Is he the most redpilled writer of all time ?
Is he the most redpilled writer of all time ?
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Yes he hated niggers
No. He married a Jew. Also he was an atheist.
He certainly saw things differently than most.
We are fortunate that he had the talent and conviction to share his visions.
No, he was an Atheist piece of shit.
He was a bit obsessive to be honest.
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
lol @ all the salty christfags in here
>man born in the 19th century was racist
Stop the presses.
never read his books, never enough time with my backlog
Did he write a lot of political or social commentary? I've only read his horror stuff. I must be missing out.
Well a lot of his stories featured an underlying theme of racism. I don't know if that's what you are talking about.
too late
he was a tortured soul
Better for him. That's a horrible statuete.
>He married a Jew.
Because she was assimilated. He had a really strong hatred for kikes though.
he wrote horror stories many of which had racial undertones. the only time he writes about political or social stuff is in his letters to friends
everybody hated niggers back then
>Assimilated Jew
What did he mean by this?
someone should protest jfk or fdr for being horrible racists
OP selected him as a red pilled writer, and I didn't remember much in the way of red pills. Then again, many of the books that I read as a youngster were rife with what could be termed racism, but it was just an organic part of the narratives.
The can drop the statue if they want. His place is assured. He was a huge influence. They can whine all they want. From the fringe.
Lovecraft being a racist in the modern sense is bullshit.
He simply parroted the scientific revelstions of the time.
the famous quote where he describes the demon worshippers with "low mixed type of blood" and "blackest of african voodoos" does not so much describe his inherent hate of nigs, but that he believes the inbreeding of certain cults and groups causes degeneracy and devil worship.
Anyone who thinks Lovecraft considered Niggers as subhumans in general should read "The Lurking Fear". SPOILER: The Antagonists in that story are cannibalistic inbred former Dutchmen who degenerated into a kind of monsters.
In many of his stories he even expressed a great interest in foreign and primitive cultures regardless of racial origin, and in most stories his protags don't critizise the race of other people, but their beliefs and ideologies.
I fucking hate this "lovecraft was a raycis" meme, because it's literally perpetuated by idiots who can't comprehend a complete sentence.