Who would win?
Fuck off Amerifag
Why u salty tho??
Jokes on you, we aren't infested with nig nogs
no it's just poles and pakistans right?
You sure about that imam?
You forgot about Spain and the Netherlands and you guys just being plain faggots and not surrendering like gentlemen when your capital was taken and shooting British soldiers while not in a battle.
jokes on you we can own knives to fight said nignogs
Britain wasn't the most powerful empire at the time and you were supported by the rest of Europe
>t. Janusz al-Londoni
user the Empire wasn't taht big at the time, we actually grew after the people that made your country left (lets be honest, you're not of British descent).
t. Hungarian clay
>white Americans are 50% Italian
>Britcucks endlessly spam muh Vietnam farmer meme
>get mad when burgers spam muh illiterate rebellious farmer meme
I-it's different because reasons!
>surrendering like gentlemen
wew cuck
Unfortunately, I am. British and Irish.
Sorry no niggers allowed
you also received a fighting force of the french that was larger than the entire british army at the time... and guns and the french navy attacked the carribean to cut off british sugar supply, which they considered to be more important than your 13 colonies... let that sink in... you are less important than sugar...
>Austrian clay
at least get your memes right nigger
Just muslimes that rape your children right?
>nonwhite country by 2066
At least we got Catholic spics, have fun with your caliphate.
Hey why dont all u faggot Countries bring your guns to America, and lets see Which Flag is left Standing.
Have fun being a minority
Americans were the ones who hired German mercenaries.
Catholics are pagans
Not anymore. We basically own Earth now.If anyone's less valuabkle than sugar, it's you, noon-country.
Have fun getting on your knees for Allah.
>What is London
Stupid bongs
Not an argument
>implying pagan holidays aren't awesome
Implying I ever wanted to make an argument and not annoy random Americans because I'm bored and drunk.
Ultimately all whites will lose in the future unless something drastic happens.
The Americans won a long time ago. They threw a tea party over it iirc.
As a hispanic I'm glad white people ignore the largest minority and focus disproportionately on black people. That is why I didn't want Trump to be president. Never before has anyone made Hispanics their main issue. At least white people think all Hispanics are Mexican so they will put all their energy into building a wall and dealing with illegals thinking that will make a difference. I honestly don't see how they can save themselves outside of race war.
RIP white people.
We beat the shit out of them fueled purely on Guinness and potatoes.
The British Empire is nothing.
They were busy, and didn't really care, all that much.
dawg, brits got wrecked but that's clearly a map of the british empire plus league of nations mandates circa 1920.
this is what we fought against.
You don't own nothing, goyim. You are rapidly being displaced by the neocons and capitalists in your government who have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain in terms of profit by bringing in cheap, third world labour from Mexico and elsewhere whilst your delusional ass gets sidelined and suffers unemployment and increasing anti-white man sentiments from the now overwhelmingly non-white population of the United States.
Enough with your divide and conquer horse shit. You guys were only ever good as an abortion of the Brits, and now that it's over you're losing to EVERY other ethnic group in the world that's moving in at rapid and rates that can't be sustained, wanting a slice of that sweet American pie. Pull your head out and realise your country's elites and political class are not interested in your white ass and YOU don't own anything, because you are not America. You're just some stupid yank who thinks he's a part of some conquest and domination despite never leaving his couch his entire life.
It's no longer about America vs Brits or USA vs Europe, it's about whites versus everyone else, and sadly Europe is taking a page out of your shitty book and mongrelizing its population with your patented muh melting pot/we are a nation of immigrants horse shit.
Fucking lel. Don't even try britcucks
Not fully defeated yet brother
Tiocfaidh ár lá
"While the measures won't stop people from watching whatever genre of porn they desire, as video shot abroad can still be viewed, they do impose severe restrictions on content created in the UK"
Did you even read it?
We will unite Ireland under the house of Windsor and the Union Jack
STFU republinigger
Wasn't Spain more powerful?
What Union Jack? There is more Islamic flags and foreign flags in the streets of the U.K. than Union jacks, brexit is going to cause the fall of the U.K. and it's going to be glorious
>we will unite Ireland under the iron first of genocidal German Jewish inbreds and the flag of a failed empire
What a future to look forward to.
You can tell this was made by a spic.
>You can't even keep your own country together.
Ah but I am a scot
US navy in WW2 was the biggest navy ever seen, even the modern US navy is only a fraction of what it was like in its prime! Gotta love the US industrial capacity
To be fair, thats even better. I'm from the North and every British pornstar has that fucking cockney accent which I detest so usually avoid all British porn anyway.
How does it feel to be England's bitch??
Don't have the balls to go it alone. No need to be jealous of us.
Yes you are.
Scotland was a big supporter of the IRA, a lot of scots hate Britain because they were treated much like the Irish however no where near as bad. A second Scotland referendum needs to be done, Scottish brothers should not have to pay for Britain mistake
Here comes the Irish American niggers
It isn't rape if nigel watches.
I'm half Irish, half Scottish ;)
I voted remain because staying in the United Kingdom is better for Scotland than leaving it. The SNP have no clue what they are doing, so the safer thing is to remain in the UK for now. Besides we scots and irish contributed a lot to the British Empire. Why give up now?
The biggest tragedy in history is that we didn't wipe out your race
We need to turn Battersea into a functioning power station again using Irishman as fuel
>start a war that kills much of the white population cause you're too much of a chimpanzee to pay taxes
Why are Americans such niggers?
Because every economist had predicted a recession for Britain, Scotland relies on a lot of EU grants that the UK will not be afford to replace. Ireland has offered full support to Scotland if they decide to leave the U.K.
The world is only 8% white. We are all a minority.
Nice trips.
Maybe someday Scotland will be independent, but now is not the time. The SNP will just lead us to ruin.
You know where we are, come get some. Only this time we have guns too
no your a nigger concern trolling
If Ireland gets involved in British politics this is a declaration of war
We will invade and wipe you clean off the map
Make Ireland Anglo again
Spain will veto Scotland's independence though
>you are less important [...]
>said fucking BELGIUM
Why don't you swing on a vine back to your jungle bog dweller
Never Anglo. 800 years of resistance.
An idea of the Celtic corridor is being purposed where Scotland will enter into an economic union with Ireland where both parties will have no control over eachother laws, army etc. but will allow Scottland into the EU by default
I'm not an Anglo :^)
An ideas of the Anglo corridor is being roses where Great Britain will enter into a Union with Ireland where the Anglo race will have control of the Irish parliament, army, laws etc. and will take Ireland out of the EU and into the British Commonwealth
Never said you were leaf.
Remember that time we invaded you though? That was fairly funny.
Fuck off we are white
I'm moving to the UK for work
Sick of all the mexicans
Remember that time when shops would have signs up that said "help wanted, Irish need not apply" good times, good times
Forgive my squirrly ignorance but, aren't Irishman anglo???
-t mayor Kahn.
I just remember each time the Irish stood up Britain cried for peace and negotiations, they couldn't afford a war of attrition against the fighting irish
>Prime Minister is the bastard spawn of the former PM's wife and a communist dictator
Why are Canadians such cucks?
No we are Irish. Anglo is british
I'm Hung-Aryan
Get it? aryan
And no Irish are niggers in white mans clothing
Fuck off Romanist
About as white as the other 40% of America anyways.
We will always resist
We will never forget
We are Irish
Tiocfaidh ár lá
Nice meme
Oh. ;-;
Well that explains why Irish girls are qts unlike british girls.
Cool story bro
Ur alright man.
Brazil is a beautiful place. You guys make pretty scary porn though.
serious question, didn't the guiness company support the queen and protestant? aren't they the enemy?
my grandpa is from county Kerry, im supposed to hate protestants
are you that stupid, really to think you could defeat the greatest empire on this earth by yourselves without the entire force of the largest armies in the world.
And now 50% spanish country with the shortest superpower status in history where white people have to beg for forgiveness, you won, you keep saying it.
Was there a point to be made here? Cuz I am looking at a map that says on it it is pre 1776. We Americans are pretty dope for taking all that land from yous guys.