What's wrong with communism?
What's wrong with communism?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's communist
>The state oppresses us!
>The solution is to have the state violently take power complete power over every facet of our lives!
>Full Communism!
This meme needs to get thrown out of a chopper already.
Don't forget to sage.
It doesn't work.
Planned economies are structurally inefficient at allocating resources and often lead to oversupply and shortages of important products and services.
A benevolent supercomputer might do a better job humans have proven to be pretty shit at it
>A whole fucking loaf
It's a system of government/living that is not possible in anything bigger than a small village.
It is not in people's nature to share with the expectation of nothing in return, and that everyone is equal to one another.
If communism could work, it would objectively be the best system, but it just can't.
OP has already left, every communist thread's OP has 1 post by this ID
>repairing your economy
Sure worked wonders for the economies of the Soviet Union, China, Venezuela, and others!
Behind you!
I would think commies would be against animal abuses like bull fighting.
>Repairing your economy
It's incredibly bad at creating wealth in comparison to capitalism.
Most people get to be equally wealthy, but at the same time poorer than the poorest people in a half decent capitalism economy.
My grandma had to line up at 6am to get the weekly meat ration, it was just one piece of meat.
>restoring your country
>repairing the economy
Communism will never work because all communists must die
Everything. Get out Kim Jong Un.
You assume that people in control will be good and do what is right. Communist countries become dictatorships because power hungry men rise to the top and lie about helping the poor when they make themselves rich and powerful.
incompatible with non-eusocial species
People can never be equal, some will use resources more effective than others even if the playing field is level. When has a government ever been able to have enough power to control industry and not abuse it? People will always be jealous of communities, groups, congregations and equality is a fallacy. Some people like Nickola Tesla would deserve more resources than you or I would. Explain to me how communism wouldn't hold back cultural, social, economic, artistic and scientific progress over the course of 200 years? A free market is nessecary to regulate prices and keep a market stable, look how bad we are at for casting our economy we don't know how to do it so we would have to manipulate our currency like China. Also why does the government have the right to deprive me of my religion? That's a human right going back to the enlightenment and the tenant that settled America. How can the government keep up with the rapid development of technology a free market provides? When someone has an idea it would take going through endless buerocracies to make the idea come to fruition vs finding investors
what's wrong with fucking off to Reddit jr.?
You forgot "gay"
nothing wrong with communism
No that user is right, you do really need to die. Preferably while waiting in line for socialized health care.
maybe they were the lucky family that got a whole loaf*
*contains 80% woodpulp
how many more timeS do you fAgGots nEed to die on this hill?
Exhibit A the end result for socialism. Corruption ALWAYS corruption. They ones at the top help themselves because that is human nature.
the west also practices it
not everyone is a mulatto that passively accepts things as they are just yet, but even if you set up full on CRISPR fuck-camps you would still have outliers and elements that would destabilize the system after a while
you're a delusional crypto-fascist and should take a long hike into the Balearic Sea
As long as it's regulated to the trash heap of history, I can agree.
Humans are greedy by nature and system collapses on itself.
Commies basically replace one elite then grow into another.
These look like Trump's campaign promises. All that's missing is the wall
>What's wrong with communism?
it's never working as claimed
where does it work?
Fundamentally; It goes against the basic human instinct on every level.
every politician is out for their own interest
you'd think le spooky property boi the board would have some understating of that
communism does to people what jurassic park does to dinosaurs
>What's wrong with communism?
You mean besides the millions of lives it's taken?
inb4 That's not "real" communism.
>Repairing the economy
I'll take things that never happened for 6,000,000, Alex.
Sets them free?
The government has failed us. What we need is MORE government!
It's Jewish.
Just what is Real Communismâ„¢ anyway?
A whole loaf? Without any char marks or glue or some other shit mixed into it?
Fake and gay (literally might be the case, Pyongyang has fake food)
'Restoring your country'
'Repairing your economy'
'Fighting corporate corruption'
'Who am I voting for? Hillary of course'
- every millennial 'communist'
Outside of meme answers, it is because it assumes every human being is a altruistic. It works great in theory, but when its actually applied it falls apart. It will never be truly tried as not everyone is an altruistic person. Notice that the vast majority of communist countries are ran by shitbags, just like any other country. Except now you've given those people all kinds of power.
>worked wonders for Venezuela
>Headlines: "Venezuela's Money Is So Worthless, They're Weighing It Instead Of Counting It"
The kind that has killed literally hundreds of millions because of tyrants (the government) who always go power crazy when they reach office.
It always happens, every single time.
Now, if we were going to be Nationalistic and purge the liberals, I wouldn't have a problem with that at all. We more than likely won't though, so no thanks.
>degrading your country
>crippling your economy
>enabling corporate corruption
Because it does none of those things
Communists fail from the start. They assume that private ownership of the means of production is inherently bad when it is actually good. Public ownership is not actually possible, the only way to manage that much resources is to have a system owned by someone or something. Public ownership is actually just state-ownership in other words one group owns everything. With private ownership many people own different parts of the whole means of production which leads to competition over the means of production. This competition actually gives more power to the people than the state can because if the people do not like what one company is doing they will go to their competitors which encourages the companies to be at the whims of the consumers. Capitalism in a pure free market form is the best system for the people. Maybe it isn't flawless but you can work out the flaws with each other and figure out how to fix them the solution is not communism though.
Communism in its purist form doesn't work at all. It encourages laziness, destroys a countries economy, and produces half assed commodities (ex soviet automobiles, cheap electronics, ect ect). Mixed market communism is pretty ok, china is doing pretty well. Only problem is that for the system to work the government has to lock up people who don't agree with them in order for the one paryy system to stay in power.
It doesnt work
>I do all the work
Do squatters not exist in Hungary?
fuck off
>read gulag archipelago
>sage all commie threads
>ignore bad pro-commie memes
>hey maaaaaaan, like why don't you go build a skyscraper
>nah man I'll just answer phones
getting paid the same, makes sense
No Hungarians aren't Slavs
I don't know, maybe you ask all the people risking their lives trying to escape communist countries.
this doujin would have been my fav if it wasnt for the fucking urethral insertion
Ever notice how neo-commies are never from a socialist country?
Oh you mean the Capitalist shills that escape the country because the no longer can make profit. Those that flee to the capitalist countries to spread their lies because those poor souls we need to take them in and listen to them without question.
Yeah no. Fuck them, they are nothing more that little prokies that are upset that they can't play in their jungle with other prokies like themselves and can't exploit the workers anymore.
requires massive coercion, always leads to abuse of power
denies human nature and seeks to drag everyone down to the lowest common denominator
Read this: robertlstephens.com
PDF version : ia801404.us.archive.org
Communism is an idealist fantasy that was proven again and again to be full of contradictions.
You have the full set? Like with the office and all that? I saw it on the Encyclopedia Dramatica forums years ago
its globalism.
>restoring country
>reparing the nations economy
youre thinking of strasserism
>waaah my boss is exploiting me! i need my bottle
fuck off nigger. My grandparents left russia just before the revolution ended. The ended up being working-class stiffs who managed to work their way into the upper-middle class, instead of being starving peaseants in russia.
dub trip and dub
Sup Forumss ideology is strasserism. kek wills it
It's not national socialism
>ask Venezuela.
Unironically this.
Why do commies have a problem with people working hard for themselves and being rich for themselves ?
Doesn't even fucking work in theory labor theory of value is autistic along with Marx's assertion that workers must be exploited to reap new profits.
t. economist
Village units in rural Africa are communist. Anything you produce is taken and distributed to everyone else. It doesn't work in any circumstance.
Because they lack the ability, either through laziness, mental illness or too much anger, to get rich themselves.
>62 people have as much wealth as the poorest half of the world combine.
That's around 3.7 billion people. I guess all of them just haven't worked hard enough.
It's like they don't know how this all works at all. They actually hate the big corporates that control everything. Like, what, they're more afraid of PRIVATE companies trying to do whatever they want without harming other people, than the big government that uses public money for bad stuffs that we didn't ask for.
"Restoring your country"
Those imaginary things that shouldn't exist??
is this satire, or do you honestly believe that people DESERVE money just for being shit out of their mother's uterus?
Also, are you black?
No trade in the means of production = No rational economic calculation
>implying communists know/care about economics
That figure is misleading. Vacant homes include houses for rent or sale or repair.
Why are communist memes so weak? They're just lame recolors of ones already used here for years.
God Homestuck went off the rails.
Socialists deserve to suffocate.
>The state oppresses us
>the solution is to rise up, arm ourselves and take complete power and buttfuck the state and corporations alike
>Everyone has guns
>the working class dicating over the place
>Full Communism!
Doesn't the government prop up the housing market making sure buying a house is very difficult and expensive?
Rly mks u tnk