>walking down an alley in USA in 2020
>"yo fork over the money whi' boy"
>pull 20 out of wallet
>see this face staring at you
How does this make americans feel?
>walking down an alley in USA in 2020
>"yo fork over the money whi' boy"
>pull 20 out of wallet
>see this face staring at you
How does this make americans feel?
>Use 50's from now on
>niggers in america in 2020
It puts me in the mood for mass gencoide against niggers.
When I actually carry cash it will be in $10's since most places don't take $50's or $100's Not touching those $20's
>get niggerface money just as paper money becomes obsolete
how does that make you feel OP?
like the faggot you are?
Do you mean 2030?
Oh shit, we're getting $12 bills?
>American education
I was hoping we'd have gotten rid of the Federal Reserve and its """Notes""" by this time.
Shit, someone replaced my cash with play money.
>implying I'll use even one of those bills
Just write nigger on every 20 you get
missing the joke leaf.
Come on leaf
I'll be doing this.
I don't give a fuck. Money is money. If you don't like your $20 bills you can give them all to me.
I will evolve by then, no longer need currency. You plebs cannot understand for I have decided to become a god. Do not fear my wrath will be swift. Reply to this post if you want to join me. We will create a new world.
>We get Darwin,Shakespeare,Newton and the Queen
>Americans get niggers and traitors
Paste green toned images of Morgan Freeman on everyone of them.
It's the fed's paper. I don't give a shit. Besides, she's been here before many European immigrants, on top of being a gun owner. American as fuck, of you ask me.
Who put Harambe on the 20 dollar bill?
Do any of you cucks actually fall for nigger intimidation?
They submit to white aggression. They were bred to be tamed by the angry white man.
It's extremely difficult to believe this is a woman. Heck, she barely even looks human.
I still don't understand why.. WE NEED A WOMAN ON CURRENCY REEEEEEEEEE