What is Sup Forums's opinion on this man?
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What is Sup Forums's opinion on this man?
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cucked by jews
I'd only fuck him if I was like, really alcoholic.
I'd fuck him.
Churchill was a bitch that wouldn't accept Germany's peace offers.
He was also a furry. Seriously. Look up the letters he exchanged with his wife.
Nasty capitalist.
Why do you insist on asking Sup Forums about any subject?
How many people on Sup Forums have ever read a book about the life of Winston Churchill?
You're going to get replies from people whose maximum amount of research on Churchill consists of watching a 10 minute clip of David Irving giving a lecture in a Vienna basement in 1997.
For a board dedicated to politics, this place is full of fucking spastics.
Since you are from the UK what is your personal opinion on him?
Destroyed the British Empire
Ugly, fat, immoral, warmongering, alcoholic pig.
I've been in his bunker.
Oh, I forgot: Jewish puppet.
Obese (during great depression), alcoholic, smoker, bought out by kikes. Ruined a beautiful history.
He is the embodiment of capitalism.
A servant to (((them))) that refused hitlers friendship and subsequently set Yurop on the path to destruction.
(((read a book)))
a treacherous genius, I would not trust.
>he understood that the communists needed to go.
>he had some krauts killed
>popular public figure
>hated ghandi
not too bad, he did sell the empire out to the (((yanks))) but it's not like the empire would have lasted if he didn't. I would rather the Americans be on top over the krauts or communists.
Pretty cool guy who had the misfortune of being involved in WW1. Nothing good came out of WW1.
>read a book
I would agree, but America did not heed the warnings of its previous leaders so we have the country we have today.
How about the disassembling of the Ottoman Turks?
It triggers me every time some stupid anglo mentions this faggots name. He was excellent for the jews but destructive to everyone else.
He despised Stalin and wanted to march straight through Berlin to Moscow...nobody listened.
Why does he rank so high in opinion polls?
I've always considered him to be quite sinister.
he was not a furry
Sure you're not confusing Churchill with Patton?
>disassembling of the Ottomans
Directly led to western powers controlling more of the middle east, which inevitably leads to the middle east of 2016. So while they did need to fall eventually, WW1 was the wrong time for it.
A disgusting globalist stooge who helped implement Kalergi's plan of multiculturalism in Britain and across Europe.
I'm not even exaggerating to say it would be better for Hitler to win the war.
>How about the disassembling of the Ottoman Turks?
That was a plus. It came at a high cost though, thanks to Churchill's disastrous Gallipoli campaign.
Similar to my opinion of Teddy Roosevelt.
Based as a man, atrocious as a leader.
overall positive, and a good author
Hitler—Monster or Hero?
The former lance corporal has restored Germany to a position of power in Europe—
whether for the good of modern civilization or its undoing, only the future will tell.
It is not possible to form a just judgment of a public figure who has attained the enormous dimensions of Adolf Hitler until his life work as a whole is before us. Although no subsequent political action can condone wrong deeds, history is replete with examples of men who have risen to power by employing stern, grim, and even frightful methods, but who, nevertheless, when their life is revealed as a whole, have been regarded as great figures whose lives have enriched the story of mankind. So may it be with Hitler.
Such a final view is not vouchsafed to us today. We cannot tell whether Hitler will be the man who will once again let loose upon the world another war in which modern civilization will irretrievably succumb, or whether he will go down in history as the man who restored honor and peace of mind to the great Germanic nation and brought them back serene, helpful and strong to the European family circle. It is on this mystery of the future that history will pronounce Hitler either a monster or a hero. It is this which will determine whether he will rank in Valhalla with Pericles, with Augustus, and with Washington, or welter in the inferno of human scorn with Attila and Tamerlane. It is enough to say that both possibilities are open at the present moment. If because the story is unfinished, because indeed its most fateful chapters have yet to be written, we are forced to dwell upon the dark side of his work and creed, we must never forget nor cease to hope for the bright alternative. (...)
>t. furry
Killed europe
Literally the worst thing to happen in the last ~100 years
Cunt who betrayed his nation by not rolling with the Germans
Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren, is it you?
theres still time to make europe great again
haha because of this retard bongs had to leave country, i couldn't even imagine how bad he fucked up in during and before ww2.
Solely responsible for everything bad happening to europe at this time.
You're just an island monkey shilling your countryman.
Should've died a long, terrible, agonizing death.
T. Bitter potato faggots
Churchill is a God tier Anglosphere leader who destroyed the Krauts and outkiked the Commies. In every generation the Anglosphere throws up winners like this and maintains global dominance. The present one is sending for bust of his predecessor as he completely purges the taint of King Nigger from the earth.
>"Keep England White" - t. Churchill
notorious White supremacist
in the South and the East maybe, the West is lost, you better strengthen your defenses and ties with Poland, Hungary.