Why is black, urban culture so enthralling to America's youth?

Why is black, urban culture so enthralling to America's youth?

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jewish mind tricks

Because chivalry is now seen as oppressive because its "traditional gender roles", while open whoring is not.

Who knows.

give it 20 years.
Gen Z and younger hate this shit

Because white culture is toxic, but mainly because it's made for retards, aka blacks and young people.

because traditional european-americanistic culture stopped being cultivated, so they have to lean to the only thing avaliable, or become autistic 4channers.
why? because white grown ups were shamed from their heritage and culture, so they distanced themselves form it.

Exotic, foreign, rebellious, decadent, exciting, and yet originates right at home in the US of A.

probably for the same reason kids like going to the zoo. primitive monkeys can be very entertaining... until they start throwing their shit everywhere.

same reason why we used to throw savages into a ring with a lion just to watch them die

its bad for the inner cities but its defiantly cool and entertaing


When i hear kids from Oslo speak somali slang i just want to end it all.....
>Adda bror

Jesus, it's that bad, eh?

Because there is no modern European culture, at least for mere mortals. I know some rich people who engage in more "classical" activities but mass culture is trash.

Because it's all about sex and having fun

That's literally it. Young people are horny. Same reason rock got popular, except hip hop does it better because dindus channel primal impulses better than whitey

classy vid

i dont care about somalis doing it, but when tha palest norwegian goes off on shitskin rants, i wanna hang myself

>wallah brushan, schmo kæbe. Har du noe floser ellleh?

This. I don't see why we can't find something entertaining and not acknowledge its detrimental effects. Doing the shit in Grand Theft Auto is obviously bad but its fun to play.

I don't see how you can defend that and not defend gangsta rap music.

>Because there is no modern European culture

>t.Nihilistic scum

cause en mass your youth is really REALLY fucking dumb, that goes for england as well as some other western countries.

Why are thighs so sexually inviting?

>Because there is no modern European culture
The only reason you're saying that is because your culture is European. You don't see the difference because you can't.

Go visit Africa or Asian and you'll quickly discern what European culture is.

its a visual sign your approaching closer to the magical walls

To quote Fooly Cooly "It takes an idiot to do cool things, that's why it's cool"

Point is, it's easy to be stupid, and liberal, and things like that. It's easy to be blissfully unaware, and that's what black culture is all about

Jewish Media.

Lurk more fuckhead.

I hope so but I haven't seen any evidence of this. How do you know?

Young people are stupid. They always have been, and always will be

It's rebllious, an when you're young that's all you want to do.

Black culture are what you could call "cool".
on the other hand, white stuff can be labeled as "bored".
i said "stuff" because i don't think there's such thing as white culture.

He's Styx

Why is Sup Forums obsessed with black people?

i think that what is "cool" is turning around. or good god at least i hope it is. im sick of the glorification of being a crappy human being.


lol i forgot about those
my bad

Because kids are stupid. You were. I was. We were all dumb little fucks. I remember debating on the cultural significance of gangsta rap to my dad when I was like 16 in 1998'ish. Embarrassing as all hell now. 90% outgrow it by the time they're 21.


Bretty gud legs n feet.

why is foot fetish so popular with millennials?

because it's the culture of IDGAF until the white man takes away my welfare

A&R giving unbalanced attention to black artists.

The issue is A&R agents and records labels.

It begins and stops with this.

There have been some amazing black musicians from the 70s ( more often individual free thinkers and very articulate )

Trap music is trash.

Because feet like those in the OP exist.

Because it makes it cool to be a piece of shit.

Back when rock ruled, well you had to learn guitar or whatever, which is hard and takes skill , a lot of patience and hard work and talent.

Any retard can make a rap or electronic song that is good enough to get into today's charts.

when rock ruled, you had to be a fucking BEAST on the drums too.


Because they want to help. But they just don't know how.


Like Grover Washington, Jr., for example

Objectively this.

It's a market. America is hardmode hivemind atm.

why are feet sexy?

>Hebrew trying to push fetishes on us

white boys and girls admire the bbc

Bloody oath you'd wanna be a fit cunt.

Even 80s pop took a lot of skill. It takes exceptional talent to make a song that has broad appeal and is timelessly good.

Not bad. That cunt sounds like the cunt from Led Zep.

It's in your genes, I have this too. Just ignore the normies and be thankful that so many women wearing sandals are unintentionally turning you the fuck on, they will never understand.

Is there some rule with proms now where white girls have to go with nigs? But they're not actually a couple? Please let that be so.

Black culture, as exemplified in rap music, is attractive to young white males because it offers a masculinity and freedom that white culture is severely lacking.

Women, instead of being the empowered feminist paragons they're portrayed to be in mainstream media, are treated as bitches and whores. Men act on animalistic urges, engaging in violence when necessary to protect themselves or loved ones, and are sexually satisfied and powerful, taking pussy when they want it from weak and needy women who they will throw away afterward. Men are bad boys who aren't held back by beta male cultural norms or even laws, making their living exactly how they choose, whether that means drug dealing or some other kind of "hustle."

I ain't complaining, I got a leggings fetish and whores wear them all the time.


sounds right to me.

it's entertaining



There are several reasons

>Youth of today don't know anything else
Do you even know how much ghetto trash MTV pumps out? The media always push blacks as the "cool, subversive, socially connected" people and portray black culture in a much more positive light than it is in reality

>Influence of BLM and SJWs
Get in line or be called a racist

>Lack of any real alternatives
White people often do not understand their own culture if they even think they have a culture. Whites are diverse, blacks all behave mostly the same. It's easy to look to black people and see a uniform identity, not so with whites. Additionally, traditional conservative "get married, have kids, be an upstanding citizen, contribute to society" is seen as safe and boring by children, who look for cheap thrills. Black culture, with its emphasis on drugs, violence, and sex, provides that

>It's easy
Achievement is too much effort
Meaningful relationships are too much effort
Dressing nice takes too much effort
Being a coked up freak on welfare complaining about how hard life is and getting massive sympathy from your instagram buddies is easy

yeah. if a black guy can't find a date, a white girl has to go out with him. it's kinda like affirmative action.

Do young people even watch MTV?

They did when I was in grade school
Don't know about now, but it's not like it's just MTV. It's black characters in almost all American media that are like this

This, nigger music is superior, you can hate niggers and still like rap. They use white technology, medicine, inventions and hate white people we can do the same.

Of course. I know that young people watch a shitload of youtube and netflix and they're probably worse.

white kids are told that it's wrong to have a white identity, so they turn to other cultures

In a country of 200 million your going to have some degenerates. White men are actually more degenerate and race mix at 10 times the rate white women do (with asian girls).

Speaking in rhythmic monotone over fake instruments about bitches and hos isn't music

I love soul, jazz and blues, but holy shit, fuck rap

im pretty sure so many people have a foot fetish that normies are the ones who do have it

It's the most common fetish out there. Hell, even women have it.

the desire for niggermusic is slowly fading
President Trump will help aid in the extinction of mainstream rap for the most part

We need to bring back real rock music, desu
not some coldplay niggerdom

More like "who nose".

I'm pretty sure my mom has a feet fetish. She always checks my feet so I feel uncomfortable walking around her barefoot;)

That's nigger culture, friendo.

I think there are many smart blacks on the intelligence spectrum, like Dr. Ben Carson for example. But as a whole race, they lag in intelligence. Some of the music coming from nigger culture is insane. I used to feel cool listening to that shit when I was young, but I'm old-man level towards that bullshit now. I can't even listen to it because it just immediately pisses me off. Maybe some Snoop or old stuff, or good hip-hop mixed in with Acid Jazz.

I do have a question though... why do blacks drive so fucking aggressively? Maybe I answered by own question up there.


I find this hard to believe. I'm into femdom and I don't even like feet.

Large breasts and asses are probably a way more common fetish

>Foot fetish
Dude, get help.



>Foot fetishism is the most common form of sexual fetish related to the body.

u gay?

It's cool and hip. White and Hispanic people have no culture to latch onto, so they choose what is available.

t. gay

Because the (((media))) pushes it.

That's not what it said, you faggot, and it only lists one source for that, and additionally, none of the other articles even have sections on prevalence

But I'm not debating this further. This will be the only (you) I shall grant.

this is how white people rock the drums. (prt 2)


Uhh. Hello. Have you ever turned on a radio or a TV


Sheep will be sheep, buddy. And compared to working a hard honest job it's an easy alternative that isn't completely dull

>Oy vey the boner grows

feet thread inc