What happened to Ohio?
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That faggot Kasich.
cuckd so hard
>A misunderstanding
He accidentally ran those people over and slashed at them with a butcher knife.
I go to OSU. The day after the stabbing the instructors were all asking people if they wanted to share their feelings about the attacks before each class yadayada.
In my first class of the day some stupid bitch first makes the mistake of calling the Somali that committed the act Syrian. Then she goes on a 5 minute spiel about "Not all muh refugees are terrorists!" and "We need to let refugees in and be more loving!" Everyone was smugly nodding their heads in agreement. I fucking hate these people.
Wtf I hate Ohio now
this makes me worried for our future. what the fuck is happening in colleges these days?
i wasnt like this when i went
holy mother of Christ
all these apologists, now I know how Germany became so brutalized and so far gone
Not that I dislike the message of this video, but I doubt that 100% of people wouldn't confirm or use the word Terrorism.
You could stand outside any Liberal Arts Major building and likely get answers like these.
Then, you could stand outside any Business or STEM building and get answers not like these.
public funds shouldn't be allowed to be used for anything but science majors
>its the price we need to pay for our multiculturalism
>why don't you racists understand this?
>I would say it was a misunderstanding
>I think that that person experienced a lot of racism and racism is a traumatic experience
Is racism more traumatic than being STABBED WITH A FUCKING KNIFE
Yea they are probably camping outside the Gender Feels 101 classroom. It doesn't make the video any less jarring. But I see your point. They would probably cut any type of poltard interviews from this video.
I dont understand. They say that they should not bring up religion because not all muslims are terrorists. But why they bring up skin color when its about colonization. Its not like all whites are colonizers.
>Problem glasses
Every fucking time
Jesus christ. Ohio YES
So progressive lmao
>tfw you accidentally ran those people over and slash at them with a butcher knife.
Sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I could watch her lips move all day.
Not even once.
>it was a "misunderstanding", not terrorism!
>racism is "traumatic", and this is the response to that traumatic experience!
Okay. Let's set aside whether that cuckold would ever excuse white violence against brown people for similar reasons.
He's saying that it's totally natural for people of color living in racist white societies to butcher white people. And he likely defines "racism" as white people noticing higher levels of black/brown violence, or white people preferring to watch movies with white lead actors.
The only natural conclusion is that people of color shouldn't live in white societies.
Now imagine for a second the killer was a white "Christian".
>Defending a terroist
Fuck Ohio, they are bunch of cucks
Germans. 100% serious answer. Same thing that happened to most of America, really.
German blood is basically poison.
A lot of these same people would easily label Westboro Baptist as a domestic terror organization, just because they hold up signs.
I'm fed up with Islam being some fucking sacred cow.
It all begins with cucked beta feminized teachers.
Trump has German ancestory. Is Trump a cuck?
Are those cities full of Germans in Texas cucks?
Fuck off Schlomo
That lispy moussed-hair guy is probably a professor. With his ilk teaching and grading them, is this any surprise?
You can see the terror in that chubby girl who knows its terrorism, but knows she would be ostracized and mercilessly attacked by her peer groups if she said so on video.
>Is retarded
>Abused system entire life
>Born rich, tries to convince morons he's one of them
>They're german too so they believe him
>Within a week breaks every campaign promise
Yeah, you're the problem. And you faggots wonder why everyone wants you eliminated. I used to think the Morgenthau Plan was evil. Now I just realize it was being practical.
>Fuck off Schlomo
Also, why are jews almost exclusively found in the presence of germans? Hmmm really makes you think.
Oh Schlomo is triggered lmao
are these people real
According to a Stephen King novel the devil is from Ohio and worked his way there.
Seems about right to me.
Also, why the fuck are the people defending this shit? If the guy really did it because he was 'being picked on', don't you think he would've killed himself, instead? Why the fuck would he preform such a heinous act, that would certainly jeopardize the social standings of other Somali immigrants?
He obviously did this for reasons other than 'ohhh... the world doesn't understand me... I'm going to make the world understand me!!', so they need to stop treating it as such...
Ohioan here
I do think Rebel cherry picked this.
Obviously a faculty member would play it safe, and everyone else she talked to looked like a cuck.
I'dd just leave this here
So what's up with these /k/ memes?
Some of the states in them are not friendly to funs at all.
>tfw state got an F on gun control report card
Feels good
Did ISIS really claim responsibility? Sounds like bullshit.
According to legend, Stephen King is a pre-op MtF transgender and cucked his way there.
He did a cryptic Facebook post essentially pledging allegiance before the attack
Also ISIS recently published an English language magazine (Rumiyah) with instructions on the best knives & vehicles to use in lone wolf attacks but... I'm sure that's just a coincidence. It was obviously because of colonialism and racism and his traumatic experiences with those.
They literally claim responsibility for everything bad that happens now. It's impossible to know what they really even have involvement with anymore, unless the suspect declares allegiance prior or during the act.
And I thought we in Spain were fucked man. How stupids those people are.
>only country on the planet that made it a crime to use improper pronouns when addressing the mentally ill
>all that screeching
That whole video just screams ''muh feefees'' and ''muh safespace''.
Also kinda funny how the black is the only ''normal'' acting guy there.
Fucking leftists I swear
They always do. Remember when they claimed responsibility for the munich shooting?
The munich shooter was iranian shia muslim who wanted to convert to christianity and only killed sunni muslims.
ISIS are sunni muslims.
Cleveland in the 80's happened
Yes they did that same day
>Why I went my white daughter to a 98% black college
Probably because she looks like Sid from Ice Age
Yeah this is part of the reason I go to school in the south rather than OSU.
Well, mostly the weather and qts. But also this.
Title is clickbait. I was expecting some like attack on the word "terrorism" but that wasn't the case. Also many of the students weren't wrong. While I think that Islamic extremism is worse than Christian extremism, you still can't say that all of Islam is full of extremists. Also this seems more like an ISIS-inspired attack as opposed to an ISIS infiltration. Also what the girl said about there being bad people is correct. The reporter uses this to attack diversity but there are many different types of people that are non-violent. When was the last time you heard of an asian gay trans dude killing anyone? Also I don't see why it would be controversial to say that the dude's parents are sad that their son is dead.
Lol at the cop cracking up
Why do all these faglords sound Canadian?
>experiencing racism excuses murder
So can I go to a muslim country and start slaughtering random bystanders if I "feel" racism has been perpetrated against me? Because my ancestors for centuries actually had that shit happen to them because they were Christians in a muslim country, and they didn't go around murdering people because of hurt feefees. If I ever heard that dumb faggot say some stupid shit like that around my I'd fucking make him swallow his teeth. Why is the west so fucking pathetic that this is acceptable speech?
He loved America.
These people are not my countrymen.
I saw the demise of your education on first hand back in 2008.
My ENG 101 was a Feminist and most of our reading had some "feminist" theme to it.
I saw right through that shit and its disgusting and sad to see that this "left wing" way of thinking and teaching has taken over our institutions.
A "misunderstanding". Fuck Off.
Americans are the ultimate cuckolds.
If that were the case we wouldn't have blasted him nearly instantly.
Some colleges though, they are real fucked.
You're only 60% White.
You're cucked, and blacked.
>white people
ha ha ha you can't make this shit up
Where I live it's 94% white so it makes no difference to me.
Who doesn't love free shit?
nu-male just got tucked
Oh God it's surreal.
did it to yourself
side effect of living in the midwest
>t. ohiofag
I expect nothing less from our universities. Just a bunch of good goyim that are expected to repeat what they hear and give the words they speak no thought.
I always kek at the name faith goldy
shes qt but may be a reptile
Muslim terrorists allow for us to check the ultimate privilege you and I have: our lives.
Bless that man for trying to kill us, for our deep-rooted privilege keeps us from doing what we ought to do, which is kill ourselves.
ban this degenerate
what is this accent called?
can anyone name a christian who has gone around killing random people the way mussies do?
Don't you dare. top kek
these fags are at universities
Sad. Worst of all is the guy saying
> "I would call it a misunderstanding"
And the proceeds to say "it's the fault of racists".
By the way, are all American students so poorly capable of articulating thought?
> Amhh, Yeaah, Uhhhm, Eeerrr, You know, Uhhhm, Like and, Urrr, I mean
Come on....
>tfw I live in based Suburban Cincinnati where everyone is comfily center right
I don't think you could call this an ISIS attack because that conjurs images of this dude being trained in a camp somewhere and sent to the US to do this. I think its the equivalent of a school shooting where somone feels ostracized so they lash out.
That said, it was still Islam, and it was still inspired by ISIS. The fact these people can't come to terms with it is sad, but ultimately irrelevant now that the US is entirely republican with Mattis as sec def. Isis wont be around much longer.
Androgynous creatures are cute?
I honestly can't tell if it's male or female
>I'd say it's a misunderstanding
Instant sadness
>tfw you'll never be defended by Americans you've never met after you run over and stab a group of Americans
Im tired of hearing "a nation of immigrants" being used as justification. No matter what we went through before, we are no longer immigrants.
>real germans immigrated before WWII
>only cucks were left after
Plus, 10 generations seems to me more than enough to declare myself an American native.
I hope they are cherry-picking these, because that's just sad. Where is Joe when we need 'im.
>tfw 3rd generation American
Did the attacker swear allegiance to ISIS prior to the attack like the Pulse guy or was there previous evidence that he affiliated himself with them (reading literature etc..)?
hilarious. his delivery is ecstatic. and the pause before he says it
Why do people get trolled so easily?
gas them
Can I get these shirts for a discount now?
can somebody shoop a big black cock on this guys face
>Why I didn't let my white daughter have an lifelong-lasting advantage and denied her opportunity to have a better education to prove some stupid point that I only care about because I've been brainwashed to believe I should feel white guilt