatian male

Ask me anything

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>he thinks being Ustaša is redpilled

Get in here fuckboys
chat with us , post memes
talk about pol's

What is your opinion on women and climate change ?

I'm not one of those Thompson Ustaša.

Although i do honor our ancestors and their role in Hitler's struggle against the kikes.

I'm Croatian diaspora (both parents born there) who respects your country and find it to be beautiful but can't fully commit to your cause because your government is corrupt and your people somewhat complacent with the corruption. How do you feel about that do I have a point?

I'll bite.

What do you think of the alliance that Tudman and Izetbegovic made? Doesn't it feel dirty to know that your leaders felt they needed to cooperate with muslims to win the war?

Why do you think Sup Forums is ?

Oh yeah I wanted to ask about that too. I actually really like Thompson's music and I agree with the general message. Do you not? If so, why?

A woman shouldn't neglect her role as a mother because of a career, she should keep to her traditional role in society.

Not having an opinion on climate change currently.

croatians cannot be redpilled, sweetie x

I met Thompson 8ish years ago he was a nice guy. I have like 20 sealed DVDs of his he gave to me no idea what to do with them.

Fair enough, the inbred retards and edgy teens LARPing as ustaše pisses me off, carry on m8

You're completely right.

Croatia's government, is full of thieving lazy ass traitors, along with the jew's banks.

Me too, in fact I was listening today some greatest hits like: "Anica", "Bojna Cavoglave" etc.

Got 'em on disk.

The war was a pretty messed up situation, I used to be all patriotic about it and stuff.

Until i started to realize what our "freedom" and "democracy" actually brought to us, I consider Bosniaks misguided and part turkish croats.

They still carry our genes, which is completely visible today, Since they tend to act like other balkan peoples despite Islam.

>Ever since Christ walked on this Earth
>New people come, but the scene stays the same
>Forces of devil always try hard
>To make us disappear

>Antichrists and masons
>Comunists and such
>Spreading satanist phrases
>To defeat us
>Oh, my people! 2X

>We're pretending to be deaf, silent and blind
>Everyone afraid in their own darkness
>People chosen by the God
>Are being choked by disagreements

>From our ancient history
>And our latest one, too
>Everything that's important to us
>We earned it together
>Hey, my people! 2X

>Generations of heroes
>And the strong army of winners
>Still fight and die
>For the Homeland

>From distant sky
>Send us, God, Your Son
>To take us out of misery
>To the final victory.. Hey, my people!

Thompson's redpillin' people ever since.

>complacent with the corruption
People here are sheep, very few become woke, and most of those who do have high education and emigrate as soon as possible.
Also the problem lies in the fact that you can't succeed as a politician here unless you are compromised (so (((they))) can control you), so the only people who get to power are either total cucks or total retards (or both). This wall only cracked recently with Zivi Zid, but they are a whole new level of autism, and though not compromised, they go well beyond the median retardation levels for Cro politics (ŽZ economic policy is always a good laugh if you can speak Croatian).

Thompson's texts are pretty true, some of his songs sing how Croatia was once great, and that the war didn't bring us much good.

Many people tend to take his songs the wrong way and just go full cut the serbs balkan wars now.

All in a special way of patriotic edgyness.

Is a plenkovic a puppet?
Was Jasenovac a hoax?

Why do you think that's special here?

Those are great, my favourite is Dolazak Hrvata, but Kletva kralja Zvonimira probably has the best 'story.'

Bonja Cavoglave is THE classic of course. If it wasn't for Roki, that would probably be the best song of the war.

It just is, no way to answer that.

or maybe im just stupid.

>i'm fully redpilled
thinking you already know everything is not redpilled

When will you gib back clay?

Who is this Nikada guy and why should we rob him, is he rich?
Or am I reading that wrong and that's a picture of some dude named Rob Nikada?

ofc Plenkovic is a puppet, he is literally the definition of (((Bruxelles buerocrat)))

Jasenovac happened, but the numbers are way, way overinflated by (((them))) and serb mythomancers

How does it feel knowing that your population isn't completely cucked and that it's perfectly normal and acceptable to have concerts like these, which in every western European country would be described as a gathering of literal Nazis?

Yeah I guess that's what you get, you can't control what kind of fans you get and how they react to your stuff. It seems that he distances himself from that, and he just calls it being patriotic as seen here:

Are you Herzegovian? Do you have cube shape head like all those dinaridic troglodytes have?

I like those songs, they're catchy and everything,
but i think that the croat and the serb should march together against muslim invaders and the jew.

If (((they))) control you how come (((they))) haven't forced you to pay reparations for Jasenovac?

>reparations for Jasenovac
we shipped Jews to the Germans m8, Jasenovac was for Serbs and gyppos, and if you think (((they))) care at all about those, you are quite mistaken

the parentheses people control Croatia through international banks and debt as well as making sure all the politicans know what they can and can't say and do (aka controlling the narrative), so literally nothing much different from how all the other little countries in the EU are controlled

A Serbo-Croatian alliance that purges all Muslims from the area out of Europa is literally one of my life dreams.

Just like everyone else.

The only party that's quasi anti establishment is the Human shield, with Ivan Pernar as a major speaker in recent months.

but he's a compromising lefty, with me having a chance to talk to him once.

I didnt research into Jasenovac too much, although i really should, i fear there won't be enough accesible non kiked information.

>Jasenovac happened, but the numbers are way, way overinflated by (((them))) and serb mythomancers

Just look at the demographics, how many Serbs were in Croatia before and after WW2 (Jasenovac was not the only concentration camp), you also had a concentration camp for children, you absolute subhuman savages.

According to (((wikipedia))) 12,000- 20,000 Jews were killed:


Do you think it's farfetched for Croats to do this seeing as how they loved Nazi Germany? I am not attacking Croats FYI again I am one by blood but the problems Croats and Serbs do is they don't own up to what they did although a Serb here once told me the reason they don't is so they don't become manipulative cucks like the Germans slaves to their guilt so I kinda can see that.

fuck off luigi

It's funny because the way he talks about Jasenovac is exactly how you guys talk about Srebrenica.

>in b4 muh Srebrenica

did you guys really evented the tie?
>krevat is flemish dialect for a tie

>muh 60 gorrilion serb čeljadi oj bre its like anudda jasenovac

come at me

croat mercenaries wore it in the midde ages
french king thought they looked fabulous
the rest is history

Im part prigorac and part ličan

What do croatians think about the khanate?
Are you willing to bend the knee or will we have to obliterate you?


We're going to eradicate you. I wish it wasn't like it is. Croatians and bosniaks only exist as proxies on the balkans. They serve to subvert the Serb so he can't establish a fully Slavic, independent nation in this part of the world. I wish you would share our vision.

Why is Istria so cuck'd when it comes to Italians pic related?

The text on the pic means "Never a slave"

Reffering to Croatia being ruled by others for a long time, and Croatia being free from (((the bank)))

How true is this


you tried this already a few times never works
instead of constantly being butthurt at each other over history like (((they))) want, we should stand together against the islamic menace

>joined the EU
>thinks he is (((free)))

Why did the Nazis love Croats so much?

Its awesome, although its fake nationalism, which just acomplishes nothing.

nice, i went on vacation to Pag this summer and i must say that croatia looks pretty comfy (from the small sample i got)

>Rob nikada
literally everyone's lapdog thru the years.

Still, i love you my croat bros.

>thinks we wanted into EU
Politicans wanted into EU, but rules say you have to have referendum. Prior to the referendum, the amount of media shilling to vote for was truly unimaginable, and Croats thinking that the (((media))) is now free since we're not commies anymore, bought the lie.

Also, despite this shilling the voter turnout was below 50% so the referendum should have been held again, but the politicians subverted this and changed the constitution so you don't need minimum voter turnout at all anymore.

Bit their agenda in the ass when the anti-gay marriage referendum passed because they forgot to change it back after the EU referendum

Croatian soldiers wore the Kravat during the thirty years war, if my memory serves me right.

It was a fashion trend and it just went along.


Probably the nicest hidden treasure in all of Eastern Europe. If this city was ever bombed I would probably volunteer to fight against who did it. This city helped me lose my virginity.

I would like to. I like Croats, I really do. Good people. But, you're a kraut proxy on the balkans. The sad thing is that this is the extent of your reasoning.

Shouldn't you be dodging a truck instead of shitposting?

>kraut proxy
Better than Slovenia who is an American proxy.

Why is Istria full of commies?

That's a pretty good one, I find apologizing for alleged genocides pathetic.

Feeling guilty of one's history makes no sense either, Now and what will be are the only things that matter.

except in Hitler's case, he matters today.

Fucking frogs. Shitposting while you go burkini shopping?


Iz kojeg si grada i zašto si uvjeren da nisi delusional?

Croatian intelligence answers directly to the German chancellor bypassing even the Croatian head of state. Germans are the eternal enemy of Slavs.

post iznad tvog

>Those digits

Calm your četnik beard, there's no place for hostility between us today.

>misli da može bit potpuno redpilled a nije iz slavonije

Italians are a minority there, although i'd send them back to their homeland.

Croats literally need a Thomas Jefferson figure to organize an uprising to "reset" their politicians.

Just right.

How many children you got?
>less than 5
Enjoy Croatians dying out in a century.

Croat camps CANNOT compare to German camps. Croats, being the aggressive balkanshits they are(which we all are, t b h !) killed lots of people just for teh lulz. There were even Italian and German testimonies over the brutality over helpless retards they massacred. German camps on the other hand had top notch care of prisoners, even before WW2.

>great-grandmother was in an austrian camp during WW1 and had great stories from there


>old as fuck great grandfather was butchered like a dog, along with his 5 cousins by a knife in bosnia during WW2 and those same subhumans just became Partizans(commies) after the war for protection

Shvaticemo prekasno da je pravi problem Islam, a mi cemo se klati i ubijati dok nam uzimaju zemlje kurcevima. Ujedinjenje u borbi protiv islama ili smrt..

Croats need to accept the Karadjordjevic dynasty as their sovereign. Actually, we need to do that first.

For King and country, you crocucks.

Where do you guys see Croatia in the next 20/40/60 years?

>in b4 as Serbian territory

Hitler probably saw a chance for Croatia, due to Pavelić's Croatian liberation movement.

Ostrogoth roots too.

volim te

Also, have a comfy Bosnian war story:

>Croat enclave in central Bosnia, surrounded by balije on all sides
>mudslimes say they won't let any pork, cigarettes or booze through the humanitarian corridor
>locals lose their collective shit
>call the nearby Serbs who had all the heavy equipment
>they make a deal with the Serbs that they will give all the rakija in the village if the Serbs bring down the muslim minaret
>Serb tanks roll in and start shelling the minaret
>much celebration was had
>that's it for today lads
>everyone got fucking drunk
>next day Serbs wanted to raise their flag in the village, but got told to fuck off
>left without incident

Truly, even though the war was sometimes horrific, in other times it was just memes

Sto oni to ne shvate? Jebalo ih hrvatsko cvijece. Kao mi turci a oni se s njima bratime. Mrs svi sa balkana.


Ne vidim zašto bi bio delusional, ovo sam sve počeo istraživat prije tri godine. Dokazi posvuda.

i ja tebe

Man, fuck the war. What were the total casualties? Like 20k? Literally nothing.

The same as all fucked up balkan countries, relatively safe from migrants due to shitty living standards and no gibs even for nationals.

Ove sada Karadjordjeviće
ozbiljno, oni da nam budu kraljevi
ovi englezi?

My dad said this happened to my uncle under Tito's reign but I could never tell how serious he was or not you tell me how plausible this was:

>Uncle at a bar
>gets shit faced
>gets on a table
>says "Nisam jugoslavenski, ja sam Hrvat!!!"
>police drag him away
>gets put on an island prison for the duration of Tito's rule

aww i kek :*


Those things happened, yes.

Nationalism was not tolerated back then, If you watch any Ex-Yu partisan movies, you'll notice that there are no ustaša or chetniks, just Germans.

Ma idi u kurac. Sta je englezima falilo s plemstvom koje je samo nemacki znalo?

Any criticism of the Supreme Leader lands you a ticket to Goli Otok, silly. I have relatives and know people who were there too

Never happened.

U mojoj kompaniji radi nekoliko srba povratnika.


>Goli Otok
That was the name of the place I couldn't remember thanks.