Method of Extermination Thread

How would you exterminate the Jews?

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fuck off you degenerate cunt

Rollercoaster mine cars into gas filled ovens

Put on Burzum so loud that they melt

By any means possible. Shoot them, gas them, run them over with trucks, or beat them to death with baseball bats. It doesn't matter as long as they are dead in the end.

>Buy real estate in Jewish communities and sell to nig- er uh I mean peoples of color
>If any stores are available for rent set up timberland and Zumiez stores
>Buy out a shit tier fastfood joint and convert it to a KFC
>open gun shops thats sell kel-tec and high point fire arms
>Kill em with Niggers and diversity

Financial benefits for sterilization

Make them breed with every white person so that they are unpure in the next generation

Check mate.

Force them all to live amongst themselves. A parasite will die without a host.

No need to exterminate, just send them all to Israel where they belong.

straight to the oven no need for higher gas bills

Start by killing myself

Sup Forums is a jewish board now

Pay a Jew to create the most economically sound way of exterminating the jews.


it already happened

Build an economy place them at the top of it and then change the currency

I once read a sci-fi book about an alien race invading human worlds. The aliens were very logical creature, not a tiny bit of emotion, they tried to make everything the most efficient possible. The method they used to exterminate humans on conquered world was :


Lock them up in big open prisons, giant gulag with no guards, just high fences and wait...