This is actually what lefties believe

>This is actually what lefties believe

Holy fuck America, how do you endure these retards?

Are you the same guy that had a thread about moving here?

By dying a little each day that passes.

Even true free-market believers have a plan to take care of our poor, unlucky, and dregs.

There will never be enough jobs, there never was. Basic Income (~$20g/y) in a free market will cost 100x less than our current welfare system.

>you aren't better then them
Yes I am, I'm not a drug addict.




Hey, look, I don't wanna suck commie dick, but he ain't wrong about the cost. Try to be objective, it'd be relatively cheap to treat them if you compare with how much other bullshit states generally finance. Look into it. And some are more prone to addictions than others, you on your high horses.

Also try to see the bigger picture. Money put on drugs = more money to criminals, which means more crime and so on. Sup Forums you're fucking retarded sometimes, fuck

I agree, we shouldn't send money overseas unless it benefits the tax payers here.

>literally mo' money fo' dem programs

Fuck af Sven

No countries posts can trigger me as much as Swedens

Our (((public schooling system))) basically taught people to not think critically about anything and this is the result

It's pretty tough sometimes

So they want to make all drugs legal and then fully subsidize those who overuse them? Are they really that stupid?

More welfare for druggies = more money for criminals.

Isn't welfare, pensions and health care something like 60% of the total US budget?

Drug addicts should be forcibly rehabilitated and if not, euthanized. Drug dealers should be killed. People act like druggies are some sacred cow when they had a weakness of character that allowed them to become utterly worthless, and I laugh every time there's some controversy in Australia or the US like "oh shit Indonesia is going to execute a poor innocent white girl for trafficking cocaine!!!!" Duterte is a barbarous and necessary evil, a product of the societal decay in the Philippines.

>And some are more prone to addictions than others

Try not doing hard drugs then you fucking retard. It's pretty universal that HURR DURR CRACK, METH AND HEROIN ARE SUPER ADDICTIVE HURRR DUEERRR

Some people are more prone to obesity. Should we give them more money so they can be fat?

It's your fault for doing drugs and getting addicted. No one forced a pipe down your throat and made you smoke crack. You did it on your own free will.

Spot on. Medicare & Health (27%) and Social Security, Unemployment and Labor (33%) constituted exactly 60% of the 2015 Federal spending.

>THREE FUCKING FIFTHS of the total Federal budget as gibs

So many people in the US don't realize that about 55% of our entire federal budget goes to Social Security, Medicare/medicaid, and other welfare payments.

About 17% goes to defense.

Oh and maybe in another 5-10 years the cost of our debt service will outstrip our defense budget.

But yeah, It is nuclear costs and warfare that are breaking our balls.

"you need to give your money to the losers"
fuck you faggot, go have a real work and earn some money for yourself
"working is for sheep, burgeoisie=satan"
stop being a retard, why not being a poor loser is so evil for you?
"you're sheep, read dialectics, you have nothing to lose but your chains, we need big government to get money from people like you and give to losers like me, that's redpilled"

I understand libertarians, I really understand them

Now you know how everybody else feels about you leaf

it would be cheaper if they died

>big picture

nanny state increases dependence
every dollar to a druggie is one less dollar for a good citizen

I didn't even realize it was that high already

I'm not defending them you fucking retard, I'm saying we're saving money overall by helping them, despite how much you dislike that fact. Sit your ass down leaf and stop acting like a tumblerina.

My tweaking piece of shit of a brother has had thousands of dollars worth of (((support programs))) and it did nothing to help. I'm never "humanizing" drug addicts you dumb bimbo. Watching him voluntarily destroy himself on his own merit is enough for me not to.

Heap of softcocks being bred in your country rhese days desu
Hell thats the case eveywhere now. Hand holding schools enabling poofs to prosper.

I'm assuming he's talking about medical welfare, the non liquid kind, i.e not cash. Treatment and such.

Considering the opiate epidemic in my country I wouldn't be surprised if this degenerate whore is one of those addicts. The mental gymnastics these people do are worthy of an Olympic medal. In reality they need to either die, or be forced into rehab. If they relapse say, three times, death penalty.

>you are no better than them
Today on my way to work I walked by a drunk bum sitting on a milk crate screaming obscenities at passersby.

We're totally the same though.

>~12% of annual GDP as gibsmedats
>4 American cities in the 50 most dangerous cities in the world (St. Louis, Detroit, New Orleans, Baltimore)

You have to get rid of your nigger, America.

>you're no better than a drug addict
>it's not even that much more of your money they need to stay alive and keep pushin drugs

nigger problem*

Changing the laws on something illegal doesn't make the problem go away just because the crime stats drop

I always enjoy watching liberals go BSOD when I show them the federal budget, which very clearly shows defense spending to be less than 20%.

Some of these people genuinely think that 70-80% of the budget goes to the military, because that's what their poly sci adjunct professor told them.

The (((IDEOLOGY OF PEACE))) strikes again!

The thing is that you don't want them to get better you fucking retarded cuck.
You want them to die the fastest as possible.

Not really. I don't think anyone deserves anything.
I do think there are merits to welfare. I know this is a bit "hard" to believe, but the overwhelming majority of people who vote have jobs too. If they say "I am willing to pay into this, provided that everyone else does too," and enough people feel the same way, it is their right as the sovereign power of the USA to do that.

>Be Medical expert
>Develop drug that can cure cancer
>Get millions for curing cancer
>Get thrown in jail for having over 2 million dollars

Objectively, a bullet is very low cost.

>You are no better than them

but this is where you are wrong

With our tax dollars, unfortunately

i would honestly be surprised if no scandinavian countries gave welfare to drug addicts

Which app is that in Op?

and when hitler asks for money to fund his gas chambers I assume we'll pay him well in hopes that he'll use the money to go to a therapist right :^) We're all humans here

>Support them till they relapse and them support them again when they relapse again

No thanks, I know enough junkies to not give a fuck about them.


Don't you spend more on social shit more than any European country?

>Hey I think we should rebuild our infrastructure and increase education funding. I think the budget can handle it.

>How the fuck are we gonna afford any of that with these nuclear costs? They're enormous!

What the hell are nuclear costs? Fucking liberals.

>was a drug addict for 2 years
>got my shit together when I realized what I was doing
>quit everything cold turkey and moved somewhere in the country

Listen, I got to know a bunch of losers who will never amount to anything because they're so far into the drugs they're consuming they don't think about anything else. Some people just want to waste away, while others want to waste away on someone else's dime. Drug users are the latter.

>There will never be enough jobs, there never was
there would be if you didnt import massive amounts of shitskins. basic income is the best way to insure that your country will go to shit. not 1/10 of the people will work, and the basic income might last a few years top before everything crumbles

At least drug addicts spend money and keep the economy going. Not like you assholes.