The New Irish
At least he's wearing a green shirt, just saying.
Muslims are a mess
>Oi fookhead, you're blocking the doorway
No, it's a safety hazard. Keep the exits clear. When on the bus, please remain seated or use the hand rail.
Push button and spartan kick him out the bus
If he wasn't stepped on by departing passengers the Irish only have themselves to blame.
>visit ireland
>all media did was talk about how shitty they were at bringing immigrants in
>also pregnant mothers drinking
some kid also died in derry while I was there and they made such a big deal out of it
euro media sucks
as long as he doesn't mind me stepping on his rug on the way out
seriously though is it offensive to step on the rug? is it like some magic rug?
Train comes to a hard stop muzzie ends up crashing through the glass window on his carpet all the way back to Pakistan
Talk about magic flying carpet.
this isn't in Ireland you fucking retard
We should start religion where we have to pull our dicks out everytime we see a girl in public as a sign of respect for our Lord and saviour kek.
Why is he taking the bus when he has a magic carpet?
seconding this
i wanna know
Wait a fucking minute, if the bus goes on the turnabout, is he gonna spin like a fucking dreidal, and will he bomb himself afterwards for being jewish.
Traditional Green Irish Prayer Mat
this is turkey lol
user, see your doctor. You may be a dog.
Stay poor and backwards, Eastern Europe. It's the only way to save yourselves.
They only get offended if you stand in front of them. Apparently it's the same of praying to you like you're an idol. Is haram.
They'd also get mad if you stood on their rug without first taking off your shoes.
I actually laughed hard aloud
Thank you Bulgaria
If I were there I'd kick the shit out of that cunt.
If that fucking faggot has the nerve to prey in his shit mat in public I have to right to kick his ass and piss on his shit.
Disgusting nigger.
At least NI is still enough of a shit hole (in the major population centres at least) that there are only like 5000 of them here.
>set up prayer rug infront of door
>yell that you're being opressed when everyone tries to get on or off
>watch as infidels get arrested for trying to use the subway
We'll do to them what we did to the Proddys.
that's blue, you fucking sandwich
Muslims think so much like Jews it's not even funny.
that's the LUAS you spaz
IIRC, it flies
If that train moves won't the direction of Mecca change? If Allah is so great then why is it only Muslims dying?
Does this guy WANT to get dropkicked?
Embarass yourselves while they write 90% of your books?
you can't do that shit in front of the door, you gotta use the disabled seat
how's your end of the spectrum?
espectro del autismo
Dont step on the rug, its pretty nice looking
You can stomp him into a puddle but dont let it get on the rug
catholics and their mother worship...
seamus heaney +100 lit points
colm toibin -1,000 lit points
you do the math
what if the train takes a corner
does he have to switch direction?
You may be a slimy limey, don't bother seeing a doctor, no hope, you rotten tooth.
Ok Nerderlands, it's blue alright, maybe to a breakfast cake eating backdoor packer like yourself.
Are you colorblind?
How's the end of the cock, you fucking leaf?
I don't understand this joke
Of course. Then he can claim persecution and get more money out of people and pity from SJWs.
surely this is objectively worse than manspreading
Someone tell him that a driver can open a door, not the allah.
I'm starting to think Euros party so hard in the backdoor that they start seeing blue. What the hell are you guys doing over there in Europe? Calm down.
It probably has to do with your british humor and what not, stale.
>train turns around the corner
>mecca suddenly isnt that way anymore
>prayer doesnt count that way
>gets send to hell
Eastern Europe still has muslims, they're just steppe muslims
There's not a single Irish person in that pic.
So effing dumb. Brainwashed since birth. I actually fell sorry for the dude. He has no clue about reality. He need to watch the Cosmos series starring Carl Sagan. And learn that he came from a puddle of water and amino acids 3.5 billion years ago. Not Allah or Muhammad or whatever the fuck he was taught.
I said the rosary tonight, knowing in full confidence I belong to Christ's original church.
You are protesting true Christianity, how does that feel?
To be fair the proddys started shit
They also think because they screamed uncle it should have stopped.
the mussies haven't done anything... yet.
This is the only option
I don't understand why they can't get off a stop and pray there. I mean, if they REALLY need to pray at THAT EXACT MOMENT why do they need to do it right in front of the door??
This represents rare cases though, as Canadian Muslims (or Muslims in Canada) aren't retarded like the rest of the worlds Muslims are for some reasons.
Yeah like that Pegida demo in Dublin earlier this year..where 10 anti Islamic protesters showed up (most of those were English, ya know the country your all still fucking focused on for shite that happened already) and about 1000 paddies turned up on behalf of Islam, with bloody hoodies up and balaclavas on, eager to kiss ass for the counter protest..your fucking dreaming if you think the Irish have a handle on this crisis, most of em are happily bringing the end of their own country the stupid brainwashed cunts. Peter Sutherland is one of the main heads of the EU hydra and he is pushing for the destruction of this country along with the rest of Europe. Your two cunts Bono and Geldof are the media mouthpieces for this shite and what are the Irish people doing???? Celebrating that they went and voted for gay marriage.
Sinn Fein want to stay in the EU and they are the fucking nationalist party.
>38 year old
>Always lived in pakistan
Never once in my life have I ever seen a person pray like that in a bus
So this is what republicanism has given Ireland.
At least the Irish are ''''free''''' as a people.
>they think they can pray to a rock on the other side of the world
>however if a SINGLE PERSON stands in their way it's like someone drew a bombhead Muhammad
>they just ignore the fact that there are likely hundreds or thousands of people standing between them and the rock, not to mention the curvature of the Earth means they are actually praying in the direction of space
Pic related
>won't the direction of Mecca change?
Ireland is fucked and deserves to be fucked. I've seen no sign of any guts in the people here since I showed up 10 years ago from England.
I'm the only cunt I ever see complain about things like shit food in takeaways or shit customer service where the people beside me are perpetually struck fucking dumb with cowardice.
I was in a que for groceries and some old biddy was returning rotten fruit she bought the day before..the Irish manager berated her and talked to her like shit...in front of a long que of people and not one said fuck all to that twat EXCEPT the one Englishman there..pathetic.
If I told that Muslim to cop on it would be one English accent on a tram, which I fucking guarantee would result in a dozen paddies attacking me for being a racist Brit.
Irish blood but not a fucking Irish brain thank fuck
nice trips. feels like i'm driving down the dakota pipeline to wear an indian headdress and pass a blunt with my bois
I have cousins from Meath, but they're all fags.
i love that show
The Muslims are openly pissing on your country by praying on public transport, knowing full well they are blocking the walkway and door. Knowinfull well they are aggravating and intimidating a tram full of white people. Dick head. You don't even see that shit in England.
Your part of the fucking problem.
this carpet is turned where Mekka is
so what if the bus turns left/right?
I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride
You should see the average "man" in Dublin if we're talking about fags. I stopped drinking the tap water long ago just Incase.
What are we lookin at here boyz? Public transport prayer? Does he know how dirty the floor is? Does he have a compass on him. So many layers to this.
Hows Ireland like? Am white catholic btw so I hope I fit in
if you didnt curbstomp him out of the bus you are a cuck
>praying to a door
stupid mudshits
Is the guy in the background sitting on the lap of a woman wearing a Mexican flag burka?
You're always welcome to go back to England.
Now, now. Let''s be p.c., he's a dune coon not a nigger.
Exactly, he isn't doing it for the sake of praying obviously. He is doing it for the sake of pissing on his new territory.
I lived on a street in England where Irish gyppos invaded. They used similar tactics, like sitting in chairs in the middle of the pavement..not illegal but designed to intimidate and let everyone know who the boss is..so the regular Irish people should know all too well the games these types of cunts play..and this isn't no prayer to Mecca obviously.
All that idol worship of the satan cube and they are not praying they are reciting vain empty text BIG DIFFERENCE
It is a pedophile cult and they are taught to raise their butts to their imman from a very early age.
Irish citizen ya stupid cunt. By the way it shows your pure ignorance which is so rife in this country. I'm full blooded Irish on both sides..but born in England so in your book I'm responsible for the crimes of the British empire ya thick cunt. Yeah I've met a few hundred dumb cunts like you alright. That's exactly why you deserve your Islamic paradise.
Ah, so you're Irish then, not English?
Fuck off you traitorous West Brit.
Safety hazard
That's why he has the carpet and probably yes has a compass, maybe on his phone. If you have two cents of sense you can look at the sun and find out where the qiblah is
LMAO those niggas have to face east when they pray
allah gonna smite that boi soon as dat bus turns right
If not it will be soon.
Do something.
So not much then.
I'd step on his rug as a I passed in front of him to exit and if he said anything I'd kick him in the face.
I'm sick of these fucking cunts.
What do these people pray about for 5 times a day? How do they not run out of wishes?
>Has been a country for just about 100 years
>already giving it up to mudslimes
Wow Ireland
Just don't do it in Australia, unless of course you want to be raped and beaten by your lovely Lebanese.
How does he stay in line with mecha when the bus turn?
Just remember, Saemus, at least you aren't up north. You can always take solace in that.