This is pretty much how i feel too, anyone else?

This is pretty much how i feel too, anyone else?

He should jump off a cliff regardless.


I agree, anyone who cares that much about feminism should take a nose dive off a 400 foot cliff

You and him should jump off a cliff. I don't have anything funny to add. I hope you die.

I think hes saying hes such a fat fuck that 50% of the population wouldn't be able to hold him.

>Implying he wouldn't float

But I thought gender was a social construct

>grab a friend
>put lube in gloves
>hold one of chu's hands, have friend hold the other
>make man arm chain described in chu's post
>chu attempts to drag you all off a cliff
>gloves slide off and chu suffers second saltwater overdose

>all men agree
>at the last second, every non-progressive slips out of the armlock
>all the degenerates fall and drown
>humanity made great again

Female feminists hate men because they have to compete with us for resources, and they suck at it. Male feminists hate men because they have to compete with us for pussy, and they suck at it.


fucking /thread

If every male feminist killed themselves, the world would be a much, much brighter place

I agree. Feminists and men who agree with them should jump off a cliff.

>willing to kill himself and the rest of his gender
>only women left so no babies
>wymyn happy
>nobody can reproduce unless they use previously donated jizz
>some women accept this some don't
>force the women unwilling to be artificially inseminated to take it
>become the rapist
>impossible for women to get along
>deaths exponentially exceed births
>in a few generations the last proud WYMYN dies
>MFW 1 male feminist made the entire human race extinct


So, feminism giving you any pussy boiii?

Someone please tell me that the internet merely inflates the significance of these kind of people, and most people aren't like this....

Arthur Chu could have been a legend due to his Jeopardy run. But he had to become professional beta white knight

Why doesn't he do it?
If we could understand what stops him, the whole world would becomem ore understandable


Yes this very good idea. You first.

Most people aren't. There are a few but they're blown out of proportion. Either they're gay or trying to crush some puss but they have no idea what women actually desire.

Any woman worth a damn detests someone so pathetic. Either they get perma friendzoned or they occasionally toss some pussy at the guy to keep him providing her lifestyle while secretly getting fucked silly by men with principles.